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Next permanent Scotland manager

Richey Edwards


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14 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

If your entire political aim is to ensure that a chap from Eyemouth has to cross an international border and pay in a different currency to buy his messages in Berwick then you don't need a capable leader.  All you need is a gormless yet persistent half-wit with zero self-awareness who is committed to the cause.

The ScotchNats have the leader they deserve.

It's not a bad effort but this is the equivalent of me playing pool after half a pint. I reckon you're at least another seven gins away from your posting sweet spot. Looking forward to waking up tomorrow and reading your 3am patter (maybe a wee DPRS reference for old times sake) - mind drink plenty of water too! 

Edited by JMDPco
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3 minutes ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

Ffs Dalyell. Who the hell hides an extra L in there?

I went through a phase of getting the first BMI flight of the day from EDI to LHR on a Monday and often shared the forward seats with Alistair Darling and Tam 'Dyell'.

His craven 'Any chance' requests to share Darling's ministerial car from the airport would have embarrassed anyone, farless the scion of 'Tam o' the Binns'. 

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10 minutes ago, JMDPco said:

It's not a bad effort but this is the equivalent on me playing pool after half a pint. I reckon you're at least another seven gins away from your posting sweet spot. Looking forward to waking up tomorrow and reading your 3am patter (maybe a wee DPRS reference for old times sake) - mind drink plenty of water too! 

You're reading too many posts about posters, wee man.

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37 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

If your entire political aim is to ensure that a chap from Eyemouth has to cross an international border and pay in a different currency to buy his messages in Berwick then you don't need a capable leader.  All you need is a gormless yet persistent half-wit with zero self-awareness who is committed to the cause.


Like the ones who enforce that on Ireland and whom you still loyally vote for?

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29 minutes ago, BTFD said:

Delighted to see that Dryhorce has decided to copy and paste the same tiresome tropes, word-for-word, he does every other night when the need for negative attention overcomes the need for shelter, food, and water.


I’ll assume this is what you meant. And you’re right.

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Just heard Jim Murphy on Radio 4. He's obviously been reading this thread as he's parroting some attack lines.

Apparently Kate Forbes wouldn't be out of place on the right side of the Conservative party. He also suggested she was the most right wing candidate to stand for any party (not sure if he meant Scotland or UK).

He said he wished Humza all the best for the nation but to make way for Labour as the SNP are ungovernable with a hard right element (given Forbes support).

I tell you what Jim, go and get you're Irn Bru crate and take your fantasist shit round the country. An irrelevant bawbag whose electoral legacy was worse than Johann Lamont. 

Edited by Trogdor
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7 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

Just heard Jim Murphy on Radio 4. He's obviously been reading this thread as he's parroting some attack lines.

Apparently Kate Forbes wouldn't be out of place on the right side of the Conservative party. He also suggested she was the most right wing candidate to stand for any party (not sure if he meant Scotland or UK).

He said he wished Humza all the best for the nation but to make way for Labour as the SNP are an ungovernable with a hard right element (given Forbes support).

I tell you what Jim, go and get you're Irn Bru crate and take your fantasist shit round the country. An irrelevant bawbag whose electoral legacy was worse than Johann Lamont. 

What Jim and many in the Labour Party cannot and will not address is Brexit and Scotlands view on it.

To win in the rest of the UK, Starmer needs to make a play for the red wall vote, which means taking up Brexit. That will not play well here and Sarwar will have to find a line to address that, which he has yet to find.

Labour's view is that in Scotland, there is a sizable number of Labour votes temporarily sitting with SNP and thet they will eventually return. For a handful, that may be true, but to return, it would need to be markedly distint from the red Tories up here and they are not.


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15 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

Just heard Jim Murphy on Radio 4. He's obviously been reading this thread as he's parroting some attack lines.

Apparently Kate Forbes wouldn't be out of place on the right side of the Conservative party. He also suggested she was the most right wing candidate to stand for any party (not sure if he meant Scotland or UK).

He said he wished Humza all the best for the nation but to make way for Labour as the SNP are an ungovernable with a hard right element (given Forbes support).

I tell you what Jim, go and get you're Irn Bru crate and take your fantasist shit round the country. An irrelevant bawbag whose electoral legacy was worse than Johann Lamont. 

The SNP will I’m sure welcome this from Jimmy, given his record of predictions.

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Yousaf wouldn't have been my first choice (neither would Forbes or Regan) but he is now our leader and needs to be given a chance.

Probably a crap analogy but I often remind myself the late great Jock Stein was by no means a great footballer, but what a manager and what a man he proved to be.

A credit to Scotland and an example to us all.

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22 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

Just heard Jim Murphy on Radio 4. He's obviously been reading this thread as he's parroting some attack lines.

Apparently Kate Forbes wouldn't be out of place on the right side of the Conservative party. He also suggested she was the most right wing candidate to stand for any party (not sure if he meant Scotland or UK).

He said he wished Humza all the best for the nation but to make way for Labour as the SNP are ungovernable with a hard right element (given Forbes support).

I tell you what Jim, go and get you're Irn Bru crate and take your fantasist shit round the country. An irrelevant bawbag whose electoral legacy was worse than Johann Lamont. 

Cheeky c**t, he's a member of the neoconservative Henry Jackson Society and once said his favourite Tory is Ian Duncan Smith, the man who brought us Universal Credit.

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14 minutes ago, FreedomFarter said:

"...set Libya on a path to a secure, democratic and peaceful future".

Supposedly Ed Milliband demoted him from Defence shadow minister to International Development because Murphy kicked up a fuss about Labour not backing sending our boys into Syria.


Blairites were angriest at the demotion of Murphy to international development. One moderniser said: "If the narrative is that this is all about competence, it stretches credibility that by coincidence the Labour leader's office has also found Jim incompetent. Quite what Hilary Benn has done to be preserved, I do not know."

A more likely problem is that Miliband and Murphy disagreed over Syria and humanitarian intervention.


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There were so many moments of unintentional hilarity during the Murphy era that it all kinda blends into one. Peak SLab banter years though.

The Irn Bru crate, scenes on the 6pm news of him standing on it and dishing out a speech to absolutely nobody whatsoever, being trolled by a guy on a purple bicycle, Murphy, Izzard, and a 30 strong mob of Labour activists being driven out of Glasgow by no more than 2 or 3 vocal hecklers then trying and failing to blame it on a 'violent mob of nationalists' only for that to be shown for the complete fantasy it was thanks to photographic evidence. Probably many more I've completely forgotten about.

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