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US Presidential Election 2024


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I think it depends on whether the pollsters have overcompensated for hidden Trumpets, and turnout from people who aren't enthused by either candidate but really can't stand Trump. If neither is high or significant Trump will win, otherwise Harris. I won't be betting on it unless the odds against Harris go mental after the early counts, like most people I see it being a coin toss that will involve recounts and court cases for weeks if not months before a definitive result.

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2 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I think it depends on whether the pollsters have overcompensated for hidden Trumpets, and turnout from people who aren't enthused by either candidate but really can't stand Trump. If neither is high or significant Trump will win, otherwise Harris. I won't be betting on it unless the odds against Harris go mental after the early counts, like most people I see it being a coin toss that will involve recounts and court cases for weeks if not months before a definitive result.

Whats your feeling though based on everything at this point in time, who win?

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10 hours ago, Freedom Farter said:

"Pivot to Asia" was the phrase. Not Africa. It meant a long term plan to contain China.


That’s the “term” used, but the reality is moving back to proxy confrontation in Africa, due to the resources there and China’s moves.

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I think Harris will win but in a similar fashion to Biden where Donnie is screaming stop the count etc etc but in the end he loses .I also think the potential for trouble is much higher this time so it's yank news channels on the 06th of No for a few days so the riots are broadcast live 

I've mentioned my focus group on here before ( basically all the yanks I've worked with,mainly Texans and from the deep south) they are normally are 75/25 Rep but this time it's around 50/50 

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1 hour ago, ScotiaNostra said:

Whats the thoughts of most on this thread as of now

Who do they think is going to win?

Expecting the worst, hoping for the best. PA is the key, its 50/50 there. 

Me and mine will be fine either way tbh. 

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1 hour ago, bigmarv said:

This thread is about the 2024 US Presidential election. 


Aye but the comment from you that I replied to wasn't:

On 21/10/2024 at 15:50, bigmarv said:

Thats not very nice. Is that stuff allowed on this forum? 

I have linked you a definition of the term “genocide” below. 

Netanyahu is a nasty piece of work, a corrupt b*****d that should be in jail. Israel (under his rule) is being far too heavy handed for my liking, a disgrace actually. However, Israel is not engaged in a genocide, they are engaged in a heavy handed response to brutal terrorism. 

The stated goal of both Hamas and Hezbollah is a genocide of jews in Israel: 



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15 hours ago, TxRover said:

The Prepper ads are hitting now. Latest is for gold and silver wallet sized "cards" that can be divided into smaller pieces. I guess the theory is precious metals hold value, but each "card" is 62.204g, which is 2.194oz. The silver cards sell for $164.99 for 1 or $139.10 for 20. Given the spot price of silver, you're getting $74.68 worth of silver, and that's at nearly a 13 year high. The gold cards sell at $7099.99 per card, the same size, so that's $6,006.29 worth, again at a near all time high. So with the silver, you're pissing away between 46% and 55% of your 'investment....with the gold, it's only 15.4% pissed away. All patriots encouraged, mildly disappointed the back says "In God We Trust" and don't have Donald's face on them.

Now, use the code "PREPPER", and your loss drops to between 11% and 49.7%...



f**k.  I'm now regretting buying that John Wayne illuminated mirror on eBay.

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2 hours ago, bigmarv said:

The situation in Israel/Gaza is terrible but it has no bearing whatsoever on the lives of me and my family or anyone we know. Same goes for 99.99% of American voters. 

What TF do you think caused 9/11???

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2 hours ago, ScotiaNostra said:

Whats the thoughts of most on this thread as of now

Who do they think is going to win?

There isn't enough evidence to make even slightly confident predictions, which is how you know anyone doing so is full of it.

If I was forced to predict a winner I'd say Trump, because Harris has the same weaknesses as Hillary in 2016 and Americans have become even weirder since then. Biden beat Trump because of his blue-collar Midwest background. Harris can't do that.

The Democrats won't make the same campaigning failures in the Midwest but they're making new ones - painting Trump as the devil might help with their own turnout but it doesn't appeal to the centre because Trump had 4 years in office without the sky falling down. They think issues like abortion will save them but voters have already priced them in and the more Democrats talk about them, the more they emphasise their lack of economic message to the working class.

Harris will win the popular vote by over 3 million but if she loses Georgia and Pennsylvania, that won't matter.

But right now it's far, far too close for meaningful predictions.

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Just now, bigmarv said:

A bunch of religious extremist terrorist scum. 

What TF do you think caused it? 

That's as ill-informed an answer as tHeY hAtE oUr fReeEEdOmS!!!

They were religious extremist scum. But that's not why they specifically did this. It doesn't say in the Quran that you're supposed to go to New York and Washington and fly planes into buildings.

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23 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

Clearly not a poster that's familiar with betting.

Sure, I made over £300 on the last US election night alone because I'm a guy that's not familiar with betting. That makes sense.

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38 minutes ago, GordonS said:

That's as ill-informed an answer as tHeY hAtE oUr fReeEEdOmS!!!

They were religious extremist scum. But that's not why they specifically did this. It doesn't say in the Quran that you're supposed to go to New York and Washington and fly planes into buildings.

Given, I am “ill-informed” can you please answer my question with your well-informed reasoning? 

Here it is again:

“What TF do you think caused it?” 

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