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The Very Meh Humza Yousaf Thread.


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Just now, carpetmonster said:

He's gotten up Rod Liddle's nose as well, although it'd could've just been the family pics released have led Rod to judge that Humza's kids are not wids. 


Interesting title. "It's not racist but..." 

I've read plenty of people on here slagging Humza for being useless because of, you know, his level of competence and stuff. I wonder why Rod needs a disclaimer that very few others felt were needed.  Actually, i don't wonder at all.

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On 01/04/2023 at 13:04, FreedomFarter said:

Aye, maybe he's popular in his constituency but this plays terribly at a national level.


The Greens have a shite bottle scheme but Tartan Tories aren't the antidote. Don't let them out their box.

A shite Peaky Blinders tribute act imo.

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26 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Centrist left progressive policies have hit their ceiling I think, 45-50% for independence ever since 2014. Maybe there's room for a non-fruitloop (Alba) centre right independence party to co-exist with the SNP, at least for Holyrood elections, it would split the vote for Westminster but who cares? Electoral arithmetic is not my strong point, but in a truly proportional system it shouldn't matter if indy minded parties had their votes counted separately.  

I wasn't against Kate Forbes even though my personal politics don't align with her (they don't with Yousaf either). I suggested she'd be wise to emulate Mette Frederiksen's positions to obtain maximum popularity, as I see similar leanings in the Danish and Scottish electorates, but that was all.

What I am against is an MSP doing an article against his party's leadership in probably the single most opposed publication to his party. That stunt wasn't about the Greens and folk are naive to think so. The Greens have been there for years yet he seemingly wasn't bothered until now, when his party changes leader.

I mentioned his mother voting with Thatcher. In the election immediately following that, SNP lost all but 2 of their 11 seats in Westminster. There's that history of right-leaning maneuvres decimating the SNP vote which folk should be mindful of before championing Fergus.

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So we've had Regan and now Ewing running to The Heil with their wee tantrums.

Genuinely think anyone doing that is a complete fucking moron.

The Heil only has one agenda and these puddle-drinkers are too stupid to understand that.

This is about bruised fucking egos and quite frankly no-one's ego should be bigger than the independence movement.

Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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1 hour ago, FreedomFarter said:

You just celebrated an article published in Daily Mail by one of your MSPs slagging off your party's leadership. You agree with every anti-independence poster in this thread that SNP must be moved further right. 

Your perception of who is hammering at the coalition is off.

Hardly celebrated it. I mentioned he was in open rebellion described the publication as the Heil and I supported jetisoning the Greens. You've obviously never read my posts after an Ayr win if you thought that was me celebrating?

Moving to the middle makes more sense than moving left. That's hardly a revelation. Those who desire a Scottish Jeremy Corbyn will find the result is the same. The majority of the electorate aren't there!

Also the coalition I refer to is the broad electoral one of the SNP, not the agreement between the SNP and the Greens which is for all intents and purposes unnecessary.

Apart from that your post was spot on.

Edited by Trogdor
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8 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

Hardly celebrated it. I mentioned he was in open rebellion described the publication as the Heil and I supported jetisoning the Greens. You've obviously never read my posts after an Ayr win if you thought that was me celebrating?

Moving to the middle makes more sense than moving left. That's hardly a revelation. Those who desire a Scottish Jeremy Corbyn will find the result is the same. The majority of the electorate aren't there!

Also the coalition I refer to is the broad electoral one of the SNP, not the agreement between the SNP and the Greens which is for all intents and purposes unnecessary.

Apart from that your post was spot on.

Sturgeon moved the party rightwards of Salmond. There isn't a Scottish Corbyn. The coalition I was referring to was also that among SNP voters, not the government coalition between SNP and Greens.

Apart from that, something something smart-arse line.

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2 minutes ago, FreedomFarter said:

Sturgeon moved the party rightwards of Salmond. There isn't a Scottish Corbyn. The coalition I was referring to was also that among SNP voters, not the government coalition between SNP and Greens.

Apart from that, something something smart-arse line.

You'll have to show your workings on the bold bit. 

Moreover, you are incredibly disingenuous, you have a pop at me personally saying I agree with all anti-independence supporters in this thread (given that includes people like Kincy - I find that quite egregious). Then come out with the smart-arse line. I'd suggest that is attributable to you more than me.

