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P&B Weight Observers Thread 23/24

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On 03/01/2024 at 08:37, Central Belt Caley said:

15st 9lbs for me this morning, can always tells when I’ve put a few pounds on as I start getting Heartburn. 

Already run 4/5 times a week so get the diet under control and the lb’s should be quick enough in coming back off. Set a daily goal of 8k steps which is good enough spur to get out for a walk when I’m sat at a desk all day. 

Onwards and upwards lads 

15st on the dot this morning, ran 104km so far in January and hit at least 8k steps every day.

Not had a drink yet this year either so that’s probably helping too.

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On 20/01/2024 at 10:35, 2426255 said:

Week 3/12: Recovered from cold/flu. Picked Up Physical activity from Week1.

Diet: Lower general consumption. No change to type of foods eaten.

Physical: 14th, 15th, 19th & 20th: 6 Miles walking. 16th & 17th: 3 Miles Walking. 18th: Rest Day. 

Outcome: Weight Loss (Visual), Clothes looser fitting, Feel Hungrier more regularly.

Week 4/12: Continued Walking, but some disruption to my plans as a result of the weather which reduced my total distance over the week from 30-miles to 24-miles.

Diet: Increase in consumption. No change to type of foods eaten.

Physical: 22nd, 23rd: 3-miles walking. 24th, 25th & 26th: 6-miles walking. 21st & 27th: No Activity.

Outcome: I'm not sure. I think I've lost some weight this week, but not much due to reduced physical output, higher consumption and perhaps my body has adapted to my physical routine.

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On 03/01/2024 at 12:19, Michael W said:

17st6 was the damage. Shit. 

Not the heaviest I have been, but that's the only positive. Over a stone up since last July and 5lbs heavier than I was at this point last year. 


Weighed in at 16st12 yesterday. 

Down 8lbs, a decent start to the year. Half of it was in the first week, which was basically the impact of all the chocolate etc from Christmas being eliminated. 

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Monthly weigh in with no loss at all for the month. 

Have been eating more bits and pieces between meals, including apparently too much nuts. And peanut butter. Had a couple of lazy weeks after work started again too. 

Soo close to target weight as well. Got complacent. 

This time last year I was too heavy to run and was literally off the scale(s). So less than a stone overweight and doing regular 20ks is still good. PMA

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On 27/01/2024 at 11:08, 2426255 said:

Week 4/12: Continued Walking, but some disruption to my plans as a result of the weather which reduced my total distance over the week from 30-miles to 24-miles.

Diet: Increase in consumption. No change to type of foods eaten.

Physical: 22nd, 23rd: 3-miles walking. 24th, 25th & 26th: 6-miles walking. 21st & 27th: No Activity.

Outcome: I'm not sure. I think I've lost some weight this week, but not much due to reduced physical output, higher consumption and perhaps my body has adapted to my physical routine.

Week 5/12: Continued walking. Experienced mild shin splints on Tuesday 30th and so rested the following day and haven't had any more issues.

Diet: Back to normal rates of consumption from week-4. No change to type of foods eaten.

Physical: 29th, 30th, 1st, 2nd & 3rd: 6-miles daily walking. 28th & 31st: No Activity.

Outcome: Weight loss. Most successful week to date. Generally conditions worked for me (weather etc) but still required discipline to complete the 30-miles - especially the last three days back to back.

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I'm down nearly ten pounds since the start of the year, however tweaked my back a couple of days ago so I haven't been able to get to the gym or get out running for a while.

Weigh-in tomorrow and I expect that the scale will either not have moved, or might go up slightly as I was at a wedding yesterday and indulged in a lot of food and non-alcoholic beer. But I know that's a temporary thing. Back on it when my back is better hopefully but might try to go out a wee walk tonight.

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On 11/02/2024 at 16:48, Gaz said:

I'm down nearly ten pounds since the start of the year, however tweaked my back a couple of days ago so I haven't been able to get to the gym or get out running for a while.

Weigh-in tomorrow and I expect that the scale will either not have moved, or might go up slightly as I was at a wedding yesterday and indulged in a lot of food and non-alcoholic beer. But I know that's a temporary thing. Back on it when my back is better hopefully but might try to go out a wee walk tonight.

I had a bit of a bust myself for different reasons on my week 6/12. I had family over and so on so it was hard to keep to my routine. I managed about 50% of my normal routine. These things happen. My week 7/12 was really good - back to normal although I feel I'm only back to where I was at the end of week-5.

I've time off from work starting tomorrow so that'll need a bit more discipline to keep my numbers up given most of my walking is to and from work! 

Not altering my diet has slowed my progress, but it hasn't stopped. It's just more gradual, which is no bad thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 23/01/2024 at 09:13, Central Belt Caley said:

15st on the dot this morning, ran 104km so far in January and hit at least 8k steps every day.

Not had a drink yet this year either so that’s probably helping too.

14st 7 this morning. Hit at least 8k steps everyday and have run 150km in both January and February. 
My parents got me a Craghoppers jacket for Christmas and there’s already a lot more room than there was in it :lol:


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On 01/02/2024 at 13:49, Michael W said:

Weighed in at 16st12 yesterday. 

