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1 hour ago, Lokloyal said:

Who is the money man behind all of the sudden cash at Johnstone?

I do agree that the team is now of the quality to win the league without any more “celebrity” signings.The cash should be invested in upgrading Keanie Park and getting the club a Licence.

With the money they have they should have just taken over a club further up the pyramid, and circumnavigate the whole license thing.

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Just hope Johnstone burgh aren't going to turn into the new darvel with their cash and darvel like antics  , signing a guy like that on the 12th of July is like a crass stunt that the pie man would do , speaking as a rangers fan secondary let's keep this nonsense to the senior game as there's no doubt the signing was intended to be announced on this date  

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1 hour ago, The nameless tim said:

I’ve heard rumours that Keanie will be an astro pitch next season. I’m also led to believe the money man owns  KPI Healthcare. Unsure how true all of the above however everything i’ve been told previously has been bang on the money. The numbers flying about in regards to Laffertys signing on fee/wages/goal bonus is absoloute madness.

Jack Henderson of KPI Healthcare.

His grandparents are from Johnstone Castle and big Burgh fans

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The money now getting thrown about at WoS level is absurd, especially In this day and age with a lot of people struggling to pay bills and put food on the table. Their will be supporters at Johnstone in this boat, all the while watching guys who couldn’t give a shite about their club swaggering about the pitch earning 4 figure weekly wages for 2 training sessions and a game on a Saturday against boys earning 30 quid a week. 
Gone are the days clubs at this level were about local boys and volunteers who played and helped out on committees. 
Its going down the same road as the professional game where cash is king and the clubs with the biggest benefactors thrive and everyone else is left behind.
Sad days indeed when even guys taking pictures and videos are jumping club to club for the biggest wages. It was hard enough for the smaller clubs, but even harder now with kitmen, physios, photographers all with their hands out. 

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1 hour ago, JYT said:

And how do you know the money that’s being spent?

What do you think he’s signed for? The fun of playing in the West of Scotland League? If this clown isn’t on over 1k a week I’ll be shocked and anyone who believes the utter waffle about him “buying into the project” deserves laughed off this forum. 

26 minutes ago, Thejackdaw said:

Just hope Johnstone burgh aren't going to turn into the new darvel 

I think that ship has long since sailed tbqhwy.

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1 hour ago, JYT said:

Get a life! Why do you relate everything to Bigotry.

typical west of Scotland idiot who try’s to look smart by using fancy words 


an unbelievable signing for the club.

good luck to them on this journey!

hopefully everyone in the area gets behind them and bring back the glory years!

Where have I related “everything to bigotry”?

You know who I am. Why don’t you make yourself known?

all this while the club don’t have adequate toilets for spectators 

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10 minutes ago, Greenmachine said:

It’s going to be a circus

Indeed, but hey it makes me a bigot apparently.

The club spoke to Leigh Griffiths. Was told that from a committee member.

He said he wasn’t interested because he did want it to become just that a “circus”

For the avoidance of doubt, I’d have been the same if he had signed 

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if I was a true Johnstone fan I really don't know how I'd feel about this signing. I do agree that this seems to be a self indulgent signing as they could have stuck to signing top quality wosfl players to get up to the top league and then maybe flexed the financial muscle if they wanted to ensure a crack a lowland league, but without the infrastructure that isn't going to happen so it will be interesting to see the plans off the park. Any Johnstone fan on here know of any immediate plans for the stadium and playing surface? I always enjoyed playing at Keanie park but last time I was there a few seasons ago to take in a game it did appear in a state of disrepair and in need of TLC 

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5 minutes ago, Johnstonian said:

Indeed, but hey it makes me a bigot apparently.

The club spoke to Leigh Griffiths. Was told that from a committee member.

He said he wasn’t interested because he did want it to become just that a “circus”

For the avoidance of doubt, I’d have been the same if he had signed 

did they not also speak to efe ambrose about signing?

my biggest concern is that laffery won’t be able to handle the banter from the terraces

this is the wrong route to be taking burgh


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58 minutes ago, Thejackdaw said:

Just hope Johnstone burgh aren't going to turn into the new darvel with their cash and darvel like antics  , signing a guy like that on the 12th of July is like a crass stunt that the pie man would do , speaking as a rangers fan secondary let's keep this nonsense to the senior game as there's no doubt the signing was intended to be announced on this date  

When darvel were in 7th tier their "big" signing was Ross Perry who was largely known for playing with sevco in league 2. This mob have signed lafferty who played in ess-pee-el last season!  Even once a 6th tier club the biggest signing was mcshane, never near a cap for Scotland. This is different level spending imo

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3 minutes ago, Buddie Holly said:

did they not also speak to efe ambrose about signing?

my biggest concern is that laffery won’t be able to handle the banter from the terraces

this is the wrong route to be taking burgh


Efe actually approached the Burgh according to what I heard

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