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Clyde Season 23/24

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We got through is about as much as we can say. We looked like we found our level again. 

Lyons and Craig continue to show just how poor they are with Craig in particular being that shite he was hooked at half time. 

Positives are the 2nd goal and great to see big Logan get a goal. 

Big clear out needed in January and that's in the hope we are still close enough to 9th. 

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Very simiiar to Musselbugh game..

Not much between teams and the gap is without doubt reducing between non league and league teams..

Badly miss a centre forward and keeper still doesnt command or look confident but Logan.Peter Grant & Ross lyon played massive part with simply sheer effort which is all we ask...

Job done for now and good too see Ian Mccall from sidelines very vocal, coaching to players starting or not in particular when he took Kian leslie aside for good few mins who probably changed the game for us before he came on.

Roll on Elgin ..

f**k Jeanfield & Gerry Collins

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For all we’ve been ripping Leighfield to shreds, he made an absolutely tremendous save last night.

I’ve got to say, I didn’t see as many positives from last night as others seem to have. The game was very tight and until the first goal to me there didn’t look like there was much, if anything, between the sides. Our midfield was completely anonymous in the first half. Craig and Lyon were terrible. Stevenson was so ineffective on the ball it was unbelievable. Rennie looks a ghost up front on his own and couldn’t hold the ball in for a second.

That said, we won a game of football, which we haven’t done a lot of for the past few seasons. It was good to see McCall animated and involved in the game as opposed to what we’ve seen of late. You have to think that these games are continually informing him of what we need come January.

The red card was a bit of a joke. I thought the ref had a very poor game in general. 

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I was expecting more from them, given their result against Elgin. I don't think we were particularly solid but their end product was very poor. Left back is clearly a massive issue but it's definitely something McCall is seeing given he tried Craig and them hooked him at half time so you'd have to think he'll remedy that in January. Other than some balls in and the odd bit of panicky defending, I thought we dealt with everything defensively pretty well. Sula and Dunachie were solid, if we're going with a back 4 after January I'd expect those two to be the starters. I'm glad for Leighfield after last weekend, obviously he had a howler for at least two of the goals but do we really think Parry would be any better? He was at fault for a lot of goals when he was our starter and he's only gotten older.

Can we also get Forbes to f**k now? Another awful performance and I think he only managed one good corner before he was subbed. We then proceeded to score two goals from crosses without him. He's useless when the ball's in-play and his set pieces have been nowhere near as good as you'd think given how much game time he's getting. I'm not sure how fit he is, but we should be playing Grant there and move to it being Hynes, Scullion and Grant/King.

Leslie also played well when he came on, I'm not sure if McCall's trying to use Leslie's pace later on when defenders are tiring and it sort of worked last night, but I think he's too good to be sitting on the bench for half the game. Rennie has his uses but benefits from having someone like Leslie to do the running with him.

Great result for us overall though, 2 goals and a clean sheet should be a big bonus and hopefully starts the snowballing that he talked about with our confidence. Big premier league team away in the next round will do for me.

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3 hours ago, Brian Carrigan said:

For all we’ve been ripping Leighfield to shreds, he made an absolutely tremendous save last night.

I’ve got to say, I didn’t see as many positives from last night as others seem to have. The game was very tight and until the first goal to me there didn’t look like there was much, if anything, between the sides. Our midfield was completely anonymous in the first half. Craig and Lyon were terrible. Stevenson was so ineffective on the ball it was unbelievable. Rennie looks a ghost up front on his own and couldn’t hold the ball in for a second.

That said, we won a game of football, which we haven’t done a lot of for the past few seasons. It was good to see McCall animated and involved in the game as opposed to what we’ve seen of late. You have to think that these games are continually informing him of what we need come January.

The red card was a bit of a joke. I thought the ref had a very poor game in general. 

The  thing about Stevenson being poor on the ball is that it's so novel he's not offside for once you don't even mind it. 

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Just watched the highlights on the club Twitter there. The sending off is infuriating, it’s a good hard challenge where he wins the ball but in today’s game it’s a red card. 20 years ago that’s just a good solid tackle. 

Fingers crossed for a good draw in the next round. Cue Dumbarton away…

Edited by BullyWeeStonehouse
Annan are oot!
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I've been trying to do a Road to Hampden so have seen Jeanfield's last 3 cup games, including the destruction of Elgin. 

You looked physically stronger than Jeanfield and McCall seemed to have done his homework on Swifts by closing down their wingers. Clyde defence looked mostly solid to my mind last night and I think you'll be safe- McCall will likely get some players in during January and I've always rated him as a manager (cue Arbroath poaching him now...)

Now I'll have to be a temporary Clyde fan. Hope it's a good draw although having been up at Wick already this season you'll no doubt get Buckie away.. 

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Jon Craig looked so bereft of confidence on Friday night, he can’t really continue playing in this form. He’s had plenty opportunity to improve and just hasnt. 

No idea what the keeper was doing for the first, and the second was a stupid foul from their left back to let us cross it in. 

Didn’t think Jeanfield were really any better than Musselburgh, was pleasing to see a lot more fight about us than the previous weekend. 

Hoping the extra 10k prize money and whatever gate we get can be put towards January. 

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Really pleased with that draw! Like a lot of others I haven’t ever see us play Aberdeen. 

In terms of TV, viaplay usually just pick rangers and Celtic, Spartans v Hearts very likely a BBC pick and can see Forfar v Hibs being picked. Would prefer this stayed Saturday 3pm. 

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