Down 8lbs, a decent start to the year. Half of it was in the first week, which was basically the impact of all the chocolate etc from Christmas being eliminated. 

16st9 on Tuesday. Down another 3lbs since the last weigh in. 

Very happy with that, as I had a long weekend away and also a couple of social occasions, which meant I didn't stick to the plan particularly well. Hoping to manage down to the low 16s this month, owing to the lack of such things. 

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Time I came back to this thread , thought I was the dieting champion of pie and bovril ,but turns out I was ill so felt a a bit of a fraud

Been put on a load of meds and my weight has ballooned again (blaming them but need to get back to being serious again)

Started the 1st of March at 20 stone ,so it is my intention to be lighter in a month's time 

Good luck to everyone else who's fighting the good fight

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No idea about the weight as I've been away with work eating a shit load of good food  (at their expense) but I've been battering the gym and I swear for about 30 minutes last night I looked fucking excellent in the mirror. 21 year old body. I got upto freeweight 40's on the chest but only for a couple then the tri's took a decade long weight battering. I'm getting the bite back.

Sore today though. :lol:

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I have been trying to lose a bit of weight this year - I had a small operation early in January and thought it prudent to try and lose some as I'm too heavy.

I was 120 kg / 18 stone 12 lbs just after my op and now I'm down to 113 kg / 17 stone 11 lbs, which I am pleased with.  There's a bit of a way to go and I've started doing more conditioning training alongside lifting weights, doing a couch to 5k programme.  I used to run a lot and have done a few half marathons but the C25K works well - there's always a temptation to think "I can do this, I used to run loads" but underestimating how much I need to bring it back.

I've also started doing some other measurements of health to track - I did the Cooper Test the other day.  It's a running test where you run as far as you can in 12 minutes, a result that is highly correlated with VO2 Max.  I will try this monthly and see how I get on with improving it - the result this week was 1810 metres, which is apparently average for my age, and gives me a VO2 Max of 29.4.

I've also been monitoring my heart rate, which is good, resting heart rate consistently below 60bpm.  I don't really understand how that is as I've not done that much cardio training and I am overweight.  My dad has heart disease and has had several heart attacks so I feel like I should keep an eye on my heart health, although his is probably due to 40 years of heavy smoking.

I really wish I'd weighed myself and measured any of these things when I was much fitter.  I managed a 2 hour 4 minute time for a half marathon and I have no idea what any of these measurements were at that time but they must've been a lot better - I didn't weigh myself at the time, didn't measure anything except my running times.  Oh well.

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I'm a Type 1 Diabetic that didn't take that much care about my weight until I had my last appointment with the Diabetic Health Team.

My glucose levels have always been on the high side and I was told that I should get an insulin pump as it would be a better way to contol my glusoce levels.

A pump seems way too invasive so since the start of the year I have cut out eating shite between meals and cut back on what | do eat at mealtimes.

My glucose levels are now exactly where they should be, and I have had to cut back the amount of insulin that I have been injecting to keep within the target range, however I have only lost about four pounds since I started this regime.

It seems that whilst I am winning where it comes to glucose levels I am destined to be continually overweight.

Win some, lose some!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 07/03/2024 at 11:43, Michael W said:

16st9 on Tuesday. Down another 3lbs since the last weigh in. 

Very happy with that, as I had a long weekend away and also a couple of social occasions, which meant I didn't stick to the plan particularly well. Hoping to manage down to the low 16s this month, owing to the lack of such things. 

16st6. So that's a stone down for the year. 

Going to go up this month though, unfortunately, due to events. 

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March was bad for me. Apparently I can’t just have one teensy little egg without going nuts on them. Also had too much cereal and biscuits.
Scales in the house say I put on about 8 pounds and am a stone over now. Me and the wife had a go on the electronic coin operated scales at a leisure centre which says I’m four pounds under. Tempted to believe the leisure centre, because I want to. 
anyway. No more chocolate or biscuits again. 

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1 hour ago, coprolite said:

March was bad for me. Apparently I can’t just have one teensy little egg without going nuts on them. Also had too much cereal and biscuits.
Scales in the house say I put on about 8 pounds and am a stone over now. Me and the wife had a go on the electronic coin operated scales at a leisure centre which says I’m four pounds under. Tempted to believe the leisure centre, because I want to. 
anyway. No more chocolate or biscuits again. 

Keep fighting the good fight. Your posts in here are inspiring, some amount of weight to shift. 

I was down 8kg this year. Been on holiday so expecting a couple of kilo gain but will be straight back on it come Tuesday. Did a performance test through my gym (as part of a 45 day challenge) and not only did I lose 4kg but I improved in every category (weights and cardio). 

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2 hours ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

I was listening to a guy on the radio called Tim Spector. He was talking about eating 30 plants a week and saying calorie controlled diets don't work. 

Do you take any notice of him?

Never heard of him, and with advice like that, I'd be ignoring everything he says.

Weight is solely controlled by calories. Nothing more, nothing less.

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