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2 minutes ago, silver said:

Point 4 Far too early in my opinion to say the loans are duds.

Point 2 Neither were doing anything. I liked Alex Samual. Lots of effort, but 1 goal? I will be keeping a sharp eye on Turner, he has a chance at Raith and it will be interesting to see if he can do anything. My guess is he has found his level there.

Point 3 My guess is he gave the new keeper a chance as maybe he has to have a certain amount of minutes to play as part of his loan deal. Far better to use him today than during a league game. Laidlaw will be back for the next game I reckon.

Point 5 You are never going to keep all the fans happy. I certainly dont feel alienated!  As for the chairman, has he alienated him? Perhaps you know something I dont.

As for the players. I would be out there to prove him wrong.

If I was a player I’d be asking my agent to get on the phone.

Derek Adams has let off a hand grenade at our club, and it’s all not his fault. What an arrogant wee dick. 

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8 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

Simon Murray fully backing the manager there, I see.  He’s also not leaving. 

That's a positive, however one of the reasons I like Murray so much as a player is he is not the sort to down tools regardless of who the manager is.

Superb attitude that very few players have these days. County would be in a lot worse position this season if it weren't for his goals. Murray & Dhanda, we are screwed if they were to get injured.

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18 minutes ago, Sonam said:

That's a positive, however one of the reasons I like Murray so much as a player is he is not the sort to down tools regardless of who the manager is.

Superb attitude that very few players have these days. County would be in a lot worse position this season if it weren't for his goals. Murray & Dhanda, we are screwed if they were to get injured.

Or in the case of Dhanda, sold. 

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I’ve never really been one to get too worked up about football. I don’t live my life by my football team, and whilst my mood is affected by the performance of County and Scotland, it doesn’t bother me long enough for me to really care too much. However, with the amount of my own pocket I invest as a paying punter, I’ve had enough. The club is so far from what it was when I was a kid. 

Many folk up here, myself included, often complain at the number of kids these days that are Old Firm fans and don’t support their local team. I’ve seen first hand over the last few weeks why kids these days wouldn’t want to support County. Firstly, they’re manhandled by bully security guards for having a bit of craic. Also, there is literally no community involvement to connect these kids to the club anymore. They do token gesture football sessions a couple times a year to pretend they care and throw around free tickets like they’re going out of fashion. 

I liked Derek Adams in his first two spells here. I thought he really cared about the club, looked like a firm but fair operator and I don’t think he has turned into a bad manager overnight. However, his own egotistical mind will not allow him to be wrong forcing him into this rabbit hole that he keeps digging himself into. If my boss at work consistently told me how bad at my job I was (to be fair, she does but not to the extent of DA), I wouldn’t want anything to do with the person. It’s no surprise therefore to see players coasting through games as they have no motivation to play for him. He is taking the piss out of you and I as fans, and if you can stand by him after his comments then I’m sorry but I think you have your head in the clouds. 

This may sound slightly uneducated, but this is how I see it from an outsiders perspective. I look at Thistle coming up today. A bigger club than us, yes. Yet, there is still a sense of engagement and togetherness around their club. Players that want to fight for the badge, a manager that has head screwed on and fans that will back both to the hilt. They’ve seen it far harder than us in the past 5 years. Despite it, they’ve turned it all around by listening to their fans concerns and their club are on the up because of it. I envy them. Compare it to us. Completely out of touch with the local community. Fans concerns fall on deaf ears. What’s the point sharing your concerns with our hierarchy as nobody will listen; for they know best. 

Sorry for the rant type post and fair play if you’re still reading this garbage. I’ve personally got to the point now where I’m completely disillusioned from the club and starting to think whether to just call it a day completely

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5 minutes ago, Matty-RCFC said:


Sorry for the rant type post and fair play if you’re still reading this garbage. I’ve personally got to the point now where I’m completely disillusioned from the club and starting to think whether to just call it a day completely

Aye, I feel this. I didn't even look at the score until well after halftime and just shrugged. 

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10 minutes ago, Matty-RCFC said:

I’ve never really been one to get too worked up about football. I don’t live my life by my football team, and whilst my mood is affected by the performance of County and Scotland, it doesn’t bother me long enough for me to really care too much. However, with the amount of my own pocket I invest as a paying punter, I’ve had enough. The club is so far from what it was when I was a kid. 

Many folk up here, myself included, often complain at the number of kids these days that are Old Firm fans and don’t support their local team. I’ve seen first hand over the last few weeks why kids these days wouldn’t want to support County. Firstly, they’re manhandled by bully security guards for having a bit of craic. Also, there is literally no community involvement to connect these kids to the club anymore. They do token gesture football sessions a couple times a year to pretend they care and throw around free tickets like they’re going out of fashion. 

I liked Derek Adams in his first two spells here. I thought he really cared about the club, looked like a firm but fair operator and I don’t think he has turned into a bad manager overnight. However, his own egotistical mind will not allow him to be wrong forcing him into this rabbit hole that he keeps digging himself into. If my boss at work consistently told me how bad at my job I was (to be fair, she does but not to the extent of DA), I wouldn’t want anything to do with the person. It’s no surprise therefore to see players coasting through games as they have no motivation to play for him. He is taking the piss out of you and I as fans, and if you can stand by him after his comments then I’m sorry but I think you have your head in the clouds. 

This may sound slightly uneducated, but this is how I see it from an outsiders perspective. I look at Thistle coming up today. A bigger club than us, yes. Yet, there is still a sense of engagement and togetherness around their club. Players that want to fight for the badge, a manager that has head screwed on and fans that will back both to the hilt. They’ve seen it far harder than us in the past 5 years. Despite it, they’ve turned it all around by listening to their fans concerns and their club are on the up because of it. I envy them. Compare it to us. Completely out of touch with the local community. Fans concerns fall on deaf ears. What’s the point sharing your concerns with our hierarchy as nobody will listen; for they know best. 

