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54 minutes ago, MarkPockets said:

Am I missing something? I understand other team's fans looking at Adams and thinking "What a twat" but I don't understand how our fans have turned on him so quickly?

He’s come in with an unwarranted arrogance, alienating what looks like the majority of the changing room. He clearly also doesn’t have a Plan B as he “didn’t do enough homework on the job”. 

Say what you want about MM (I was his greatest critic) but one thing he never did was throw his players under the bus. His interviews were usually a word salad as he regurgitated the same shite weekly and his time was eventually up, but you could tell the players respected him. The same players have zero respect for their current manager and I can completely understand why. Once a manager loses the dressing room, be it a week in or 1 million weeks in, you’re pissing into the wind. I feel as if our club are currently pissing into the wind.

Thats just my personal take on the matter. I respect everything Adams has done for the club but I think he’s regressed since we last saw him up here. 

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16 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

Simon Murray fully backing the manager there, I see.  He’s also not leaving. 


16 hours ago, Sonam said:

That's a positive, however one of the reasons I like Murray so much as a player is he is not the sort to down tools regardless of who the manager is.

Superb attitude that very few players have these days. County would be in a lot worse position this season if it weren't for his goals. Murray & Dhanda, we are screwed if they were to get injured.

I see from the Simon Murray interview (below) where he apologises to the fans, he also suggests that there are players not giving 100%, the senior players in the group need to start sorting that shit out now, or the rest of the season is a write off.



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7 minutes ago, Sensible Soccer🏴 said:


I see from the Simon Murray interview (below) where he apologises to the fans, he also suggests that there are players not giving 100%, the senior players in the group need to start sorting that shit out now, or the rest of the season is a write off.



Yup.  Not sure which players he’s referring to, to be quite honest.  Probably the flair players, such as they are.  Or the guys who seem to miss three months with a minor hamstring strain. 

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50 minutes ago, Matty-RCFC said:

He’s come in with an unwarranted arrogance, alienating what looks like the majority of the changing room.

Has he though? Or are we all just speculating that through the lack of information? In all honesty, I expected a lot more outs in the last couple weeks from the rumours flying about which never came to fruition. If anything, Murray's interview above makes it sound like they all are behind him 

55 minutes ago, Sonam said:

Many new managers work successfully with the squad they inherit, don't moan, don't complain and just get on with it. Certainly they don't throw the players under the bus like Adams has done! 

I don't have unrealistic expectations and expected a relegation fight anyway. However, Adams isn't exactly inspiring so far, is he? You don't understand why fans are turning on him, WTF!!!

He's not singled out any player to throw them under the bus. He's been honest and said they aren't playing well. Anyone can see that, would you rather we get the Malky shite of "on another day, we win that game blah blah" & nothing changes? I'm quite happy having a manager open to tell the truth after a game & if the performances aren't inspiring, I'm not expecting him to come out after and be happy about it. He's 8 weeks into a job and (until yesterday) had been working with players signed before he arrived. He can't be held fully accountable for that 

Edited by MarkPockets
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1 hour ago, MarkPockets said:

Am I missing something? I understand other team's fans looking at Adams and thinking "What a twat" but I don't understand how our fans have turned on him so quickly?

9 of the players that played yesterday were Malky signings. 1 of the 2 Adams signings was likely down to Laidlaw being rested in the cup as seems to be what a lot of clubs do in the Cup now. Adams clearly doesn't have the budget to do a full reset this window due to what was spent in the summer so he's utilising the loan market to get players in until then and there is absolutely no evidence we would be in a better spot under anyone else.

Yes, his post match interviews are a bit polarising and what he says isn't going to please anyone, but what's actually incorrect in any of what he's said? We have been shite and underperforming and the players should know that too. His comments about "regretting" aren't actually his words. He's agreed with the interviewer that there are basics which need sorted which he didn't expect. That could be absolutely anything and kinda stands to other people's points about the club being poorly run. 

People have short memories & the fact we have been a top flight side for most of the last decade seems to have blurred the expectations of a manager who has given us some of the best days in our history coming back and needing to rebuild what anyone could see was a poor and unbalanced squad. The fact Alex Samuel leaving is getting slated is baffling. The only bit I don't like about it is where he's gone! 

