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US Presidential Election 2024


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1 hour ago, bigmarv said:

A despicable lie that just gets belted out by a guy that could easily be the next president. Millions of Americans believe this pish


Which is exactly why he says things. He plays to prejudice, fear and hatred, directly out of the fascist handbook. There’s always been a hint of desire for a strongman bubbling along beneath the exterior in the U.S. electorate, but Trump has openly called it into the open. The question will be 1) will it win now it’s abundantly clear what it is 2) if it loses, will that force it back under the water for a while?

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2 hours ago, bigmarv said:

A despicable lie that just gets belted out by a guy that could easily be the next president. Millions of Americans believe this pish


"Tampon Tim". He's flailing now, lost his mojo from the days of low energy Jeb (Bush) li'll Marco (Rubio), lyin Ted (Cruz), sleepy Joe (Biden) and Alfred E Newman (Pete Buttigieg).

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4 hours ago, bigmarv said:

A despicable lie that just gets belted out by a guy that could easily be the next president. Millions of Americans believe this pish


Lucy Letby watching on with interest. 

"I'm innocent.  I thought I was in Nebraska."

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Quite an illuminating short listen. A couple of points in it I found interesting:

Bill Clinton was a disaster and if Harris is to successfully reduce prescription medication prices she'll have to fight against his legacy.

USA's vaunted "First Amendment" is used to bolster plutocracy at the expense of democracy.

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7 hours ago, bigmarv said:

A despicable lie that just gets belted out by a guy that could easily be the next president. Millions of Americans believe this pish


Love that The Intellectualist gives that a Fact Check.

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Trump is tying himself in knots on the issue of abortion.  Not really a surprise as the majority of American’s support reproductive rights whilst Trump relies heavily on the anti-abortion movement.

Having boasted that he takes full credit for Roe v Wade being overturned he has subsequently claimed he’s a) against a total abortion ban, b) is in favour of individual states setting the terms for abortion rights in those states, c) claimed that states are setting too restrictive time limits - the latest of these in his state of residency, Florida, where he’s upsetting everyone by appearing to oppose the six week limit.

Vance also making an arse of himself trying to explain/defend Trump’s position.


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5 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Trump is tying himself in knots on the issue of abortion.  Not really a surprise as the majority of American’s support reproductive rights whilst Trump relies heavily on the anti-abortion movement.

Having boasted that he takes full credit for Roe v Wade being overturned he has subsequently claimed he’s a) against a total abortion ban, b) is in favour of individual states setting the terms for abortion rights in those states, c) claimed that states are setting too restrictive time limits - the latest of these in his state of residency, Florida, where he’s upsetting everyone by appearing to oppose the six week limit.

Vance also making an arse of himself trying to explain/defend Trump’s position.

This thing about wanting the government to pay/force insurance companies to pay for IVF is bizarre too, considering the Moral Majority will be raging about it. Absolutely all over the place on what ought to be a total non-issue that - let's face it - he's never cared about.

8 hours ago, bigmarv said:

A despicable lie that just gets belted out by a guy that could easily be the next president. Millions of Americans believe this pish


I keep wondering what the Democrat version of this pish would look like.

"In Texas, we have roving gangs of unwanted children killing cattle for sustenance because their parents can't afford to support them. Rates of serial killing - have you heard this? - serial killing in Alabama has skyrocketed by 100, 200, some say 9000% due to all of the unwanted babies who've grown up without ever knowing love. They tell me that the Red States want all of these kids to be born so they have a sustainable substitute for veal, and a constant supply of vulnerable children to abuse! You can't make this up!"

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In less than 24 hours Trump has flip flopped on abortion again.

He’s now saying he supports the six week ban in Florida just hours after sayings it’s not long enough.

” Have you sent those nukes to bomb China?  You have??!!  Yeah I know I said to do it but that was six hours ago and now I’ve changed my mind”.

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

In less than 24 hours Trump has flip flopped on abortion again.

He’s now saying he supports the six week ban in Florida just hours after sayings it’s not long enough.

” Have you sent those nukes to bomb China?  You have??!!  Yeah I know I said to do it but that was six hours ago and now I’ve changed my mind”.

It is quite amusing to see Mr I-Don't-Give-A-Shit have to start kowtowing to the wishes of his supporters. Possibly the first time in his life he hasn't been able to just do whatever he fancied; it must be killing him.

Surely he knows that he's not actually going to end up in pokey with lower-class people of other ethnicities, though.

