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US Presidential Election 2024


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21 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

I get JD Vance mixed up with the guy with the eye patch.

There doesn't seem to be much difference between any of them tbh.

Vance is the one who wears guyliner. I suppose if Crenshaw wanted to take it up he’d get double the mileage out of a tube of mascara, at least. 

ETA - Christ, that’s a thing, between Vance’s guyliner and Trump’s pancake they’re going to look like a couple of old drag queens. Or a fat version of Francie & Josie. 

Edited by carpetmonster
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7 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

I get JD Vance mixed up with the guy with the eye patch.

There doesn't seem to be much difference between any of them tbh.

Nah, this is Vance, with his lovely wife: image.thumb.png.9cb044c76e126e6cf29b5c22eafc5146.png


I don't fear Trump directly, he doesn't have any political beliefs at all, he's just a pathological narcissist playing a game. I fear those who'll follow him. Vance is the real deal, and his views on family are horrifying. His recovery from his childhood has made him a zealot, he's like the recovered alcoholics who try to get you to convert to Jesus. He wants to force everyone into what he thinks saved him - marriage and parenthood. He's said, in so many words, that adults who aren't parents shouldn't have the same democratic rights as parents.

The core problem for a long time in American politics is that both parties are on the right on economic issues so both screw the poor and low income workers. In the Democrat's case because they're beholden to rich donors, in the Republican's case because that's what they're for. So the difference between them is on social issues. Vance represents the economically left (relatively), socially conservative, and he's from the Midwest. He's a perfect pick.

Republicans took the white working class in the south on race, and now they're taking the white working class in the Midwest on... an endless tide of bullshit about woke and trans and delusion, seemingly.

The fact the Democrats have so few people that can talk to the rustbelt and have lost their way so badly among their traditional core vote is a brutal indictment of their capture by rich urban liberals. Biden was their best option until age caught up with him.

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At least Mrs Biden and her husband don't have to worry about any awkwardness at the Democrat convention, the Dems will be happy to let him take the blame alone, no potential contenders want to take on such a poisoned chalice. 

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Just read up on that JD Vance - just even his basic Wikipedia - he's a genuinely terrifying figure.

He's like something out of a George Orwell book.

Fucking hell.

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39 minutes ago, GordonS said:

Nah, this is Vance, with his lovely wife: image.thumb.png.9cb044c76e126e6cf29b5c22eafc5146.png


I don't fear Trump directly, he doesn't have any political beliefs at all, he's just a pathological narcissist playing a game. I fear those who'll follow him. Vance is the real deal, and his views on family are horrifying. His recovery from his childhood has made him a zealot, he's like the recovered alcoholics who try to get you to convert to Jesus. He wants to force everyone into what he thinks saved him - marriage and parenthood. He's said, in so many words, that adults who aren't parents shouldn't have the same democratic rights as parents.

The core problem for a long time in American politics is that both parties are on the right on economic issues so both screw the poor and low income workers. In the Democrat's case because they're beholden to rich donors, in the Republican's case because that's what they're for. So the difference between them is on social issues. Vance represents the economically left (relatively), socially conservative, and he's from the Midwest. He's a perfect pick.

Republicans took the white working class in the south on race, and now they're taking the white working class in the Midwest on... an endless tide of bullshit about woke and trans and delusion, seemingly.

The fact the Democrats have so few people that can talk to the rustbelt and have lost their way so badly among their traditional core vote is a brutal indictment of their capture by rich urban liberals. Biden was their best option until age caught up with him.

I mostly agree but I think Trump will win because the independent voters have rejected Biden's economy.
There are a lot of people suffering from the high prices in the shops, high mortgage rates, high inflation and a lack of blue collar jobs. I genuinely don't think they care about trans or woke ideology anymore. They care about making a house payment.

Biden's core are sinfully dull white middle class who immediately get behind anything "Progressive" they see on The View or social media. They'll be on the phone to the police if a poor person is seen in their estate.

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17 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

There are a lot of people suffering from the high prices in the shops, high mortgage rates, high inflation and a lack of blue collar jobs. I genuinely don't think they care about trans or woke ideology anymore. They care about making a house payment.

'Trans and woke ideology' is an invention of the right on social media, the US economy is better on nearly every metric than under Trump, and most of the rest of the world. All he did was cut taxes for his rich pals and try to destroy the Affordable Healthcare Act.

