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The Queen of the South thread

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Absolutely shocked and disgusted that the BOD did not listen to the fans. The right decision was made by the majority to put Rangers in Div 3. The damage to QOS caused by voting YES will be far greater than Messers Hewitson,Robertson and Patterson think. They are certainly on a different planet than the supporters. Also the article in the Record today with Davie Rae was cringeworthy and embarrasing beyond belief. Im pretty down and gutted tonight but I wont be turning my back on the club I have supported for most of my life, the current BOD wont be here for ever but hopefully the club will be. I feel sorry for the management team and players as they really need our support and backing this season and I will certainly give it but the current board have certainly let the side down this time.

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"The club are well aware of the strong opinion of the fans and have read all the comments, emails etc sent to the club and fans should rest assured that they are being listened to."

...and then completely fucking ignored, for the benefit of...???

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Totally disgusted with the board's stance on this.

The boards statement indicates that they regard self interest to take precedence over integrity.

I live away from Dumfries but still buy a season ticket, at considerable financial disadvantage, because I want to support the club as best I can when unable to be there in person. Well sod that in future, I'll pay at the gate for the odd home game that I make it to , looking after my own financial self interest. Reap what you sow.

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I think the clue to your board's decision lies in the words: "one which they felt best protected their shareholders ".

I know it's hard but until clubs are run and owned by supporters rather than a small clique of shareholders (such as we have at East Fife) then fans' views will continue to be treated with this kind of contempt.

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Guest Flash

I think the clue to your board's decision lies in the words: "one which they felt best protected their shareholders ".

I know it's hard but until clubs are run and owned by supporters rather than a small clique of shareholders (such as we have at East Fife) then fans' views will continue to be treated with this kind of contempt.

36 other clubs in the country listened to their fans/customers.

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Does anyone know how many we need through the gates at home games this season to balance the books? because I don't think there'll be many! :(

Edited by Hawk
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Ok- calmed down a bit now, although very disappointed the way our club voted.

On reflection though Scottish Football as a whole did the right thing. I think that if Scottish Football had not done so I would be finished with the lot of it.

The fact that our current bod is out of touch is a downer but it is just that, our current bod, not the club for evermore.

Roll on Dumbarton.

Kudos to Raith, Clyde, and the Alloa chairman was very good on the telly tonight.

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Any QoS fans likely to stop attending as a result of this?

Sounds like it from what's on here, the OS blog and QueensMad. How much of that materialises, I don't know.

Personally, I've no plans to stop attending altogether on the back of this. As I said earlier though, I'm thoroughly disillusioned and not inclined to lend support to the club unless it suits me. Any sort of blind loyalty, even attending matches I'd rather not out of a sense of duty, is gone.

I live within 100 yards of Palmerston, so no great effort is involved, but plenty Queens fans travel considerable distances for home games. I think it's likely that lots of them won't bother as frequently now.

I think boycotts as such are unlikely, but for many, their relationship with the club has been badly damaged and this might impact on attendances.

Away supports are going to be small in the 2nd anyway, but this decision certainly won't help with those either.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Absolutely disgusted and disillusioned with our BOD decision to vote yes. Yet I can't say I'm at all surprised.

What possible benefit other than short term financial gain did they think this would achieve? I'm glad the majority of SFL clubs are not as short sighted and out of touch with there fans as Queens however. Had an unlikely yes vote been passed then Scottish football would have be dead to me.

I won't be boycotting games as that won't achieve anything, but I don't blame those who do.

What little respect I had left for Davie Rae has gone after that utter drivel in the Record as well. f**k off you clueless, bumbling shit kicking twat!

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Caught in the same trap as so may posters here. Love the club but am appalled at what we now appear to stand for.

We've all been reminded of why we're called spectators. We've had to stand by and watch this being done in our name, powerless to do anything, merely spectators to it.

It's a sharp reminder too about whose club it is.

What am I going to DO about it? Do I let self serving board members deprive me of one of the genuine pleasures in my life, following the team I love and have followed for over 40 years? I'm stuck, I genuinely don't know. Maybe more away games is the answer. Being seen at Palmerston is almost embarassing in the light of this shameful action.

Need to calm down before I decide; so angry at the setting aside of clearly expressed fans' views.

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I feel hellish, deeply disillusioned and absolutely scunnered but am trying (and failing, no doubt) to maintain a sense of perspective. The vast majority of Queens fans are probably experiencing similar emotions. What we all have in common is the love of our great football club. Think of Allan Johnston, the young players coming through and all the sacrifices you have made to support Queens. I cannot give up on all that because of the actions of temporary custodians of my club.

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