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The Queen of the South thread

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If Stevie Crawford has a son who's pretty useful, don't play him ahead of Gavin, even if he scores 50 odd goals in the season. You've been warned.... :ph34r:

Crawfords son plays for Dunfermline, avoids that issue at least.

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The lack of any transfers at Queens is holding a few people i know from re-newing season tickets.

I wont be until i see some ambition

We cant even arrange or announce pre season games

At least you have signed 5, we have lost our best forward and keeper and signed nowt!

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Do you honestly think that nothing is being done to arrange pre-season games just because you dont know about them?

Define "ambition"

Putting a team on the park capable of competing in a very tough championship.

The signings so far doesnt make our squad strong enough for a tough season ahead.

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Hey, first the return of Flash and now Kirky breezes in.Welcome back.

How fascinating that both should disappear during a sustained period of success for the club, before reappearing ahead of an anticipated tricky spell.

Coincidence I'm sure.

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Guest Flash

How fascinating that both should disappear during a sustained period of success for the club, before reappearing ahead of an anticipated tricky spell.

Coincidence I'm sure.

Unlike some on here I am prepared to cut Fowler a good deal of slack after losing half the team whereas some others believe that other teams have been affected just as much therefore our expectation levels shouldn't be any lower.

I also think it makes a great deal of sense for the Board not to throw money at the squad when there are other considerably bigger clubs in the division. Staying in the division is a priority with anything else being a bonus.

My criticisms in the season before last were directed entirely at McIntyre who had us underperforming hugely in the first quarter and quite a bit in the second quarter before he finally stopped dicking around with the team. We scraped 4th when it could have been far more comfortable and we might even have finished higher than 4th had it not been for his persistent meddling.

If you confuse that with negativity, I am afraid that is your problem and not mine.

ETA Mr X explained a few weeks ago the reason why I stopped posting, so I suggest you pay attention in future and keep your snidey inferences to yourself.

Edited by Flash
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Putting a team on the park capable of competing in a very tough championship.

The signings so far doesnt make our squad strong enough for a tough season ahead.

The squad isnt complete yet. You cant exactly criticise the club for the squad its put together when it isnt put together. Fowler has clearly signed young players he has knowledge of, something most of us dont have.

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Putting a team on the park capable of competing in a very tough championship.

The signings so far doesnt make our squad strong enough for a tough season ahead.

How do you know ? You haven't seen them play together yet

In fact , what do you actually know about our new signings ? Please tell us

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Unlike some on here I am prepared to cut Fowler a good deal of slack after losing half the team whereas some others believe that other teams have been affected just as much therefore our expectation levels shouldn't be any lower.

I also think it makes a great deal of sense for the Board not to throw money at the squad when there are other considerably bigger clubs in the division. Staying in the division is a priority with anything else being a bonus.

My criticisms in the season before last were directed entirely at McIntyre who had us underperforming hugely in the first quarter and quite a bit in the second quarter before he finally stopped dicking around with the team. We scraped 4th when it could have been far more comfortable and we might even have finished higher than 4th had it not been for his persistent meddling.

If you confuse that with negativity, I am afraid that is your problem and not mine.

ETA Mr X explained a few weeks ago the reason why I stopped posting, so I suggest you pay attention in future and keep your snidey inferences to yourself.

Just a bit of a joke Flash, I didn't mean to offend.

For what it's worth I generally agree with the majority of your posts, including the one I've quoted.

McIntyre did indeed needlessly dick about with the team, and although Fowler will likely be forced into doing the same, I'm still fairly confident he will be able to make more of a success of it than his predecessor.

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The lack of any transfers at Queens is holding a few people i know from re-newing season tickets.

I wont be until i see some ambition

We cant even arrange or announce pre season games

Drama queen. Get a grip.
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As I've said before, I couldn't care about friendlies. Quite frankly I wouldn't be gutted if Queen's said all their bounce games were behind closed doors. It's all about team bonding in these games IMO. I'm sure they won't have any difficulty arranging 4 or 5 games when they get back.