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8 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

I mostly agree but I think Trump will win because the independent voters have rejected Biden's economy.
There are a lot of people suffering from the high prices in the shops, high mortgage rates, high inflation and a lack of blue collar jobs. I genuinely don't think they care about trans or woke ideology anymore. They care about making a house payment.

Biden's core are sinfully dull white middle class who immediately get behind anything "Progressive" they see on The View or social media. They'll be on the phone to the police if a poor person is seen in their estate.

Which is why it’s hilarious, in a dark and sinister way, that some will vote for a moron who believes the Chinese (and other foreigners) pay the tariffs he wants to slap on everything. The rate of inflation will skyrocket, basic commodity and goods prices will rise, and new cars will go from pretty unaffordable to impossible without a 30-year note. I’d laugh if I wasn’t on a fixed income that won’t even come close to matching inflation in cost-of-living increases.

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Biden is going to lose this then blame disunity within Democratic ranks.

I don’t think it matters how bad Trump’s economic policies will be over his second term, it’s the non-economic stuff that will be the biggest concern for within and outwith the USA.

Oh, and Musk has promised Trump’s campaign almost quarter of a billion between now and November.  Another evil malicious c**t of a man.


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Vance is more dangerous than Trump.  Less ego and less of a showman but even more of a zealot and far more intelligent.

He’s peddling the Trump campaign line that abortion will be left to individual states but if elected he will push even harder than Trump for a total ban.


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Trump doing what school bullies do when they get a skelp.

Retreat into his shell for a bit, before coming back out nastier than ever.

Its quite incredible that US women vote for this guy who wants to determine what they can do with their bodies, quite incredible.

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The left are terrified of Vance because he thinks that rape, incest and the like might just be an "inconvenient" way to get pregnant and he thinks that people should remain together even if the relationship is abusive because it's "better for the kids" (presumably he thinks children prefer being battered, sexually assaulted and belittled rather than having just one parent they live with who you know, actually loves them).

The right are terrified of him because he co sponsored a Bill with Elizabeth Warren one time, thinks there is a place for regulation and wanted the price of insulin to come down. He was also previously a Never Trumper who said he might be America's Hitler.

He also seems a bit thick and is oe of the few Republicans that Harris could take on and beat in the VP debate (not that anybody cares about that).

So in many ways he's a pick somewhere between a little odd and disastrous. And yet... he's perfect. He's young, he's got name recognition, he's from the Midwest and "speaks their language". Also has the advantage of making Rubio and Ramswany look like arse lickers for no reason which is always funny. 

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7 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

I mostly agree but I think Trump will win because the independent voters have rejected Biden's economy.
There are a lot of people suffering from the high prices in the shops, high mortgage rates, high inflation and a lack of blue collar jobs. I genuinely don't think they care about trans or woke ideology anymore. They care about making a house payment.

Biden's core are sinfully dull white middle class who immediately get behind anything "Progressive" they see on The View or social media. They'll be on the phone to the police if a poor person is seen in their estate.

I don't disagree, apart from saying that while it might look like Biden's base is urban liberals, in statistical terms it's low income workers. How it looks matters a lot, of course.

Trump can't win on social issues alone, but if those on low incomes suffering from high prices think it would have been any better for them under a Republican administration they must button up the back. Which they possibly do. 

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1 minute ago, A Diamond For Me said:

Makes me think of sci-fi author Jack Vance, author of such classics as The Dying Earth series and The Killing Machine, titles which seem... fitting.

The JD Vance name and his reputation will have a BA Baracus vibe about it for Trump's adoring camp followers, but the literary allusion I'd pick is JG Ballard who memorably wrote a short story entitled 'Why I Want To f**k Ronald Reagan'.

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“I have to beat up on the UK, I was talking with a friend recently and we were talking about, you know, one of the big dangers in the world, of course, is nuclear proliferation, though, of course, the Biden administration doesn’t care about it.

“And I was talking about, you know, what is the first truly Islamist country that will get a nuclear weapon, and we were like, maybe it’s Iran, you know, maybe Pakistan already kind of counts, and then we sort of finally decided maybe it’s actually the UK, since Labour just took over.”

Hope Vance hasn't been reading up on first strike doctrine.

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