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Oxford Street disorder

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1 hour ago, MONKMAN said:

I’m not one for usually advocating police violence, but a baton or two to the skulls of these fuckers on Oxford street would sort some of them out. Thieving little b*****ds chancing their luck. 

Better solution, publish pictures of them and their loot. They’ll find themselves victims rather quickly as their “mates” relieve them of that burdensome loot? Also has the plus side of increasing demand for police services, reducing traffic enforcement.

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Threads like this one are usually amongst the better ones on here. A nice mix of jokes and serious social commentary with nominally liberal posters advocating violent vigilante justice be meted out for petty crime.


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36 minutes ago, Ziggy Sobotka said:

Threads like this one are usually amongst the better ones on here. A nice mix of jokes and serious social commentary with nominally liberal posters advocating violent vigilante justice be meted out for petty crime.


Isn't there a well known definition of "petty crime"? Something like "petty crime is crime that happens to someone else."  (If it happens to me, string the wee fkr up!)

Edited by Salt n Vinegar
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3 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

The estate is in a disgraceful state because theres no investment in it, they’ve spent millions on electric cars but not got the charging infrastructure. The IT system used in Strathclyde for example is 30 years old for crime recording. Apparently the electricity bill for first quarter has exceeded £2m more than last year and the entire years overtime budget was fucked by the Grangemouth stuff last month.
There are loads of reasons that headline figures like that dont amount to appropriate funding. 

Not surprised by this, I live close by and for about 2-3 weeks anytime I drove past there was at least 5-6 transits fully loaded with coppers playing on their phones :lol: 

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11 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Apparently the electricity bill for first quarter has exceeded £2m more than last year and the entire years overtime budget was fucked by the Grangemouth stuff last month.

Here's an idea, perhaps turn the heating off in their vastly oversized stations like Nelson St... or their unmanned ones in Aboyne etc. That should save a couple of million a year.

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What's needed is some local level superheroes to sort these things out.

Let's get investing in mad super soldier serums, radioactive insects, gamma ray research, extra terrestrial metal searches, extra terrestrial artifact research etc. Maybe even have the parents of rich young folk killed to see if that will bring through some hero types.

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32 minutes ago, Derry Alli said:

Here's an idea, perhaps turn the heating off in their vastly oversized stations like Nelson St... or their unmanned ones in Aboyne etc. That should save a couple of million a year.

The thing is i agree with you the estate is vastly wrong for what it is, oversized in some cases, undersized in others, antiquated heating and electrics that they cant replace because there is no budget. 

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On 10/08/2023 at 22:29, Donathan said:

How exactly do these mobs go about looting from McDonalds? Are they literally jumping behind the counter and helping themselves to Big Macs from the shelves?

Place a huge order, don’t pay, then wait in one of those wee parking  bays for the spotty 16 year old to bring it out to them. Easy. 

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10 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

The thing is i agree with you the estate is vastly wrong for what it is, oversized in some cases, undersized in others, antiquated heating and electrics that they cant replace because there is no budget. 

Absolutely. I work for a company who deal with estates and some of the places I go is eye opening in regards to the sheer size of it and how much money is being burned and then - as you say - the polar opposite and you wonder how that is possibly allowed in this day of age. I've seen cells used as paper file stores as the IT infrastructure is so out of date.

The fire are much the same.. they put their heating off though! 😘

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10 hours ago, virginton said:

Birthday caird pish. There's no evidence to show that a 'growing number' of young people's lives are suddenly embedded in drink or drugs. By the time they reach 18-25, consumption of alcohol is significantly lower than previous cohorts - and there's no reason why this would suddenly reverse before 18. The 1980s and 1990s were by all measurements more dangerous in these respects than the current environment as well as the attitudes of young people themselves. 

The reality is that many parents are prepared to abdicate their legal responsibility to stop their sprogs' antisocial behaviour because no consequences ever blow back to them. Solve that and you keep antisocial behaviour to an acceptable level regardless of irrelevant 'but..  poverty!' special pleading.

As I said, anecdotally. 

Not like you to jump in with your all conquering knowledge of absolutely everything - it’s almost as if some people might actually work in these fields and know more than you do. Your last paragraph is especially ignorant. 