Spot on re friendlies, clubs have seen the need for glamour friendlies are financially are a hole in the budget,cheaper prices, half the ticket price.

The first round of petrofac cup games are albeit a cup competition are part of the friendly nature, I'm sure trialists can play then you can sign them for the following weeks league business....if they earned it.

By fuk,we are playing Hamilton as a pre season friendly

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My criticisms in the season before last were directed entirely at McIntyre who had us underperforming hugely in the first quarter and quite a bit in the second quarter before he finally stopped dicking around with the team. We scraped 4th when it could have been far more comfortable and we might even have finished higher than 4th had it not been for his persistent meddling.

I thought this " dicking around with the team" nonsense had been laid to rest by now with McIntyre ultimately proved pretty much spot on with most of it.

Last seasons criticisms were mainly around:

1 - Signing and playing Andy Dowie.

2 - Re-signing, playing and then extending the contract of Ian McShane

3 - Playing Iain Russell out wide

4 - Calum Antell

On 1, 2 & 3 history has shown he was right and whilst there is little defence for the Antell move, there is also little evidence that the other option at the time of Grant Adam would have been any better. He did at least eventually replace Antell successfully with Clark.

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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Guest Flash

I thought this " dicking around with the team" nonsense had been laid to rest by now with McIntyre ultimately proved pretty much spot on with most of it.

Last seasons criticisms were mainly around:

1 - Signing and playing Andy Dowie.

2 - Re-signing, playing and then extending the contract of Ian McShane

3 - Playing Iain Russell out wide

4 - Calum Antell

On 1, 2 & 3 history has shown he was right and whilst there is little defence for the Antell move, there is also little evidence that the other option at the time of Grant Adam would have been any better. He did at least eventually replace Antell successfully with Clark.

Maybe in your revisionist mind it has been laid to rest, but not with those of us who don't have selective amnesia.

There were also formation changes that didn't work for the most part.

His record in the first quarter was 9 points from 9 games. Followed by 13 in the next quarter. In the second half, post dicking phase, of the season, it was 17 then 16, including the last game when players were rested, so it could quite easily have been 18 in the final quarter.

If you double his potential second half return of points, you get 70, which would have won the league. Very simplistic, I admit, but you get the idea.

If it wasn't his dicking around that caused our points total in the first quarter to be about half of what it should have been, what was it?

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I thought this " dicking around with the team" nonsense had been laid to rest by now with McIntyre ultimately proved pretty much spot on with most of it.

Last seasons criticisms were mainly around:

1 - Signing and playing Andy Dowie.

2 - Re-signing, playing and then extending the contract of Ian McShane

3 - Playing Iain Russell out wide

4 - Calum Antell

On 1, 2 & 3 history has shown he was right and whilst there is little defence for the Antell move, there is also little evidence that the other option at the time of Grant Adam would have been any better. He did at least eventually replace Antell successfully with Clark.

1. Dowie has obviously turned out to be a good signing.

2. McShane has clearly gained a good move, courtesy of the same manager, but he's been disappointing in about two thirds of his Queens' appearances.

3. Jury is out here. Russell has been decent out wide, but often doesn't start for us. His appearances up front have been poor, but too few in number to conclude with confidence that he couldn't possibly have replicated his Livingston form there, for us.

4. Antell was a stunningly bad move and the evidence that Adam or absolutely any goalkeeper at all would have been better, is utterly overwhelming.

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Perhaps it just wasnt as easy to hit the ground running as you presume? He wasnt helped by the horrible loss of form Chris Mitchell had at the start of last season either.

It might well be argued that bringing in Dowie, McShane, Russell, formation changes etc were all necessary for the long term benefit but took some time to bed in. Its not like he stopped doing those things before the improved second half of the season form. On the contrary I would suggest the fact we achieved what we did second half of the season was at least partly due to the changes he made.I dont see much evidence in fact for your suggestion he "stopped dicking around" in the second part but as I apparently have selective amnesia I guess I have probably just forgotten it.

His record with County this season would tend to suggest he isnt quite as stupid as you seem to think he is either. It will be interesting though to see how he gets on in a second season having built his own team.

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