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On the inflexibility, that's the way it has been since Feb 15, but the pressing game normally masks it well.

On the lack of pressing, on one hand it's still pre-season. On the other hand we saw some strong pressing against NEC this time last year. Curran still chased everything, but Jackson Irvine's absence is notable in that respect.

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Curran chased everything when he came on and got a couple of goals, so promising. Today might just have been the game we needed to raise confidence. It seems like we're going with three at the back. I'll wait and see how that works out but from today I would say Kenny van der Werg looks ok as a wing back, I think Midge struggles.

I think Routis will be fine, Woods is Woods, the key to our season if we go 3:4:3 is how everyone works. It needs 10 workers, no room for passengers or prima donnas. I think we have enough talent for top six but only if they put in the effort.

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Can't say I'm daring to hope for top 6, but the team looked better today (albeit etc etc) and will hopefully continue progress to be ready for Dundee. The 3-4-1-2 looked effective and lively today but that was with much of the game played in the opposition half. Only 1 corner to defend and not much for our keeper to do today.

Not wishing to be defeatist but right now, I'd take an 8th place finish thanks. Any higher and Jim is confirmed as genius for me.

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Still pretty disappointed with the lack of activity in the transfer market. The squad is crying out for some midfielders IMO, plus if McIntyre is going to insist on 3 at the back we need more wingbacks 



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Still pretty disappointed with the lack of activity in the transfer market. The squad is crying out for some midfielders IMO, plus if McIntyre is going to insist on 3 at the back we need more wingbacks 



Swap squads with you if you like?
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Still pretty disappointed with the lack of activity in the transfer market. The squad is crying out for some midfielders IMO, plus if McIntyre is going to insist on 3 at the back we need more wingbacks 



It's a central midfielder more than anything. I understand they won't sign anyone as good as Irvine, but to think that Routis, Woods and Lovejoy are enough for an entire season seems shortsighted.
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11 hours ago, tintax said:

Still pretty disappointed with the lack of activity in the transfer market. The squad is crying out for some midfielders IMO, plus if McIntyre is going to insist on 3 at the back we need more wingbacks 

Gardyne seems wasted at wing-back.

Kenny looked more than competent on the left and his cross for the first goal that bent around the defence was anything as good as Reckord produced.  If he can do that with fair amount of consistency then we've got a good player there.

It remains to be seen how Routis does when pressed against top flight teams, but he passes the ball cleanly and has a good presence about him.  His decision making with his passing doesn't seem to match his technique, but he hasn't played CM all that much and he'll get better.  It certainly looks like Routis + Woods will be the partnership for the time being, with McShane deputising.

It might be too much to read into a meaningless game against HL opposition after a red card, but McShane looked yesterday like he has been working hard on getting forward a lot more and being more of a dynamic midfielder than when he joined the club.  Lots of little give-and-go passes around the corner.  He's beginning to fill out a little more too.  He probably is Woods's long term successor for the position but will he stick around to be an understudy for that long?

I'd rather see Quinn on the right of the back '3' with Davies in the middle, because Davies is going to get caught for a lack of pace too often for my comfort, and he's a much better passer under pressure than Quinn.  The manager seems to have earmarked Quinn for the middle, probably for his communication.  I think the back three will be around for as long as Davies is still around - it doesn't look like he will be leaving anytime soon, although I still have a hunch something will get pushed through  close to or on deadline day.

Otherwise I was reasonably pleased with the shape yesterday.  Hopefully that is a competitive line-up against Dundee, but I can see ICT roasting the defence with pace on the counter in the derby.

Edited by bunglebonce
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3 hours ago, bunglebonce said:


I'd rather see Quinn on the right of the back '3' with Davies in the middle, because Davies is going to get caught for a lack of pace too often for my comfort, and he's a much better passer under pressure than Quinn.  The manager seems to have earmarked Quinn for the middle, probably for his communication.  I think the back three will be around for as long as Davies is still around - it doesn't look like he will be leaving anytime soon, although I still have a hunch something will get pushed through  close to or on deadline day.

Otherwise I was reasonably pleased with the shape yesterday.  Hopefully that is a competitive line-up against Dundee, but I can see ICT roasting the defence with pace on the counter in the derby.

I'm hoping Fraser isn't too far away from playing again after his operation. I think he's taylor made to play that right side in a back three beside Quinn and also with Gardyne in front of him. He'd also offer more pace to cover for balls over the top. 

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Oh yes - forgot about Fraser. More good options when fit again.

The wingbacks may have been further forward than they will be against SP opposition, but both certainly seemed to create a threat with good crosses in the final 18 yards. Both Gardyne and Dingwall had some attacking moves in final third and shots on goal. When such excitement was happening up front I also thought that Kenny and others were making sure there were enough bodies back to deal with quick counter attacks.

Premier League will be the real test, and with that extra week of fitness, but I thought the shape was working quite well. The important thing is being versatile, and I'm sure it is easy once comfortable in this shape to revert to more conventional and familiar ones. 

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9 minutes ago, yoda said:


Cikos Quinn Davies McEveley Van Der Weg

Gardyne Routis Woods

Graham Schalk



slightly more defensive than recent line up where we had Boyce behind / close to Graham and Schalk with a 3-4-1-2 instead of having Cikos at Right Wing Back as above. Might be wise then.

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I'd still like to see us sign someone to play wide left.


Some Aberdeen fans seem to think Pawlett could be on his way out, maybe worth a go?

Would like us to take a punt on Chris Burke who is without a club just now. Best days are behind him but still probably do s good job on either the left or right wing.
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I would be delighted with Pawlett. I think Pawlett would play the '1' behind the strikers in the 3-4-1-2 very well. And could play across the midfield 4 otherwise. 

ETA: He's a different player entirely, but he can bring the 'running directly through the middle of the pitch with the ball' that Irvine brought to the team.

Edited by bunglebonce
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2 hours ago, bunglebonce said:

I would be delighted with Pawlett. I think Pawlett would play the '1' behind the strikers in the 3-4-1-2 very well. And could play across the midfield 4 otherwise. 

ETA: He's a different player entirely, but he can bring the 'running directly through the middle of the pitch with the ball' that Irvine brought to the team.

He cannot, however, bring the chiseled good looks or luscious flowing hair as he runs directly through the middle of the pitch with the ball.  And that is nothing short of a tragedy.

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