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The Official Liz Truss no longer PM but still a Clusterfuck thread

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1 hour ago, scottsdad said:

I was a civil servant for 7 years, so yes.

So why did Kwarteng sack the Permanent Secretary to the Treasury and why did Truss block the choice for his replacement?  After all if they’re all impartial what does it matter?

BTW the idea that because you were a civil servant for 7 years means that all civil servants are impartial is the most spurious ‘logic’ imaginable.

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She's way past U-turns now.........She's doing full-on doughnuts.

Policy on the hoof from a woodentop PM.

"Nevertheless, generators reacted with dismay. Keith Anderson, chief executive of ScottishPower, said: “We’re deeply worried at the suggestion renewables generators are making extraordinary profits when our power has been sold in advance at much lower pre-war prices – a fraction of today’s cost – protecting customers by hundreds of millions of pounds.

“It’s disappointing that such a significant market intervention by the government has come with so little detail, all this does is create uncertainty. This crisis has been caused by the cost of gas and it’s strange the proposed solution is to cap the price of low-carbon generation and to leave the gas sector untouched.”

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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5 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:


She's way past U-turns now.........She's doing full-on doughnuts.

Policy on the hoof from a woodentop PM.

"Nevertheless, generators reacted with dismay. Keith Anderson, chief executive of ScottishPower, said: “We’re deeply worried at the suggestion renewables generators are making extraordinary profits when our power has been sold in advance at much lower pre-war prices – a fraction of today’s cost – protecting customers by hundreds of millions of pounds.

“It’s disappointing that such a significant market intervention by the government has come with so little detail, all this does is create uncertainty. This crisis has been caused by the cost of gas and it’s strange the proposed solution is to cap the price of low-carbon generation and to leave the gas sector untouched.”

Absolute farce, nothing she now says will be taken seriously. How can someone govern the country when they can't even marshall their own thoughts.

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Must make it tricky for other parties to challenge her position on anything.

"I totally disagree with what the PM had to say on the matter this morning".

"Which means you are totally in agreement with her now"!

"Yes.  I mean No.  Actually I have no idea".


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On 09/10/2022 at 12:03, Dawson Park Boy said:

Always thought cannabis was used more by the middle classes.


Perhaps,  But they aren't the ones criminalised, nor are they for other drugs.   Drug use throughout race or social classes are fairy similar.  Prosecution rates are wildly different.     Our drug policy both in law and enforcement is deliberately discriminatory. 


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On 09/10/2022 at 19:03, Dawson Park Boy said:

Always thought cannabis was used more by the middle classes.

I agree with her as it is a gateway drug to the harder stuff.

Seems like you want decriminalisation?

Thinking cannabis should be illegal because it is a gateway drug is spurious logic. It is a gateway drug because it is illegal.

Take away the illegality and it's no more a gateway drug than paracetamol or caffeine.

On 10/10/2022 at 20:18, Father Ted said:

I would largely agree with everything you have said.

If it was legalised then certain controls would be required.

As for psychosis, I would agree to an extent. Although I would think most sufferers would already have an underlying mental issue. Alcohol would similarly produce issues as well in these cases.

Everything in moderation as they say, and it isn't for everyone, just like alcohol.

I smoked it for a considerable amount of time, no psychosis and very little withdrawal symptoms when I called it a day 

I'm not saying it's all sunshine but it's on a par, or possibly slightly better than alcohol.

Cannabis is, without doubt, a lot safer than alcohol.

More people will die on an hourly basis from alcohol use, than the entire history of cannabis use.

Anyway, she's doing a terrible job and is finished despite only being a few months in. It's gone terribly, almost worse than anyone could imagine.

It's when not if, and let's hope it puts the Tories out of power for some time. They have been in power for too long and it shows.

It's credit (party to party discipline and strong leadership) that the SNP haven't quite gone as batshit crazy the last few years, although ideally even they would have some sort of serious challenge.

You only have to look at the Republican party in the US as to where the conservatives are heading. The woke lefty stuff is complete nonsense, but a multi year strategy to appeal to their base. Call stuff or people you don't like woke lefties -> blame everything on woke lefties. Add in a bit of #socialismsucks and you have yet more degradation in public discourse.

The biggest losers in all this are genuine centre right people who have been disenfranchised by this lurch to the right (socially, not economically.) Their economic policy is neither left nor right wing, it's just barmy.

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8 hours ago, parsforlife said:

Perhaps,  But they aren't the ones criminalised, nor are they for other drugs.   Drug use throughout race or social classes are fairy similar.  Prosecution rates are wildly different.     Our drug policy both in law and enforcement is deliberately discriminatory. 


A street kid gets arrested, gonna do some time
He got out three years from now just to commit more crime
A businessman is caught with 24 kilos
He’s out on bail and out of jail
And that’s the way it goes, raah!

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19 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

PMQs should be good today.

"Would the Prime Minister agree with me that U-turns are an important part of Government?"

I've been wondering about the approach the anti-Truss MPs will take.  Should they go for the straight in, sliding tackle, studs up into the shin brutal approach? Or, rather, should they take the the pish-ripping, couldn't get laid in a brothel, you don't know what you're doing, laugh in her face, route?

I've had a thought for a while that the powerful (even if it's in a "name only" sense) are used to the so-called tough questioning by journalists and are trained in how to deal with it, but they just can't take being laughed at. 

Maybe just start with laughing and pointing and take it from there? 

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51 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

PMQs should be good today.

"Would the Prime Minister agree with me that U-turns are an important part of Government?"

"With other newspapers, the Daily Mail is being taken to court for among other things, illegally obtaining the bank statements and medical records of the family of Stephen Lawrence. Are the government still planning on giving Paul Dacre a peerage, so he can sit beside Baroness Lawrence in the Lords? And was putting him forward 3 times for chair of OFCOM in retrospect a mistake or just another cunning plan foiled?"

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42 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I've been wondering about the approach the anti-Truss MPs will take.  Should they go for the straight in, sliding tackle, studs up into the shin brutal approach? Or, rather, should they take the the pish-ripping, couldn't get laid in a brothel, you don't know what you're doing, laugh in her face, route?

I've had a thought for a while that the powerful (even if it's in a "name only" sense) are used to the so-called tough questioning by journalists and are trained in how to deal with it, but they just can't take being laughed at. 

Maybe just start with laughing and pointing and take it from there? 

It really wouldn't matter, she's too thick to comprehend any of it.  Truss reminds me of a character in one of those screwball American comedy films of the 70's where a shithouse clerk was the identical twin of a nuclear physicist with predictable results.

Actually, has she got a twin ?

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1 hour ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I've been wondering about the approach the anti-Truss MPs will take.  Should they go for the straight in, sliding tackle, studs up into the shin brutal approach? Or, rather, should they take the the pish-ripping, couldn't get laid in a brothel, you don't know what you're doing, laugh in her face, route?

I've had a thought for a while that the powerful (even if it's in a "name only" sense) are used to the so-called tough questioning by journalists and are trained in how to deal with it, but they just can't take being laughed at. 

Maybe just start with laughing and pointing and take it from there? 

They should use their questions to show how dim she is with some basic general knowledge: Capital of Brazil, pints in a gallon, who wrote Robinson Crusoe, that type of thing. 

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