Sorry for the rant type post and fair play if you’re still reading this garbage. I’ve personally got to the point now where I’m completely disillusioned from the club and starting to think whether to just call it a day completely

Very well put 👏

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Obviously don't know too much but County are in the primary school every week doing sessions. My eldest loves a Tuesday when County come in and take her class for football. They've been at the school helping with the new school supporters club, teaching the older kids respect on the football pitch and the players have been in too recently. 

My two go to the Soccer Centre sessions too and enjoy it. 

None of this is enough for them to support County, mind you 😁

Edited by Honest Saints Fan
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1 hour ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

Obviously don't know too much but County are in the primary school every week doing sessions. My eldest loves a Tuesday when County come in and take her class for football. They've been at the school helping with the new school supporters club, teaching the older kids respect on the football pitch and the players have been in too recently. 

My two go to the Soccer Centre sessions too and enjoy it. 

None of this is enough for them to support County, mind you 😁

They are in my eldests school in Inverness too. I rather begrudgingly paid for him to go to the soccer centres sessions as well and he really enjoyed it. It’s definitely more advertised than the Caley do, in my opinion anyway.

None of that is going to be getting another kid supporting County right enough as he was well warned beforehand.

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3 minutes ago, Pete the Jakey said:


Do you think we can have a whip round and sort this lad out with a new drum?

Patrick Thistle fans are generally a good lot.  Get in touch with their SLO and they’ll get it sorted. 

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Am I missing something? I understand other team's fans looking at Adams and thinking "What a twat" but I don't understand how our fans have turned on him so quickly?

9 of the players that played yesterday were Malky signings. 1 of the 2 Adams signings was likely down to Laidlaw being rested in the cup as seems to be what a lot of clubs do in the Cup now. Adams clearly doesn't have the budget to do a full reset this window due to what was spent in the summer so he's utilising the loan market to get players in until then and there is absolutely no evidence we would be in a better spot under anyone else.

Yes, his post match interviews are a bit polarising and what he says isn't going to please anyone, but what's actually incorrect in any of what he's said? We have been shite and underperforming and the players should know that too. His comments about "regretting" aren't actually his words. He's agreed with the interviewer that there are basics which need sorted which he didn't expect. That could be absolutely anything and kinda stands to other people's points about the club being poorly run. 

People have short memories & the fact we have been a top flight side for most of the last decade seems to have blurred the expectations of a manager who has given us some of the best days in our history coming back and needing to rebuild what anyone could see was a poor and unbalanced squad. The fact Alex Samuel leaving is getting slated is baffling. The only bit I don't like about it is where he's gone! 

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The team Mackay formed is incredibly shite. It's not going to be a quick fix for Adams. He's seven games in, two wins, draws and losses in the league and then another loss yesterday. You can write off next Saturday, and then there are two huge fixtures against Livingston and St Johnstone. I think that's when we can have a fair assessment.

To touch on @Matty-RCFC point, the lack of apathy has been there pre Mackay, and that appointment just took it to a new level. I sometimes put it down to getting older and having other interests, but all the things you mentioned are quite correct. It's a shite state of affairs.

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27 minutes ago, USSR Tycoon said:

Adams has just made a bad team worse.

Think we were too hasty getting rid of Malky.

We've went from possible SPL survivors to absolutely guaranteed relegation!


Yup, this is my take on it. The measure of a manager/coach imo is the ability to improve a player or a group. To get more out of them than what was expected.

What we've seen from DA is the worst example of improving a group I've ever seen. 100% the dressing room has gone & that's purely down to one man.

I just can't see how Ross County come back from this situation. The board maybe feel we're too far invested in this DA project to back out now.

There's other signings in the pipeline plus the backroom reshuffle so to bin DA now leaves Cowie with a group of dissatisfied players with 6 months to go on their deals.

Personally, I've had enough I'm sick of the poison DA has brought to my club.

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52 minutes ago, MarkPockets said:

Am I missing something? I understand other team's fans looking at Adams and thinking "What a twat" but I don't understand how our fans have turned on him so quickly?

9 of the players that played yesterday were Malky signings. 1 of the 2 Adams signings was likely down to Laidlaw being rested in the cup as seems to be what a lot of clubs do in the Cup now. Adams clearly doesn't have the budget to do a full reset this window due to what was spent in the summer so he's utilising the loan market to get players in until then and there is absolutely no evidence we would be in a better spot under anyone else.

Yes, his post match interviews are a bit polarising and what he says isn't going to please anyone, but what's actually incorrect in any of what he's said? We have been shite and underperforming and the players should know that too. His comments about "regretting" aren't actually his words. He's agreed with the interviewer that there are basics which need sorted which he didn't expect. That could be absolutely anything and kinda stands to other people's points about the club being poorly run. 

People have short memories & the fact we have been a top flight side for most of the last decade seems to have blurred the expectations of a manager who has given us some of the best days in our history coming back and needing to rebuild what anyone could see was a poor and unbalanced squad. The fact Alex Samuel leaving is getting slated is baffling. The only bit I don't like about it is where he's gone! 

Many new managers work successfully with the squad they inherit, don't moan, don't complain and just get on with it. Certainly they don't throw the players under the bus like Adams has done! 

I don't have unrealistic expectations and expected a relegation fight anyway. However, Adams isn't exactly inspiring so far, is he? You don't understand why fans are turning on him, WTF!!!

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