Lord knows I wasn't exactly a Malky defender but we're even worse than we were under him. Which is the kind of miracle I can do without.

It's nothing against Adams previous runs, fond memories. But I was dubious about him coming back because I remember the negatives of the last time he was here. And low & behold, massive squad turnover every 6 months is apparently back. I can accept County getting relegated, it's happened before, it'll presumably happen again, but that's hardly justification for getting humiliated by a team 8 points off the top of the Championship. And that's what it was yesterday. It's fine & well for Adams to say the players aren't up to it but what's his plan other than presumably signing Jordan Slew whenever he's out of contract? Why did he take the gig if the squad is that shite & there's no funds to do "a full reset"?

What I don't get is it started off well enough, 7 points from his first 3 games. Since then we've lost to St Mirren, Dundee, & been turned over by Aberdeen & Partick, with just the draw against Hearts. I'm not saying this is what it is, because I'm not in the dressing room & I'm not a mindreader, but it's like there was a new manager bounce exactly as long as it took everyone to realise the manager is a bellend. And you can get away with that when things are going well but it's been a while since things have been going well at County.

That said, you could it'd be easier to just cut bait & get shot of him, but then we're back to the original problem, who is taking this squad & turning it around over the next 4 & half months? Man, I don't know. I suspect it doesn't matter because I don't see Adams being punted this soon by McGregor, it's one thing to be brutal to a Dick Campbell or Willie McStay but quite another to someone like Adams who has been at the club on & off for so many times.

Couldn't really give a crap about Samuel being put out on loan, & it being ICT makes sense because they are the only team at that level that's remotely nearby. So that doesn't even come into the consideration.

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17 minutes ago, MarkPockets said:

Has he though? Or are we all just speculating that through the lack of information? In all honesty, I expected a lot more outs in the last couple weeks from the rumours flying about which never came to fruition. If anything, Murray's interview above makes it sound like they all are behind him 

Well I can’t imagine the players are too chuffed at constantly being called out for their ability. Call them out for lack of effort. Fair enough. However if you constantly berate their quality it’s only going to go one one way for you.
Also, in Murray’s interview he suggests that not every player is giving 100%. I don’t think every player is behind the manager when you’re not leaving everything on the pitch. 

ETA: I agree that he can’t be held fully accountable. I believe the players still have a job to do and should be giving their all to their profession. However, I can understand why they may not. 

Edited by Matty-RCFC
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3 hours ago, Pete the Jakey said:

Done. Copied in our SLO too.  

I have had a very satisfactory response by both Clubs SLO’s. Fair play they were very efficient getting back to me.

Plans are afoot to replace the drum, and the video being in the public domain has resulted in a very awkward family breakfast table discussion for the culprit, who certainly won’t be seen again. 

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45 minutes ago, MarkPockets said:

Has he though? Or are we all just speculating that through the lack of information? In all honesty, I expected a lot more outs in the last couple weeks from the rumours flying about which never came to fruition. If anything, Murray's interview above makes it sound like they all are behind him 

He's not singled out any player to throw them under the bus. He's been honest and said they aren't playing well. Anyone can see that, would you rather we get the Malky shite of "on another day, we win that game blah blah" & nothing changes? I'm quite happy having a manager open to tell the truth after a game & if the performances aren't inspiring, I'm not expecting him to come out after and be happy about it. He's 8 weeks into a job and (until yesterday) had been working with players signed before he arrived. He can't be held fully accountable for that 

29 pages that 'Adams interview' thread got. Hardly convinces the County non-season ticket holders to spend hard earned cash and turn up! Yet, I do think he has a point, the standard has got worse, however that is across the whole league. Yet saying Morecambe were 100 times better! Hardly motivating is it?

Would you work harder if your boss critised the team you work with in a manner like that? No wonder players are not giving 100% as the Murray's interview suggests. Looks like already resentment amongst the team by the sounds of it.

Losing 3-0 at home to Partick, as stated 8 points off the top of the Championship is a shocking result. County had better cup runs in the Highland league! A good manager will know a team's weaknesses but somehow inspire them to go on a run. Did Kettlewell complain about the Motherwell squad when he took over? While not doing well now, last season Kettlewell just got on with the job. Wish Adams would keep the ability of the current players between himself. MacGregor and scouts. 