FWIW In order to win independence we need to convince people of the argument. Also, those on the opposite side of the argument, can be right. It's not weakness to admit it or even agree with them occasionally.

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14 minutes ago, FreedomFarter said:

Sturgeon moved the party rightwards of Salmond. There isn't a Scottish Corbyn. The coalition I was referring to was also that among SNP voters, not the government coalition between SNP and Greens.

Apart from that, something something smart-arse line.

Did she?

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5 minutes ago, sophia said:

Did she?

I read this a while back and found it convincing. https://bellacaledonia.org.uk/2019/02/18/the-snps-great-moving-right-show/

I think it was only a very slight move, though, nothing seismic. I also have a feeling the more radical and populist edge was taken off a bit during Sturgeon's time but that's probably just a superficial thing, maybe even only linked to rhetoric. 

This isn't anything objective from me. If you disagree, as a party member who'll have followed events more closely than me, you're more likely to be correct. 

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29 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

Moreover, you are incredibly disingenuous, you have a pop at me personally saying I agree with all anti-independence supporters in this thread (given that includes people like Kincy - I find that quite egregious)

I meant only on a single point, I thought I made that clear in my phrasing.

Anyway, as an SNP member, you've more invested in this than I do and I respect that. I'll leave this thread alone going forward as my input isn't proving constructive.

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6 minutes ago, FreedomFarter said:

I read this a while back and found it convincing. https://bellacaledonia.org.uk/2019/02/18/the-snps-great-moving-right-show/

I think it was only a very slight move, though, nothing seismic. I also have a feeling the more radical and populist edge was taken off a bit during Sturgeon's time but that's probably just a superficial thing, maybe even only linked to rhetoric. 

This isn't anything objective from me. If you disagree, as a party member who'll have followed events more closely than me, you're more likely to be correct. 

I'm not a party member and given that numerous have been the times that I've erred in convincing myself that the fleeting truth was mine, I've no longer got any investment in being correct. 

For what it's worth I can recall the Salmond "penny for Scotland" 1999 election campaign which failed. Sturgeon, albeit in a different era, succeeded in a progressive tax offer.

Oh and @FreedomFarter please don't bale, communication, unless it's abusive, is welcome 

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1 hour ago, sophia said:

I'm not a party member and given that numerous have been the times that I've erred in convincing myself that the fleeting truth was mine, I've no longer got any investment in being correct. 

For what it's worth I can recall the Salmond "penny for Scotland" 1999 election campaign which failed. Sturgeon, albeit in a different era, succeeded in a progressive tax offer.

Oh and @FreedomFarter please don't bale, communication, unless it's abusive, is welcome 

Ah, ok, not sure where I got you being a member from, I must've misinterpreted one of your previous comments. Even if not a member, I can tell from your comments you're more informed than me on these internal SNP discussions. Likewise with Trogdor and I think he is a member. As I put in my last reply to him there, I respect folk in that position of actually making the thing happen rather than just being in my position - arsehole yelling from the sidelines!

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40 minutes ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

I'm not upset, but referring to people as stupid, puddle-drinkers and complete fucking morons for having different opinions is a poor show.

And that's before even commenting on the rest of the post.

It was not for having different opinions but running to The Heil.

How could any supporter of independence trust a "newspaper" that is fundamentally opposed to independence?

It beggars belief.

I get that some may want to bin the Greens - anyone who's read my opinions here about them will know that I am no fan.  But there's ways to dissent within a political party - running to The Heil isn't one of them.

In any case, the deal with the Greens has been in place almost 2 years now yet Ewing has said the square root of f**k all in that time about it.

Why now?



Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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38 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

It was not for having different opinions but running to The Heil.

How could any supporter of independence trust a "newspaper" that is fundamentally opposed to independence?

It beggars belief.

I get that some may want to bin the Greens - anyone who's read my opinions here about them will know that I am no fan.  But there's ways to dissent within a political party - running to The Heil isn't one of them.

In any case, the deal with the Greens has been in place almost 2 years now yet Ewing has said the square root of f**k all in that time about it.

Why now?



You raise some decent points, but your choice of language was atrocious.

Calling it the Heil does you no favours either IMO.

I suspect Ewing has always hated the coalition but currently sees an opportunity.  Just the way politics is really.

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