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The Queen of the South thread

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The rule I found says a goalkeeper may be loaned outside the registration period in exceptional circumstances. I guess if Antell is injured, that is an exceptional circumstance, which I didn't know about when I posted.

I may have missed another rule permitting loan deals outside the registration period, though.

As I said, the emergency loan system still exists, roughly the same as it did before (with the minor change that you can now loan a player within the same division which you couldn't before, though they are not allowed to play against their parent club). You are looking at the full SPFL rules which apply to all divisions as a base position. Notwithstanding those there is an emergency loan system that clubs outwith the top division can use. Antell's injury is a matter of fact which may or may not be the reason for the move but is not relevant to the fact it is possible. Neither Gallagher's move to Airdrie nor Mitchell's to Annan had anything to do with injury.

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Antell's injury is a matter of fact which may or may not be the reason for the move

Why do you say his injury may or may not be the reason for the move when the OS says it is?

"As Calum Antell picked up an injury at the weekend the club has reached agreement with St Johnstone on a short term emergency loan deal..."

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Why do you say his injury may or may not be the reason for the move when the OS says it is?

"As Calum Antell picked up an injury at the weekend the club has reached agreement with St Johnstone on a short term emergency loan deal..."

I was attempting to make the point that it's irrelevant to whether such a move is possible in response to your suggestion that Antell's injury somehow allowed it to happen when it couldn't otherwise have happened. In retrospect reading it again now that part of the sentence adds nothing to the point I was trying to make.

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I was attempting to make the point that it's irrelevant to whether such a move is possible in response to your suggestion that Antell's injury somehow allowed it to happen when it couldn't otherwise have happened. In retrospect reading it again now that part of the sentence adds nothing to the point I was trying to make.

There was no "somehow" about it. I had been looking at the SPFL rule that allows emergency loans for keepers in "exceptional circumstances". I thought an injury might be an exceptional circumstance, particularly as the club had said the loan was a result of the injury. I didn't know about the other general rule (it doesn't appear to be published) allowing loans in non exceptional circumstances.

It is a pity that we are only taking advantage of the general emergency loan rule now that Antell is injured.

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There was no "somehow" about it. I had been looking at the SPFL rule that allows emergency loans for keepers in "exceptional circumstances". I thought an injury might be an exceptional circumstance, particularly as the club had said the loan was a result of the injury. I didn't know about the other general rule (it doesn't appear to be published) allowing loans in non exceptional circumstances.

It is a pity that we are only taking advantage of the general emergency loan rule now that Antell is injured.

Of course there are some that would say these are 'exceptional circumstances'.

I hope Antell can come through this and you never know maybe a bit of competition might be a good thing. After all, the emergency loan (I suppose) could be extended to an official loan come January .

Mind you, It took Lee a while to win over fans during three spells at the club.

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At 6 foot 5 He's certainly more imposing than Antell and won't get bullied at corners as much you would hope. Our record with Loan goalkeepers is pretty good but McIntyre's goalkeeper record certainly isn't having a good goalkeeper makes the world of difference.

For Jim Atkinson his very cushty job of sitting on the bench and messing about at half might be under threat, and I'd be a disapointed if I didn't my chance at playing first team football.

Surprised Antell hasn't post traumatic stress disorder from the first 9 games.

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I imagine he dropped something on his foot at home!

:lol: That sounds quite likely.

SD' s comments notwithstanding though, I prefer to see it as like the bit in 'Escape to Victory', when they had to break that young Ipswich goalie' s arm in order to enable Sly Stallone to replace him.

The obvious solution would have been to get McKenna to jump from a chair onto Antell' s foot, but I've a feeling it's a responsibility that McIntyre would instead have entrusted to McGuffie.

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I imagine he dropped something on his foot at home!

I remember he did get an injury just before half-time last Saturday when he went to clear a short passback and collided with an inrushing Cowdenbeath player. He didn't need treatment at the time. I thought to myself, rather uncharitably and wrongly, that he's getting his excuses ready for not appearing in the second half. He of course did play the whole game and made a couple of good saves near the end which helped us hold on for 1 point. If anyone thinks I am trying to defend him, I am not forgetting that it was his blunder that put us a goal down to begin with. Obviously the injury. if it was related to the same incident, must have flared up after the game.

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Without opening a can of worms here I spent most of the summer arguing when some fans were claiming to be disappointed in the signing of Antell that he shouldn't be judged until we have seen him play and I was told that an inexperienced keeper was not the answer and that he HAD to be ready now. Granted Antell has came into some cause for criticism and rightly so the mistake on Saturday was inexcusable, but are we really getting excited here about another 'inexperienced keeper' and do you all really think he's the answer to our problems? I think JM has to be looking

To that centre half pairing!

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Without opening a can of worms here I spent most of the summer arguing when some fans were claiming to be disappointed in the signing of Antell that he shouldn't be judged until we have seen him play and I was told that an inexperienced keeper was not the answer and that he HAD to be ready now. Granted Antell has came into some cause for criticism and rightly so the mistake on Saturday was inexcusable, but are we really getting excited here about another 'inexperienced keeper' and do you all really think he's the answer to our problems? I think JM has to be looking

To that centre half pairing!

No, its a fair point.

Im working on the presumption that a keeper signed to a premiership side for 5 years, and deemed good enough to be offered a new contract in the summer, is going to be better than one released and without a club. Plus, Radford says he's ok :)

ETA - I see its just been confirmed on the OS as a 28 day loan. Whats the rules on extending these?

Edited by Mr X
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I was told that an inexperienced keeper was not the answer and that he HAD to be ready now. Granted Antell has came into some cause for criticism and rightly so the mistake on Saturday was inexcusable, but are we really getting excited here about another 'inexperienced keeper' and do you all really think he's the answer to our problems?

The point is perfectly fair. Ideally, I think we'd be looking for a more experienced goalkeeper. Any 'excitement' over this guy however, is more a reflection of how poor Antell's been, rather than enormous faith in this other youngster. There's a feeling that just by being different, it's bound to represent an improvement.

There are of course other problems in the side, but if this one can be addressed successfully, it should save us several points.

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There was no "somehow" about it. I had been looking at the SPFL rule that allows emergency loans for keepers in "exceptional circumstances". I thought an injury might be an exceptional circumstance, particularly as the club had said the loan was a result of the injury. I didn't know about the other general rule (it doesn't appear to be published) allowing loans in non exceptional circumstances.

It is a pity that we are only taking advantage of the general emergency loan rule now that Antell is injured.

Maybe Queens assured the SPFL that Antell has been "exceptionally pish" this season, and that was enough to secure the loan.

Hopefully the new keeper can instil a bit of confidence in the back four and the whole defence can start to look a bit more solid overall.

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