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Littering and the publics attitude towards shared communal areas

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This could also go in the “cnuts on the road” thread but it does my head in as a biker for car drivers to chuck lit fags and other rubbish out their windows that can fly inside the helmet of a rider behind. I’ve spoken to a number of tourists who say “you live in a beautiful country but you leave it in a terrible state”. I often get the feeling many won’t return. Spent time in Denmark in the 80s and they had all manner of recycling schemes that would issue vouchers off your next shop. Seem to recall back then they also had a litter campaign. “Keep Denmark tidy - keep the Swedes out”! Kids are supposedly taught all manner of “eco” stuff at primary but they continue to just chuck everything away at football and play parks. I’m a dog owner and I get annoyed at having to pick up other dogs shits on my regular walks. There are some really ignorant dog owners out there. 


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Without wishing to descend into the politics of the decision this is one of the reasons to bring in the deposit return scheme.

That said I think it says a lot about people they have to be paid not to live in a shitehole.

There is also a special place in hell for folk flinging takeaway containers out their car the millisecond they are finished. You're car is already stinking of grease having it in for another 10 minutes until your drive past a bin will make no difference. 

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14 hours ago, Molotov said:

This could also go in the “cnuts on the road” thread but it does my head in as a biker for car drivers to chuck lit fags and other rubbish out their windows that can fly inside the helmet of a rider behind. I’ve spoken to a number of tourists who say “you live in a beautiful country but you leave it in a terrible state”. I often get the feeling many won’t return. Spent time in Denmark in the 80s and they had all manner of recycling schemes that would issue vouchers off your next shop. Seem to recall back then they also had a litter campaign. “Keep Denmark tidy - keep the Swedes out”! Kids are supposedly taught all manner of “eco” stuff at primary but they continue to just chuck everything away at football and play parks. I’m a dog owner and I get annoyed at having to pick up other dogs shits on my regular walks. There are some really ignorant dog owners out there. 


People who get caught not picking up their dog's shit should be force-fed the dog shit.

Repeat offenders will be human centipede'd to their dogs arse.

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If people leave dog shit on the ground in the woods (not on tracks), I’d prefer they did that than go to the bother of bagging it up and leaving it on some branch where it just looks & acts like a fecal bat in the dusk.

I hate littering & often will pull people up for dropping stuff in the street, mainly just pensioners and school kids cos I’m not mental. 

My mum still says to this day, her proudest moment of my entire life was when I was around 2-1/2 and she gave me a Spangle on the bus & I put the wrapper in my pocket & she received praise from an old fella across the aisle for bringing me up well. 

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6 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:

Littering is probably the only crime that I would bring back the death penalty for.


Maybe folk who put their feet up on the seats at the back of the bus as well.

On public transport related hanging offences, bags on seats when it’s busy. 

But I’m anti death sentence, and therefore hanging will end before its fatal with the saved perpetrator forced to clean up the mess created from shitting themselves

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When I worked with my mate he would, on a daily basis, throw his empty food wrappers, crisp packets, juice cans, coffee cups, fag packets, everything out his car window to keep his car clean. He probably still does it. No point in saying anything he is stuck in his ways. I did feel like emptying a rubbish bin in his garden to see if he would get it. 

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Got a great country drive home from work, soul destroying seeing the next fridge/tyres/three piece suite dumped next to a field. I work with todays yoof, They simply don't care, fling food and crap everywhere, car gets covered in seagull shite. No hope.

Thank you.

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1 hour ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

When I worked with my mate he would, on a daily basis, throw his empty food wrappers, crisp packets, juice cans, coffee cups, fag packets, everything out his car window to keep his car clean. He probably still does it. No point in saying anything he is stuck in his ways. I did feel like emptying a rubbish bin in his garden to see if he would get it. 

Do it shitebag 

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2 hours ago, tongue_tied_danny said:

c***s who pish on the seat in a public toilet deserve a piano wire short drop execution.

But only after they have endured several days of waterboarding and white noise torture.


You can make any mess you like in the bowl. But the seat should be spotless. 

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I remember cycling near the nature reserve on the south side of Loch Leven and being saddened by the amount of rubbish that littered the verge of the road. Every few feet there was a plastic bottle, takeaway wrapping or hot drink cups. As it wasn’t a residential area they could only have come from passing cars. 
It would be interesting to see how many people have ever been fined for littering from a car? 

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I wonder how much of the litter we see is the result of people just dropping stuff at their feet and how much is the result of overflowing bins etc. walking through parks and other public spaces the bins are often stuffed full, especially if it’s been a busy day or good weather. 

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18 hours ago, Brother Blades said:

If people leave dog shit on the ground in the woods (not on tracks), I’d prefer they did that than go to the bother of bagging it up and leaving it on some branch where it just looks & acts like a fecal bat in the dusk.

I hate littering & often will pull people up for dropping stuff in the street, mainly just pensioners and school kids cos I’m not mental. 

My mum still says to this day, her proudest moment of my entire life was when I was around 2-1/2 and she gave me a Spangle on the bus & I put the wrapper in my pocket & she received praise from an old fella across the aisle for bringing me up well. 


16 hours ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

Littering is horrible and the result of poor parenting IMO.

A focus on teaching children a sense of pride, respect and to value their and others possessions would help solve this problem.

This. It starts from a young age IMO. Can mind littering when I was young and my mum made me pick it up. She always drilled it into us to hold on to rubbish and not litter. It's stuck. I now do the same with my girls. It's really not hard - my car is a bit of a shithole as a result mind you, as I forget to take it in the house 😂

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