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Watched replay of gers game on alba better with replays to see what happened ,does the keeper know he can come out for crosses ? To me he was poor at first and second goals .Higgins challenge when booked was silly to say the least and agree gav should start

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Watched replay of gers game on alba better with replays to see what happened ,does the keeper know he can come out for crosses ? To me he was poor at first and second goals .Higgins challenge when booked was silly to say the least and agree gav should start

We'll continue to lose goals from crosses/corners as long as he is in goals. The boy is a very good shot stopper, but for me he cost us the game on Tuesday. As I've said before, if Queens are wanting to keep this boy and think he is a prospect then we need a goalkeeping coach in a.s.a.p. to help him work on his crosses, having Atkinson float balls in unchallenged won't boost his confidence or ability. If not, then we need to get rid of him and fast.

No surprise at all that all our goals came from crosses on Tuesday, sadly I think we could have taken Rangers had we had a commanding goalie. There's no doubt in my mind who the biggest loss (player wise) was to us over the summer.

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We'll continue to lose goals from crosses/corners as long as he is in goals. The boy is a very good shot stopper, but for me he cost us the game on Tuesday. As I've said before, if Queens are wanting to keep this boy and think he is a prospect then we need a goalkeeping coach in a.s.a.p. to help him work on his crosses, having Atkinson float balls in unchallenged won't boost his confidence or ability. If not, then we need to get rid of him and fast.

No surprise at all that all our goals came from crosses on Tuesday, sadly I think we could have taken Rangers had we had a commanding goalie. There's no doubt in my mind who the biggest loss (player wise) was to us over the summer.

Also just watched highlights and defensively again they make awful watching.

Higgins getting sent off didn't help Queens had a bit of pressure just before and rangers crowd were far from happy.

But agreed keeper seems rooted to his line and in general play isn't great at sweeping either.

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We'll continue to lose goals from crosses/corners as long as he is in goals. The boy is a very good shot stopper, but for me he cost us the game on Tuesday. As I've said before, if Queens are wanting to keep this boy and think he is a prospect then we need a goalkeeping coach in a.s.a.p. to help him work on his crosses, having Atkinson float balls in unchallenged won't boost his confidence or ability. If not, then we need to get rid of him and fast.

No surprise at all that all our goals came from crosses on Tuesday, sadly I think we could have taken Rangers had we had a commanding goalie. There's no doubt in my mind who the biggest loss (player wise) was to us over the summer.

This isnt exactly news, though, is it?

I dont get this "prospect" thing either. He may well become a really good keeper in the future - hes a good shot stopper and his distribution is, generally, really good - but if he was signed as a prospect why give him a one year deal? To me, that suggests he should be good enough now. How good he might become in the future is irrelevant, as far as Queens are concerned.

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This isnt exactly news, though, is it?

I dont get this "prospect" thing either. He may well become a really good keeper in the future - hes a good shot stopper and his distribution is, generally, really good - but if he was signed as a prospect why give him a one year deal? To me, that suggests he should be good enough now. How good he might become in the future is irrelevant, as far as Queens are concerned.

I totally agree with you and tbh, the only reason I put in about a goalkeeping coach is because it's the only defence I have for the guy. In all honesty my opinion is that he isn't good enough for this level. For me, the signing screamed of "Panic Buy".

We were warned about McIntyre's history of signing 'keepers :thumbsdown

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We have to except he's the keeper and as a team they defend set pieces better.

If we don't score on Saturday again lack of goals is more of an issue.

To an extent yes we do have to defend better. But I'm sorry, if the ball is in the 6 yard box then the GK should be claiming it. He should be claiming more ball that come through to him from the middle of the park as well, it makes for a shakier defence when the defenders don't have faith in their GK. I'm afraid I'm done with Antell, he isn't good enough and he is at fault more than the defence IMO. As for scoring, all we need to do is try Russell through the middle for a few games. Lyle shouldn't be starting every game IMO. His link-up play is good, but as I said at the start of the season, if we are relying on him being our main hope of goals then we are in bother.

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I totally agree with you and tbh, the only reason I put in about a goalkeeping coach is because it's the only defence I have for the guy. In all honesty my opinion is that he isn't good enough for this level. For me, the signing screamed of "Panic Buy".

We were warned about McIntyre's history of signing 'keepers :thumbsdown

I've also thought the circumstances around Antells signing were a bit odd. He didnt have anything to do in the early pre-season games and didnt exactly cover himself in glory in the later ones, yet was signed without McIntyre, seemingly, even looking at anyone else - certainly no-one else played in any pre-season games, other than the rumoured appearance of Grant Adam in a closed door game.

Well McGuffie is going to start if Durnan and Higgins are suspended. I like Russell on the wing causes other teams no ends of trouble.


Mitchell guff Dowie holty

Paton kev McKenna young Russell


Higgins isnt suspended

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Well McGuffie is going to start if Durnan and Higgins are suspended. I like Russell on the wing causes other teams no ends of trouble.


Mitchell guff Dowie holty

Paton kev McKenna young Russell


Higgins isn't suspended. I doubt Young will start, having played 90 mins midweek. I'd start Mcshane in the Young role this week.
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The manager & players aren't as concerned as some of the fans . They're happy with the amount of chances we're creating but are hoping their luck will turn in front of goal .

They may well be correct , let's hope our luck returns as from tomorrow .

I'd like to see Russell playing through the middle along side Reilly . Give Lyle a well deserved rest on the bench . I'd also like to see Kevin Dz given a start to see what you can produce .

Still 31 games to go , it's too early to panic :)

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Ally McCoist in today's Sun having a right go at the palmy pitch. The pitch bordered on the ridiculous.Wallace had a reaction to the pitch and now has a sore neck.The bounce of the ball was not right it was different than any pitch we hhave played on.To sum up it is just McCoist talking a load of rubbish

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Ally McCoist in today's Sun having a right go at the palmy pitch. The pitch bordered on the ridiculous.Wallace had a reaction to the pitch and now has a sore neck.The bounce of the ball was not right it was different than any pitch we hhave played on.To sum up it is just McCoist talking a load of rubbish

Funny how the only two managers (that I'm aware of) to complain about the pitch are Lennon and McCoist. Not a peep from any other team.

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Ally McCoist in today's Sun having a right go at the palmy pitch. The pitch bordered on the ridiculous.Wallace had a reaction to the pitch and now has a sore neck.The bounce of the ball was not right it was different than any pitch we hhave played on.To sum up it is just McCoist talking a load of rubbish

Seriously? I had no idea my opinion of McCoist could actually sink any lower

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