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The Queen of the South thread

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You need to seriously ask yourselves why your ideas and attitudes to how you should be performing are so different to how the majority of fans of other teams think you should be.

We've already asked.

The answer was that most of those offering opnions have no knowledge of our club or our team and are instead keen to rely on mindless cliches, based on precedents that aren't actually precedents at all.

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Ah the anger, sometimes you need a different perspective to see if you are being realistic, when the livi fans wanted Evans out the general perception was they were right, similarly everyone can see moore needed to go at Morton. You need to seriously ask yourselves why your ideas and attitudes to how you should be performing are so different to how the majority of fans of other teams think you should be.

as has been pointed out, if you take away our results against Morton, we have identical records. We are only slightly less garbage than Morton. The fans are even more frustrated when the manager makes decisions that seem to inhibit the team, as listed earlier. If he would play the side that romped the second last season, and that didn't work, then he wouldn't get quite as hard a team, but he has dismantled a successful team just to put his own stamp on it. It seems unnecessary and is incredibly frustrating.
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as has been pointed out, if you take away our results against Morton, we have identical records. We are only slightly less garbage than Morton. The fans are even more frustrated when the manager makes decisions that seem to inhibit the team, as listed earlier. If he would play the side that romped the second last season, and that didn't work, then he wouldn't get quite as hard a team, but he has dismantled a successful team just to put his own stamp on it. It seems unnecessary and is incredibly frustrating.

I'm guessing parsforlife' s response might involve the phrase 'part-time'.

He'll wish to highlight the gulf between the two divisions as if we're incapable of recognising or considering this ourselves. He'll also wish to ignore the fact that we set a points record, while beating the top two in the first along with Rangers to win one Cup while eliminating Hibs in another.

Not only will he make such observations, but he'll consider them original.

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It also seems that now we're playing a shit brand of football as well as not getting results, earlier in the season I wasn't too upset with losing as at least we were creating chance and were it not for a errors and a god awful goalkeeping we'd be better. I still think we'll be safe but it's clear that McIntyre isn't the man for the long term. Provided he steers clear of the relegation scrap, I'd be able to cope with him until the end of the season and replace him in the summer.

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Ah the anger, sometimes you need a different perspective to see if you are being realistic, when the livi fans wanted Evans out the general perception was they were right, similarly everyone can see moore needed to go at Morton. You need to seriously ask yourselves why your ideas and attitudes to how you should be performing are so different to how the majority of fans of other teams think you should be.

So genius, explain why Alloa are performing better than us.

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I'm guessing parsforlife' s response might involve the phrase 'part-time'.

He'll wish to highlight the gulf between the two divisions as if we're incapable of recognising or considering this ourselves. He'll also wish to ignore the fact that we set a points record, while beating the top two in the first along with Rangers to win one Cup while eliminating Hibs in another.

Not only will he make such observations, but he'll consider them original.

If we were 5 games in, somebody from outside might have some justification for telling us where we should be (ignoring the fact that we spent 10 consecutive seasons in the First, so we can kind of judge it for ourselves). However, having played everybody, some teams twice and Accies 3 times, we are not in the position of going into the unknown. Where we should be in the league depends on our squad relative to the others. Historical precedent is nothing to do with it. The people best able to judge us in relation to everybody else are our fans, not somebody who has seen us playing a couple of times on tv, if that.
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The reason most would have said you should finish 6th/7th is because your squad just isn't very good, you look at every other full time side and you can pick out 3-4 players that are better than anything you have , there the guys that win you games. You have a squad full of competent yet nothing special championship players, you need a bit extra if you want to be competing higher in the table.

And the reason Alloa are higher than you is that they are having a good season, you guys are having a slightly under par season. No manager deserves to be sacked a few months into the job for being slightly bellow expected standards. Fair enough if it last 2-3 seasons with you kicking around just above the play-offs but that hasn't been the case.

BTW I don't think I'm being original here at all, but you have been told for 6 months + to temper your expectations yet your delusions still exist.

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Alloa fans are pretty united in saying they are weaker this season than last. We are 5 points behind them, having played a game more yet finished 25 points ahead of them last season.

An outsider is not qualified to comment on how good our players are if he hasn't seen them playing together. Certain players do better at some clubs than others and a few of our players are young and won't be known to anybody who didn't watch us regularly. An outsider will have no idea about the relative merits of players and be able to form an opinion about who should be playing and where. In the same way that I wouldn't be arrogant/misguided enough to pass comment on Dunfermline.

Getting extremely tedious making the same points. However, it is clear that this time it is somebody with a McIntyre agenda, so the comments from a position of ignorance can be discounted.

The good news is that we are 2 points ahead of where we were with Gus at the same stage - a team that had such marvels as Campbell and Brighton ( whose next club was Irvine Meadow) McLaughlin(Peterhead) and Simmons.

McIntyre is the worst manager we've had since Scott and he should be binned immediately.

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The reason most would have said you should finish 6th/7th is because your squad just isn't very good, you look at every other full time side and you can pick out 3-4 players that are better than anything you have , there the guys that win you games. You have a squad full of competent yet nothing special championship players, you need a bit extra if you want to be competing higher in the table.

Yes but you see our 'competent yet nothing special championship players' are by and large young lads who have (or had) an awful lot of potential. They were beyond special in League One last year - actually brilliant - and how they are playing right now is a step down from where they were last year. Do not mistake this for me saying that they are achieving less than last year (though obviously they are).

Achieving less can be attributed to playing against better teams. Playing at a lower personal level cannot (at least not for this group). Our wingers are less inspired, our forwards less energetic, and our defenders less confident. It is not that our team has maintained its prior levels but is up against better sides; our overall levels have dropped. So that is a concern, and then we recall that these are mostly young players who should be bounding forward, and even against better teams they showed last year that they can step up a gear and then another gear again, and yet under Jim McIntyre they have withdrawn into themselves.

In terms of the squad this is the main problem.

There are other arguments against Mr McIntyre to do with team selections, his personal conduct, etc. but someone else can take these.

Edited by Margaret Thatcher
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So who's responsible for the Queens official twitter page ?

It's caused a bit of a stink after a rather inappropriate comment yesterday which was later removed & then an apology issued ???

Was it just the 'Unlucky Morton, tee hee' thing? If so it's a daft mistake but the guy obviously just thought he was logged into his own personal twitter, hope he doesn't get too much shit for it.

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Was it just the 'Unlucky Morton, tee hee' thing? If so it's a daft mistake but the guy obviously just thought he was logged into his own personal twitter, hope he doesn't get too much shit for it.

some of the knicker wetting surrounding it was almost as cringeworthy as the actual comment. It seems to happen a lot on twitter so he shouldn't get into bother for it.

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A selection of McIntyre moments of genius.

Signing Antell.

McGuffie in midfield.

Dropping Durnan.

Higgins at left back.

Dropping Mitchell.

Selecting McShane.

Dropping Paton.

Persisting with Lyle.

Not picking Reilly.

Moving McKenna to be an attacking midfielder.

Playing Russell on the left wing virtually all the time.

The stubborn determination not to pick a team as close as possible to the one that won the Second division does not mark him out as his own man. It marks him out as an imbecile.

All these' initiatives' brought to attention here have largely failed and he even keeps persisting with some of them . In the case of fair play lets think about any alterations that JM has made that have actually benifitted us . Hmmmm , this one might take a bit of time . I am still thinking .
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