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Eligible can play Scotland


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It's not fucking residency. It's education. 

This is as bad as the annual Daily Record story (quieter now since we stopped playing SOD) calling for Tav to be capped.

Tavernier has never been, nor will he ever be, eligible to play for Scotland.

Enough now 

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5 minutes ago, velo army said:

It's not fucking residency. It's education. 

This is as bad as the annual Daily Record story (quieter now since we stopped playing SOD) calling for Tav to be capped.

Tavernier has never been, nor will he ever be, eligible to play for Scotland.

Enough now 

Correct its schooling there for someone with no bloodline can represent us so what difference does that make to someone who has been here five years or someone with no link at all?

Works perfectly for the rugby 🏉 

Aye only cos the fools at SFA have a stupid rule with the other nations whilst teams as ive proven already are improving using the 5 years rule

But SFA want us keft behind with some silly wee code with England and are lying about the threat off our national teams getting taken away

Its sad that so many have taken that bait with them and don't actually see the bigger picture 

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1 hour ago, General dissaray said:

What part off Tavernier kept Patterson out the Rangers team don't you understand?

Also if O Donnell was a better defender than Tavernier he would got his move to the English championship 

O Donnell is out off contract again lets see where he goes chanced are he'll be staying at Motherwell cos that is his level 

Taverniers level is the Europa league and would have a pick off teams at that level if we sold him unlike O Donnell 

Patterson was a teenager when Tavernier kept him out of the Rangers team. Patterson's a far better player now, which is why Everton bought Patterson and not Tavernier. Even to you if you weren't trolling, that would be obvious.

Tavernier didn't get a move to the English Premiership either so your 2nd line is just nonsense. Neither he nor O'Donnell are good enough for it. O'Donnell's all but done now so where he goes next is equally irrelevant.

Tavernier's level when he has the ball is Europa League. Tavernier's level when the opposition do is SPL, and it's not even the best in that.

If Tavernier was Scottish he wouldn't be getting a game for Scotland now (or certainly no more often than Anthony Ralston does). He may have done at the times when O'Donnell was but that's not relevant now anyway.

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1 hour ago, General dissaray said:

What part off Tavernier kept Patterson out the Rangers team don't you understand?

Also if O Donnell was a better defender than Tavernier he would got his move to the English championship 

O Donnell is out off contract again lets see where he goes chanced are he'll be staying at Motherwell cos that is his level 

Taverniers level is the Europa league and would have a pick off teams at that level if we sold him unlike O Donnell 

Fuck of.

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6 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

Patterson was a teenager when Tavernier kept him out of the Rangers team. Patterson's a far better player now, which is why Everton bought Patterson and not Tavernier. Even to you if you weren't trolling, that would be obvious.

Tavernier didn't get a move to the English Premiership either so your 2nd line is just nonsense. Neither he nor O'Donnell are good enough for it. O'Donnell's all but done now so where he goes next is equally irrelevant.

Tavernier's level when he has the ball is Europa League. Tavernier's level when the opposition do is SPL, and it's not even the best in that.

If Tavernier was Scottish he wouldn't be getting a game for Scotland now (or certainly no more often than Anthony Ralston does). He may have done at the times when O'Donnell was but that's not relevant now anyway.

Tavernier isn't good enough for the English Premier same as Stephen O Donnell isn't good enough for the English championship 

Patterson being a teenager is irelivent pretty sure Rangers and Scotland have played and capped teenagers before 

Ralston is in and out the Celtic team though isn't he?So wouldn't be to sure about that but then again Clarke has said he isn't worried about trivial stuff like them playing and wants a club type core

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11 hours ago, General dissaray said:

Tavernier would be in hall off fame now if he was Scottish same guy that kept wee Patterson out Rangers team aye?

Reece James would surely be keeping Tav out the team in this make believe world where we can just call up English players who aren’t eligible for us?

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50 minutes ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:

Reece James would surely be keeping Tav out the team in this make believe world where we can just call up English players who aren’t eligible for us?

James has 16 caps for England and as far as I'm aware hasn't lived in Scotland for 5 years so naw he wouldn't count

England are using schooling there for we should be ripping up there agreement with them when it isn't based on blood line anymore 

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3 minutes ago, KingRocketman II said:

was there not some Daily Record campaign at one point to get Amoruso capped by Scotland? 

Bertie Vogts did ask him but the rules at the time prevented him from getting a full Scotland cap as he had be capped by Italy at u19 level IIRC.

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56 minutes ago, KingRocketman II said:

was there not some Daily Record campaign at one point to get Amoruso capped by Scotland? 

Countries using the 5 years residency rules aren't scared about losing there national teams even the little teams with British sovereignty that was point was trying to make

A point that was clearly over a few peoples heads in here but in typical Scottish fashion we choose to be awkward and make things harder on ourselves and harder than it needs to be in finding suitable players

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