Not that you will ever be able to admit that, so I look forward to a further smarmy reply full of absolute nonsense which I won’t be responding to. 

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45 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

The thing is i agree with you the estate is vastly wrong for what it is, oversized in some cases, undersized in others, antiquated heating and electrics that they cant replace because there is no budget. 

Heat pumps. That’s what they need. 

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20 minutes ago, 18May1991 said:

Heat pumps. That’s what they need. 

I think in future yes, but i was at work writing an email the other day and there were mushrooms on the wall and mice running around the floor so i think they’ll need to deal with that first. And the spiders, spiders that would make @KnightswoodBear shudder. 

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1 hour ago, DA Baracus said:

What's needed is some local level superheroes to sort these things out.

Let's get investing in mad super soldier serums, radioactive insects, gamma ray research, extra terrestrial metal searches, extra terrestrial artifact research etc. Maybe even have the parents of rich young folk killed to see if that will bring through some hero types.

Vigilantes is the answer.

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The link from the thread's opening comment: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-66459233


"We cannot allow the kind of lawlessness seen in some American cities to come to the streets of the UK," Mrs Braverman said on X.

Dog whistle there. To the dogs, that's understood as "we can't have our Blacks out of control like they are in USA". Which ignores the difference between rioting and looting as political protest, as has happened in USA in recent years, and just robbing shops, as is the case with Oxford Street.



The owner of a convenience store in Soho fought off about a dozen young people after they stormed his shop allegedly trying to steal items.

In the British Empire, it was common for South Asians to form a "petite bourgeoisie" (a mini ownership class) where Black people comprised the working class. This happened both in the Americas where the Black working class were former slaves (eg. Guyana) as well as in east Africa where the Black working class were indigenous (eg. Tanzania). Decolonisation saw the South Asians booted out of east Africa (how Braverman's parents came to UK) last century but the dynamic remains in the Americas to an extent and even in some parts of London. The 1992 LA riots began when an Asian shop owner shot a 15 year old Black girl dead because the shop owner had thought the girl was stealing (later proven not to have been the case). Inequality creates resentment. An ethnic difference between ownership class and worker class can highlight it more starkly, particularly if state privileges have been allocated unfairly between groups.



"The police have my full backing to do whatever necessary to ensure public order. Those responsible must be hunted down and locked up," Mrs Braverman said.

This gets at a core tenet of liberalism. The creation of the concepts of individual rights and "minority rights" (originally that meant the economic minority - owners - not sexual or ethnic minorities) was all about the protection of property (as in, the means of production, not personal property like your house). The original job of the police was to enforce these "rights", first as private forces then later as state police. So the point of police was to defend property not people. That's why society has taken so fucking long to get a grip on crimes like child sex abuse, because for a very long time the folk who ran our society just didn't care about using their police to combat that. Incidentally, why was George Floyd being apprehended by police in the first place when he was murdered? A store owner claimed he had stolen from them via counterfeit money (he hadn't). 

To zone in on these Oxford Street events more specifically; we're drowned in corporate propaganda teaching us that the accumulation of consumer products is the way to happiness. There's no education in schools against this and it goes unchallenged by most. If you then deny a section of the population much access to those consumer goods, especially folk who work the hardest among us (the lowest paying jobs are often the hardest work) then this can result. That's not a justification for what those folk are doing, I'm just saying it can be predicted from looking at the context.

That JD Sports was particularly sought after owes a lot to the extremely aggressive marketing by Nike to Black people in USA, which has spread to London. Something interesting there, though, is that while these Oxford Street folk sit low on the UK economic ladder, they're still a labour aristocracy in global terms. Nike is so exploitative that there's even an entire Wikipedia article just on "Nike sweatshops". I'd love a load of Vietnamese sweatshop workers to be flown in to loot every Nike shop in London. Take back what they literally made yet were barely compensated for.

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23 hours ago, HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows said:

@When reality kicks in, do you just not like tree puns, or are the red dots Fir something else?

Its Marshy, vT or another of their wee gang. Dotting account set up because of something I said years ago, no idea why it is still being allowed but that is VPNs for you.

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