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The Official Liz Truss no longer PM but still a Clusterfuck thread

Clown Job

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3 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

Parliamentary Sovereignty

Parliamentary sovereignty is a principle of the UK constitution. It makes Parliament the supreme legal authority in the UK, which can create or end any law. Generally, the courts cannot overrule its legislation and no Parliament can pass laws that future Parliaments cannot change. Parliamentary sovereignty is the most important part of the UK constitution.

I’ve suggested on here before that the Westminster Parliament could pass a law changing the electoral term from 5 years to (say) 20 years and it would be perfectly legal.  Hence ‘elected dictatorship’.


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25 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

For all it’s faults I think the USA’s constitution offers it citizens a level of protection that does not exist in the UK.  We have an ‘elected dictatorship’ which allows the government to do largely what they want.


Yes, the fact a state can stand up to the federal legislation (barring a supreme court challenge) and say ‘no’ or ‘we’re doing it if you wont’ etc is pretty good. The FBI for me do a relatively decent job in calling out corruption even when (with Trump) they are blockaded, these enquiries take a long time but are thorough. 

10 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

They did, into Banks anyway.  It didn't go anywhere. Between the toothless EC & ICo they got away with all the electoral fraud and I imagine proving any direct links between the UK government, its ministers, their families, their opaque trusts etc and their influence on what was essentially a unregulated straw poll, would be an enormous ball ache. 

Yeh that wasnt even remotely the scale im meaning, the entire government, lobbying and state apparatus needs to be reviewed. Its basically state sponsored insider trading. 

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5 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Yes, the fact a state can stand up to the federal legislation (barring a supreme court challenge) and say ‘no’ or ‘we’re doing it if you wont’ etc is pretty good. The FBI for me do a relatively decent job in calling out corruption even when (with Trump) they are blockaded, these enquiries take a long time but are thorough. 

Yeh that wasnt even remotely the scale im meaning, the entire government, lobbying and state apparatus needs to be reviewed. Its basically state sponsored insider trading. 

Sure, and I'd love it but, to use the Trump example it's a bad precedent to set that the exiting government will be investigated and charged with crimes by the incumbent.  Trump and The Tories are clearly as guilty as f**k, to varying degrees of different things. We can see how this plays out in the US but, already you know they'll try and hang Pelosi, Obama and Biden over parking tickets or some other shite in a tit for tat. 

I heard a podcast that implied the Bill Clinton impeachment was at least partly revenge for Nixon. Despite how bang to rights they both were.

There'd be a reasonably strong argument that an investigation and any prosecution of the tories iver brexit wouldn't be in the public interest.  

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I don't think Sunak was ever going to win an election, but it was pretty clear he was streets ahead of Truss and indeed the only adult in the room. Notably the policies he pursued were not necessarily ones he agrees with, but they took a much wider view of where we are than Truss has. 

Unfortunately, the lurid painting of Sunak as some sort of un-Tory, tax-and-spend lefty, from exactly the same people that demanded the Treasury step in and spend billions and billions on Covid support, has resulted in this absolute clusterfuck.  No doubt their side consultancy projects are being billed in USD now. 

The Pound is now up on the Dollar today, which I'm sure Chris Philp will be salivating about. The reason? Markets expect an emergency rate rise. More pain, then. 

Edited by Michael W
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Putting aside the freeze on all things politics for the queen's death, Truss has been PM for essentially a week or so and in that time, has managed almost, if not already, crash the economy. That is some going.

Aside from what we all think, the markets and our prospective trading partners around the world now views the UK as risky and unstable. What a situation to get ourselves into.

I challenge anyone looking at the UK right now, to tell me that it has a bright future and that Scotland has a bright future within it?

Even if we stabilise and get a bit of growth going, it is now from such a low base that it will be a miracle if we get back to even the same position we were 10 years ago.

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2 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

This is such an unbelievable shambles... Pound collapsing, wealth gap widening, Cabinet split incoming on immigration, Bank of England rumoured to be planning another rapid interest rate rise... any minute now I expect that the Cabinet will start to unzip their foreheads to reveal they are actually the Slitheen from Dr Who. 

You may scoff but it's only marginally less believable than the pretence that these inept "c"ankers actually know what they are doing. 

Tell you what, it's going to take a Hell of a" look over there" to deflect us from looking "over here". "Queen's corgies were CIA agents"; "Megan rages as Harry signs for Chelsea"; maybe even "Boris to divorce Carrie and run away with Nadine Dorries."

The Daily Mail and Express readers might fall for it, but the money markets managers won't, and they haven't taken their eyes off the ball over the past few days. 

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22 minutes ago, Theyellowbox said:

Putting aside the freeze on all things politics for the queen's death, Truss has been PM for essentially a week or so and in that time, has managed almost, if not already, crash the economy. That is some going.

Aside from what we all think, the markets and our prospective trading partners around the world now views the UK as risky and unstable. What a situation to get ourselves into.

I challenge anyone looking at the UK right now, to tell me that it has a bright future and that Scotland has a bright future within it?

Even if we stabilise and get a bit of growth going, it is now from such a low base that it will be a miracle if we get back to even the same position we were 10 years ago.

I think we have a great future.

Obviously, it won’t happen overnight but come back in a years time and let’s review things.

Quietly optimistic.

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1 hour ago, williemillersmoustache said:

Sure, and I'd love it but, to use the Trump example it's a bad precedent to set that the exiting government will be investigated and charged with crimes by the incumbent.  Trump and The Tories are clearly as guilty as f**k, to varying degrees of different things. We can see how this plays out in the US but, already you know they'll try and hang Pelosi, Obama and Biden over parking tickets or some other shite in a tit for tat. 

I heard a podcast that implied the Bill Clinton impeachment was at least partly revenge for Nixon. Despite how bang to rights they both were.

There'd be a reasonably strong argument that an investigation and any prosecution of the tories iver brexit wouldn't be in the public interest.  

Pelosi is the Queen of insider trading and Biden has been as corrupt as they come for decades. 

In terms of parking tickets Pelosi's husband crashed his Porsche while pished recently. I don't think he was even charged. 

The 50 grand a month job at a Ukranian gas company for the drug addict son kickback would be a resigning matter here I think. 

Which podcast were you listening to about Nixon? That's a weird take. 

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39 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Pelosi is the Queen of insider trading and Biden has been as corrupt as they come for decades. 

In terms of parking tickets Pelosi's husband crashed his Porsche while pished recently. I don't think he was even charged. 

The 50 grand a month job at a Ukranian gas company for the drug addict son kickback would be a resigning matter here I think. 

Which podcast were you listening to about Nixon? That's a weird take. 

Pelosi’s husband got 5 days in jail, last month. Why bother writing shite that’s so easily disproven? 


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44 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

I think we have a great future.

Obviously, it won’t happen overnight but come back in a years time and let’s review things.

Quietly optimistic.

Of course, that's exactly what was said after the No Vote and during Brexit and we're all still waiting, although I'd guess all optimism has gone by now. I'm fairly sure that, even if could fit on the side of a bus, that might not be the snappy headline to halt the growing mis-match between WM and Scotland.

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1 minute ago, Detournement said:

He had the felony charged dismissed and spent two days in jail.


Writes utter drivel. 

Gets corrected

Starts poking holes in the correction that he could've googled in 2 seconds flat rather than post the utter drivel. 

Excellent stuff. 

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