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I’m a Celebrity 2023


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I assume it’s being boycotted by many as there isn’t a thread about it yet.

Farage took his challenge quite well in fairness to him and it was quite amusing.

This idiot causing controversy now by getting a bee in her bonnet over Fred saying he was old enough to be her Dad because her dad is dead. Hope she gets forced to eat some anus.


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3 hours ago, throbber said:

I assume it’s being boycotted by many as there isn’t a thread about it yet.

Farage took his challenge quite well in fairness to him and it was quite amusing.

This idiot causing controversy now by getting a bee in her bonnet over Fred saying he was old enough to be her Dad because her dad is dead. Hope she gets forced to eat some anus.


Just been shown that. What a complete fanny. Another case of someone absolutely desperate to be offended by a harmless comment. Had a look at the first few replies and thankfully folk seem to agree she's a moron. 

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3 hours ago, throbber said:

I assume it’s being boycotted by many as there isn’t a thread about it yet.

Farage took his challenge quite well in fairness to him and it was quite amusing.

This idiot causing controversy now by getting a bee in her bonnet over Fred saying he was old enough to be her Dad because her dad is dead. Hope she gets forced to eat some anus.


This was the only bit I’ve seen.

Said to the wife “she’s an arsehole isn’t she” and got a twenty minute rant back about how I don’t understand because my Dad’s not dead.  

I shan’t be watching any more


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7 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Just been shown that. What a complete fanny. Another case of someone absolutely desperate to be offended by a harmless comment. Had a look at the first few replies and thankfully folk seem to agree she's a moron. 

Yeah my twitter is full of anger towards her. Not one of those funny moments someone gets a bit hangry and snaps for no reason, she is clearly just an overly sensitive attention seeking fat fucking slob. Hope this ends her youtube career.

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11 minutes ago, coprolite said:

This was the only bit I’ve seen.

Said to the wife “she’s an arsehole isn’t she” and got a twenty minute rant back about how I don’t understand because my Dad’s not dead.  

I shan’t be watching any more


i’m not sure what her dad being dad has to do with it - all he said was he was a lot older than her, she said he’s not that old and he said he was 51 and she was 26 and old enough to be her Dad. It wasn’t in the least bit offensive and he even took the time to give her some courtesy the next day and she called him a weirdo and said stay away from her in front of all the campmates. She is a truly loathsome specimen. 

Im not getting good vibes about it this year at all.

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53 minutes ago, throbber said:

i’m not sure what her dad being dad has to do with it - all he said was he was a lot older than her, she said he’s not that old and he said he was 51 and she was 26 and old enough to be her Dad. It wasn’t in the least bit offensive and he even took the time to give her some courtesy the next day and she called him a weirdo and said stay away from her in front of all the campmates. She is a truly loathsome specimen. 

Im not getting good vibes about it this year at all.

I don’t pretend to understand what my wife’s on about. 

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5 minutes ago, guinness said:

She called Fred a weirdo ffs. Hopefully her career is like her belly and flops 😆

The best of it is, I bet (because she'll be used to false folk giving her fake positive comments all the time in her "career") she'll think folk on the outside will be totally backing her and think she's spot on. I wish she knew the reality. 

Part of the reason I stopped watching this was because they don't have the opportunity to be booed when they're kicked out for being an arsehole! 

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5 hours ago, throbber said:

i’m not sure what her dad being dad has to do with it - all he said was he was a lot older than her, she said he’s not that old and he said he was 51 and she was 26 and old enough to be her Dad. It wasn’t in the least bit offensive and he even took the time to give her some courtesy the next day and she called him a weirdo and said stay away from her in front of all the campmates. She is a truly loathsome specimen. 

Im not getting good vibes about it this year at all.

I think she's just as thick as shite and has no idea of the meaning of offence or context.

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11 minutes ago, Boghead ranter said:

Really strange how, when it was obvious the Youtube nonentity and Farage were going to be chosen for every challenge, those 2 suddenly became unable to take part in the latest one for 'medical issues'.

As if that land whale couldn’t get any more loathsome.

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14 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

The best of it is, I bet (because she'll be used to false folk giving her fake positive comments all the time in her "career") she'll think folk on the outside will be totally backing her and think she's spot on. I wish she knew the reality. 

Part of the reason I stopped watching this was because they don't have the opportunity to be booed when they're kicked out for being an arsehole! 

Her solace will be the well worn trope of, "Like, they edited that really badly, like".

I generally try to see the best in people but really struggling with her.

Edited by jimbaxters
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She made Farage look reasonable there. It was weird watching this one with the kids. My daughter didn't have a clue what was going on (she's not really been following their respective careers). All I could really say to her was that she wasn't letting Farage make his point. Every time he tried to speak she shut him down and shouted over him.

She'll be first one voted out, no question. 

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