I think even stubborn MacGregor is regretting taking back Adams tbh. 

Edited by Sonam
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11 minutes ago, Pete the Jakey said:

I have had a very satisfactory response by both Clubs SLO’s. Fair play they were very efficient getting back to me.

Plans are afoot to replace the drum, and the video being in the public domain has resulted in a very awkward family breakfast table discussion for the culprit, who certainly won’t be seen again. 

I do see certain Partick Thistle fans say he deserved it because he was “noising folk up on social media”.   Grown adults, too.  

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14 minutes ago, UAE1929 said:

I think things like this sum up the current state of affairs. Why have we had so much interest in a player who isn't bloody eligible.

He was eligible until he played for Shrewsbury yesterday. Seems a bit harsh to get annoyed about that.

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Several players HAVE no interest in playing for Derek Adams, that includes senior players within the leadership group, I'm pretty sure Ferguson has been made aware.

Adams was TOLD to apologise to the squad for his 1st outburst where he said Morecambe are x100 better. He gathered the group then refused to apologise, instead doubled down on it. Adams was then dragged back, then gave a meally mouthed apology Infront of the squad, with MacGregor sitting over him, to make sure he followed through with the apology.

I find it hard to be critical of someone not giving 100% for Adams after been treated like that, BUT this is football, and it's unbearable to PAY and watch players pissing about, not bothering when it's MY team.

Where we go from here, I've no idea, but I hold Derek Adams responsible for this mess.

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5 hours ago, Pete the Jakey said:


Do you think we can have a whip round and sort this lad out with a new drum?


50 minutes ago, Pete the Jakey said:

I have had a very satisfactory response by both Clubs SLO’s. Fair play they were very efficient getting back to me.

Plans are afoot to replace the drum, and the video being in the public domain has resulted in a very awkward family breakfast table discussion for the culprit, who certainly won’t be seen again. 

That's Ross County just released a statement regarding this drum incident.



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26 minutes ago, Sensible Soccer🏴 said:

Several players HAVE no interest in playing for Derek Adams, that includes senior players within the leadership group, I'm pretty sure Ferguson has been made aware.

Adams was TOLD to apologise to the squad for his 1st outburst where he said Morecambe are x100 better. He gathered the group then refused to apologise, instead doubled down on it. Adams was then dragged back, then gave a meally mouthed apology Infront of the squad, with MacGregor sitting over him, to make sure he followed through with the apology.

I find it hard to be critical of someone not giving 100% for Adams after been treated like that, BUT this is football, and it's unbearable to PAY and watch players pissing about, not bothering when it's MY team.

Where we go from here, I've no idea, but I hold Derek Adams responsible for this mess.

I have no idea if this is true or not because I'm about the single least IN THE KNOW supporter alive, but it certainly sounds plausible. Adams being told to apologise, doubling down & then being made to do it seems in character for the man who punched Sean Higgins. (I probably shouldn't hold on to something that happened over 15 years ago but man it's hideously unprofessional & if it happened in any other walk of life Adams would have been out on his arse pronto)

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And Steven Ferguson’s role in all of this?  I rather sense he had no say in at least a couple of the signings and certainly no say in the manager’s appointment.  All of which begs the question what does he actually do?   Does he just swarm around like John Robertson with a neat repertoire of one liners?

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19 minutes ago, forkboy said:

I have no idea if this is true or not because I'm about the single least IN THE KNOW supporter alive, but it certainly sounds plausible. Adams being told to apologise, doubling down & then being made to do it seems in character for the man who punched Sean Higgins. (I probably shouldn't hold on to something that happened over 15 years ago but man it's hideously unprofessional & if it happened in any other walk of life Adams would have been out on his arse pronto)

I always get a laugh at Higgins’ twitter after another car-crash Adams interview. Always the first one waiting in the wings to stick the boot in; and quite right too.

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10 minutes ago, Matty-RCFC said:

I always get a laugh at Higgins’ twitter after another car-crash Adams interview. Always the first one waiting in the wings to stick the boot in; and quite right too.

To be fair, it’s often the guys who weren’t good enough - Mikey Fraser is another one.  There are other guys who think the sun shines out of his arse - generally the ones who demonstrably improved under his guidance like Ritchie Brittain.  

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