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"In a long, zigzagging and at times incoherent conversation, Trump ricocheted between topics including his parents’ marriage, Scotland, his reality TV show The Apprentice, Elon Musk (“a super genius guy”), his debates against Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden and his upcoming contest with rival Kamala Harris, whom he described as a “Marxist” and “defective person”................................................

The conversation also gave Trump a rare platform to reminisce about his life and career. He told the audience that his mother Mary Anne MacLeod came from Scotland. “Do you know that some of the biggest, smartest, most brilliant leaders come from Scotland? Or at least, you know, their parents came from Scotland. Scotland did very well in this country.”..............................................................


He's a maniac.

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13 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:


"In a long, zigzagging and at times incoherent conversation, Trump ricocheted between topics including his parents’ marriage, Scotland, his reality TV show The Apprentice, Elon Musk (“a super genius guy”), his debates against Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden and his upcoming contest with rival Kamala Harris, whom he described as a “Marxist” and “defective person”................................................

The conversation also gave Trump a rare platform to reminisce about his life and career. He told the audience that his mother Mary Anne MacLeod came from Scotland. “Do you know that some of the biggest, smartest, most brilliant leaders come from Scotland? Or at least, you know, their parents came from Scotland. Scotland did very well in this country.”..............................................................

He's a maniac.



Trump went to make another wildly misleading claim: “But the transgender thing is incredible. Think of it. You kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s going to happen with your child and you know many of these childs [sic] 15 years later say, what the hell happened? Who did this to me? They say, who did this to me? It’s incredible.”

As with the "blue states allow post-birth abortions" and "adrenochrome vampires are drinking our babies' blood" fantasies, the incredible thing is the awful things people would like to be true so they have an excuse for hatred.

Trump obviously doesn't believe a word of this, but can you imagine knowing that you're surrounded by millions of people who'll believe any old garbage you invent, no matter how fantastical? You couldn't possibly retain any shred of respect for humanity.

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2 hours ago, BFTD said:


As with the "blue states allow post-birth abortions" and "adrenochrome vampires are drinking our babies' blood" fantasies, the incredible thing is the awful things people would like to be true so they have an excuse for hatred.

Trump obviously doesn't believe a word of this, but can you imagine knowing that you're surrounded by millions of people who'll believe any old garbage you invent, no matter how fantastical? You couldn't possibly retain any shred of respect for humanity.

Here’s where the Nazi analogy is valid imho. ‘cept in this case the country isn’t going to rat shit as this mob like to pretend. Are there any UK resident friends on here that wouldn’t switch USA economy and outlook for that of the UK right now? 

So we get this manufactured “America is in decline” horseshit and its those guys who are to blame, oh and by the way they also use illegal immigrants to murder babies and forcefully surgically reassign the gender of toddlers just for the fun of it. 

Reducing the political opponent to a subhuman status is very Hitleresque.

The scuttled border bill is analogous to the Reichstag fire etc etc  


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Latest polls show Harris leading in five or six of the seven “swing states”. The RFK Jr move could most likely impact NC and GA. Overall even Fox News now shows Harris leading, much to Donald’s fury.

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28 minutes ago, TxRover said:

Latest polls show Harris leading in five or six of the seven “swing states”. The RFK Jr move could most likely impact NC and GA. Overall even Fox News now shows Harris leading, much to Donald’s fury.

Going to post some links to said polling mate? 

I’m confident of both Michigan and Wisconsin in ye olde Blue Wall, but its Pennsylvania (the biggest brick in that wall) thats the worry. 

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On 27/08/2024 at 12:05, Granny Danger said:

The last GE in the UK is not a good example of turnout.  People totally disillusioned with the governing party and not in the least bit enthusiastic about the government in waiting.  It will bounce back to 67%-68% in 2029.


I can't see 2029 being any different - both 'main' parties exposed as hollow shells.

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20 hours ago, The DA said:

I can't see 2029 being any different - both 'main' parties exposed as hollow shells.

This is the danger. We're not going to see great improvements for anyone within the next five years, and I don't think anyone genuinely thinks Labour have any workable ideas, least of all the people in charge. If they go into the next election with a disillusioned electorate, the "hang 'em and flog 'em, especially if they're brown" brigade will have a bit of an open goal, and low turnout is where they thrive.

3 hours ago, Granny Danger said:


The folk I know there avoid talking about it, but I'm guessing Arizona is a hellhole of racism at the moment.

There was a story a while back that "purebred" whites would be in the minority in the very near future, which seems to have caused a mental breakdown in a state that already considered Hispanics to be garbage subhumans anyway. It'll be a total minter for Trump if he doesn't win this time, but I don't get the impression that fruitloop Lake is actually helping him.

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