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The Official Liz Truss no longer PM but still a Clusterfuck thread

Clown Job

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Remember that day in the summer, after Sunak and Javid went and it was just a roll call of resignations? I was glued to the TV. It was wonderful.

I sense we may get a repeat of these kinds of shenanigans this week or next.

The real victims though are HIGNFY, who film the shows on Thursdays

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2 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Is it actually a press "conference" or a press statement? In a conference, she might actually be expected to answer questions. Questions are like Kryptonite to Truss. 

A fair point. I'm not sure if it is a conference or just a statement.

Still, would you bet on her reading a statement out correctly? Whatever form it takes will be enjoyable viewing. I look forward to hearing about her plan to get this country back on track after she and her government has taken it off the tracks and set fire to it.

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13 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

It appears that a "deal" was done while Kwarteng was over the Atlantic where Truss was given the ultimatum that in order to save herself she had to throw him under the bus.

As you say though, EVERYONE knows that he's being scapegoated and that She's utterly useless with no power at all.

I honestly can't see where the Tories go from here as even the "believers" don't know what they stand for, who to trust or what policies they actually believe in or will run with.

I'd say the whole party is a busted flush.

I don't think there's much doubt he had to go, given the fallout. But Truss has to go also and everyone alive can see it - these were her policies and punting the Chancellor doesn't restore her credibility. She has no authority and anything she tries that will make around 10% of her MPs grumble can and will be keboshed. 

They are in a death spiral, though have been in one for some time. They had their chance to regroup when Johnson ran out of Ministers willing to support him and have fucked it spectacularly, accelerating the decline. They are very much in "core vote only". 

I wonder what the members that voted for Truss think of all this. Has it dawned on them? Do they think that she should be given more time? Have they bought the nonsense Rees-Mogg was spinning about every conceivable institution on earth being against the Government? The hankering for two people- Sunak and Mordaunt - that they turned down to elect Truss is both amusing and also pretty tragic. 



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2 hours ago, coprolite said:

Willoughby and Schofield's position is completely untenable. They have to go for the good of the program. 


2 hours ago, Estragon said:

Are Willoughby and Schofield in Prince Andrew territory? This is getting harder and harder to follow. 

The boos at last nights NTAs and the producers going full WWE to mute them shows how far they have fallen IMVHO.

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James O'brien has just ended his programme with a good question. 

If the Liz Truss as a committed Liberal Democrat in her 20s had decided to join the Tories with the intention of leading it so that she could destroy it, what would she have done differently to what she's done since becoming PM? 


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2 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

James O'brien has just ended his programme with a good question. 

If the Liz Truss as a committed Liberal Democrat in her 20s had decided to join the Tories with the intention of leading it so that she could destroy it, what would she have done differently to what she's done since becoming PM? 


I've always wondered if that was Blair's plan for Labour. 

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22 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

Shortest serving chancellors post-war

1. Iain Macleod, 30 days (died in office)

2? Kwasi Kwarteng, 38 days

3. Nadhim Zahawi, 63 days (caretaker)

4. Sajid Javid, 204 days

5. Peter Thorneycroft, 358 days

3 of the shortest and in just the last 2 years 🤣 

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Unelected PM and Chancer, erm, Chancellor put through a plan for growth without scrutiny by the OBR, it all goes tits up, Tories all over the place, markets all over the place, the UK a laughing stock and still there will be people who will argue that Scotland can't go it alone.



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9 minutes ago, Michael W said:

I don't think there's much doubt he had to go, given the fallout. But Truss has to go also and everyone alive can see it - these were her policies and punting the Chancellor doesn't restore her credibility. She has no authority and anything she tries that will make around 10% of her MPs grumble can and will be keboshed. 

They are in a death spiral, though have been in one for some time. They had their chance to regroup when Johnson ran out of Ministers willing to support him and have fucked it spectacularly, accelerating the decline. They are very much in "core vote only". 

I wonder what the members that voted for Truss think of all this. Has it dawned on them? Do they think that she should be given more time? Have they bought the nonsense Rees-Mogg was spinning about every conceivable institution on earth being against the Government? The hankering for two people- Sunak and Mordaunt - that they turned down to elect Truss is both amusing and also pretty tragic. 



Ironically, Truss has just made herself look 10 times worse and completely incompetent by bagging Kwarteng.

It does seem pretty sure that she won't see out October.

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Truss' premiership quickly becoming a binfire is the least surprising thing that has happened in politics recently. It was obvious she was being groomed for PM for some time, which was baffling as she has always appeared incompetent and out of her depth in any reasonably senior position. Ridiculous that she ever ended up here in the first place.

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