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Week 13


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51 minutes ago, peasy23 said:

The Herbert non call was ridiculous, it was as obvious an OB hit you will ever see.

The SJ is no more than 10 feet away with nobody between him and the action. It makes you wonder what on earth he's looking at other than the sideline and whether the ball and the ball carrier are in or out of bounds, because at that juncture, that is literally all he should be concerning himself with.

There are a few areas of the NFL rulebook where they have things arse about face, fumble recovery/return for example, and this is another one. They can always pick a flag up if they change their minds after a conflab, but they are not going to get together, discuss, and then throw a flag for a personal foul because it makes whoever should have been throwing the flag in the first place look like an incompetent fool who is oblivious to players being cheap-shotted and/or hurt.

Fair enough, you do see it occasionally on subjective things like a QB who has been grabbed around the waist, the tackler slides, and 'hits' below the knee, or when the rusher reaches out to grab the QB in the pocket and accidentally brushes their hand on his helmet, but that's understandable because it isn't always clear cut and is more a procedural infraction than something egregious like clobbering a 6'5" QB when he's a yard OOB and there is an official stood a few feet away.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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5 minutes ago, peasy23 said:

It wasn't all one way last night tbf, that was a hilarious non call on the DPI.


Yep, but as far as I'm concerned, the Chiefs still got the rub of it. The "DPI" on the Hail Mary is no such thing, and would have been ridiculously ticky-tacky even on a play half way down the field early in the first quarter, and besides, the game should have been over before then thanks to the blown call when they stopped what should have been a running clock.

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14 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

Yep, but as far as I'm concerned, the Chiefs still got the rub of it. The "DPI" on the Hail Mary is no such thing, and would have been ridiculously ticky-tacky even on a play half way down the field early in the first quarter, and besides, the game should have been over before then thanks to the blown call when they stopped what should have been a running clock.

It just highlights a whole string of bad calls, and as the tweet suggests there seems to be no consequences for officials who are getting it wrong.

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19 minutes ago, peasy23 said:

It just highlights a whole string of bad calls, and as the tweet suggests there seems to be no consequences for officials who are getting it wrong.

I know the league grades the units as a whole, the better graded crews get higher profile games and get to officiate deeper into the playoffs, but that means nothing for teams who get stuffed by umpteen crappy calls in Week 2, lose a divisional game, and end up 5th seed instead of 2nd seed and a Home WC game 🤷‍♂️

The League also used to retroactively issue apologies for obvious blown calls, yet I don't think they still do, possibly because it would only serve to highlight just how awful the officiating has become.

The worrying thing for me though is not so much the lack of consequence, it's the fact it's becoming an every week, every game phenomenon.

Years ago really poorly officiated games were such a rarity that they stuck in the mind. The Hochuli farce in Mile High, "tuck rule", even the refs missing a Russell Okung False Start on a Rivers TD pass v's the Steelers was so embarrassing that it was talked about for days after the game and that was only 5 years ago, yet every week now it doesn't matter which game I watch, there seems to be at least 2 or 3 howlers, and usually umpteen other terrible decisions from the games I haven't watched shown later. It's not just down to wall to wall coverage, because even in the pre-internet era the league had full coverage of every single game played with cameras everywhere, and there was nothing to suggest the officials were getting it patently wrong with anything like the frequency they have of late. This season seems particularly bad, although I will concede that an element of that might just be that a few particularly awful games have focussed attention on officiating and it's being scrutinised and discussed like never before.

One other thing I'm curious about is the fact that even in the face of a blatant blown call, NFL players tend to just shrug it off, perhaps with a bit of mumping and moaning on the sideline. I think if it keeps up at the rate it's been going lately, it's only a matter of time before some 300llb headcase loses his shit and assaults an official on the field. That sort of thing is never excusable, but I think it's inevitable if the League doesn't do something to address the awful standard of on-field officiating lately.

Final thought - the decline seems to coincide with Covid, which really wouldn't be surprising given that I know there were a lot of restrictions regarding bubbles, the lack of usual input from officiating crews in preseason etc

Edited by Boo Khaki
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36 minutes ago, peasy23 said:

Not enough being made of the Texans fucking up Tank Dell for the season by using him as an up the gut blocker on a goal line rush attempt. Daft decision to have him in there.

On the face of it, it does seem like a daft idea to have a guy who looks like he's made out of toothpicks in the middle of a goal line pile, but looking at the alignment, he moves tight pre-snap, he's still the outside WR, and for some reason he ignores the CB stood right in front of him and goes haring toward the goal line to go take on the up-rushing Safety, which Pierce should be able to bowl into the EZ anyway considering contact is right on the goal line itself and 99% of modern NFL Safeties couldn't stand up a peewee leaguer with a decent head of steam.

It's a stupid way to lose a WR, but I suspect Dell went somewhere he was never intended to be in the first place. Probably a good example of why guys with his build tend not to play every down in the NFL, although they did have a far bigger WR lined up inside him and that guy did take on the CB stood directly in front of him. I don't really understand moving him tight unless they want the CB to think about the fade, but if you are throwing corner fades to Tank Dell...

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Guest DannyBlue
3 hours ago, peasy23 said:

It wasn't all one way last night tbf, that was a hilarious non call on the DPI.



In fairness to the refs on number 2 the receiver is MVS so they probably didn't deem it a catchable ball.

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