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P&B Weight Observers Thread 23/24

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Had a bit of a rough time (as did everyone) MH-wise during covid and went from probably the best shape I'd been in for years at the end of the first Lockdown, running 6 times a week and eating pretty well to losing interest in exercise and some dreadful eating habits, slowly putting on weight until the end of the summer. Getting married at the end of April and making good progress on getting weight back down to for that. IF is good for me, pretty strict during the week and a bit of leeway at the weekends if going for drinks or a meal; as is calorie counting which, if you're not obsessive about things being correct to the exact calorie, isn't too difficult. I try not to be too optimistic with protein etc but I'm trying to build a little muscle and strength without eating meat 7 days a week so do take some steps like having the protein yoghurts and a shake most days

I can be too OTT with over-planning my workouts and runs and then when life gets in the way and I miss one session missing a few more, but back to the stage where I enjoy going to the gym or out for a run again. Think it's good to have goals around the exercise outside of just as a weight loss activity. I'm training to be able to run a decent half marathon time in the summer, get sprints and speedwork in for playing sport and trying to hit certain weight:bodyweight ratios on the big lifts. Also just some activity outside of that to make up for having a desk job - I usually get my 10k steps just from walking and try to get some bodyweight and flexibility workouts in during the week, although struggling with getting up to do that with the dark just now 

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4 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

This time last year I weighed in at over 125 kg. I'm 6 foot 4.

Got down to ~118 kg by the summer. Haven't weighed myself since and haven't (I think) put any back on.

The Onanist Workout?

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I have gone from 95kg to 87 kg since turn of year. (had to convert from lbs as I understand them better in regards to my weight). 

That was cutting out drink and the snacks that went along with it. I'll eventually look at the exercise bike we bought during the first lockdown, I built it so I am feart it would collapse under me. 

Aiming for another 7 off before June so I can fit the shorts etc I bought last year before summer never bothered its arse. 

It's strange, I only seem to put the weight on around the waist and in the face. 

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If anyone needs a gym routine that splits into 4 days a week then give me a message and I can send it on. It’s something I have used for the last few years. I also have lots of recipes that I can send which are also good. Happy to share. 

Good luck to everyone


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During the first lockdown I was in the best shape I’d been for a long time, lost about 15kg and was out running everyday because it felt good. I’ve definitely slipped over the past 2 years (mad to think it’s that long) and I’m back up at fat b*****d levels again. 

My goal for this year is to weigh around 85kg at the end of the year. My usual pattern is to lose weight and then put it back on come November, so having the 31st Dec as goal day should hopefully help. 

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13 hours ago, Aufc said:

If anyone needs a gym routine that splits into 4 days a week then give me a message and I can send it on. It’s something I have used for the last few years. I also have lots of recipes that I can send which are also good. Happy to share. 

Good luck to everyone


Perhaps be useful to post up links/images that you and others have found useful?

Personally I find it important to drink water throughout the day - especially first thing in the morning to flush the system and reset the body. If I remember to keep that simple habit and get regular walks I find my weight stabilises very quickly. 

We often overlook the simple things around us that can make massive differences. 

Good thread.

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This is a great idea. 

I think my first target is to get light enough for my scales to work. 

I stopped smoking basically on a whim and did the same with booze and did it before with shite food. I just had a packet of crisps and some haribo and there really was no need. It’s not that hard to change a habit and just needs some, not a huge amount, of willpower. 

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If folk are wanting to lose weight then my advice would be:

- Improve your diet. Don't eat processed shite, cook good meals and have a good mix of macros. I'd suggest aiming for a more protein rich diet and reduce the carbs. If you don't have time to cook good meals every night, batch cook meals at the end/start of your working week.

- Portion control. All very well having a good diet but if you are eating big portions you are hampering progress.

- Drink lots of water. Water fills you up and it's important to stay hydrated anyway. Start the day by downing a pint of it and aim to drink a further litre throughout the day.

- cut out sugar. It's okay to treat yourself from time to time but eating a pudding after dinner every night or eating confectionary everyday has to stop.

- move more. If you do an office job try and go for a walk during lunch. Walk/cycle to work if you can. Consider going to the gym before or after work.

These things worked for me. I've never been overweight but a few years ago I was determined to have #poppin abs, so I became very strict with my diet in order to shred fat. I basically abandoned sugar and I was using an app to track my calories. It did work but I actually became too thin at one point and it wasn't until my folks told me that I realised I needed to calm the jets a wee bit. The calorie trackers can be handy but tedious also. I also used Joe Wick's 'Lean in 15' book religiously, there's some good recipes on there and many became a staple part of my diet.



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19 hours ago, weirdcal said:

I have gone from 95kg to 87 kg since turn of year. (had to convert from lbs as I understand them better in regards to my weight). 

That was cutting out drink and the snacks that went along with it. I'll eventually look at the exercise bike we bought during the first lockdown, I built it so I am feart it would collapse under me. 

Aiming for another 7 off before June so I can fit the shorts etc I bought last year before summer never bothered its arse. 

It's strange, I only seem to put the weight on around the waist and in the face. 

8 kg in 20 days is very rapid weight loss indeed.

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2 hours ago, scottsdad said:

8 kg in 20 days is very rapid weight loss indeed.

It's always the same when we do things like this, cut out alcohol and snacks and at the start it just falls away, it then slows down to what is probably a natural body weight without exercise and that's typically the point I revert back to older ways.

Oh I also cut out bread. Some reason that works well with me. 

When I say snacks that can be family sized bags of crisps etc to myself, so it feels like I am cutting a lot of additional calories straight out. 

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Good thread. 

I’m sitting at about 86kg at the moment, I’m 5ft 7in so it’s a good bit more than I should be. I’d like to get myself below 80kg for the cricket season starting in April, then by the end of the year look to be in the 70-75kg range and stay there. I’ve been saying similar for years, though, and I’m yet to make it sick. Had some success with intermittent fasting in the past, I think I’m going to go back to that. 

Edited by die hard doonhamer
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17 minutes ago, coprolite said:

When did people start using kg for their weight? I'm mid forties and it's always been stones and pounds for me. 

I flip between the 2. I only started using kg a few years ago as the app I use for tracking my weight is also what I use to record exercise. Everything had to either be metric or imperial in the app, and I wanted my runs and bike rides to be measured in km rather than miles, so have got used to using kg for weight. 

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8 minutes ago, die hard doonhamer said:

I flip between the 2. I only started using kg a few years ago as the app I use for tracking my weight is also what I use to record exercise. Everything had to either be metric or imperial in the app, and I wanted my runs and bike rides to be measured in km rather than miles, so have got used to using kg for weight. 

That makes sense. My mental arithmetic is not too bad but  times 2.2 divided by fourteen (or times 0.157) isn't the easiest conversion. 

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