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Livi vs Ross County Sat 2nd Dec

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18 minutes ago, NathanDrake88 said:

Embarrassing from the junior team in disguise yet again!

Why are they a junior team in disguise when there's clubs in the league below with games off also?  

I also don't think it's embarrassing. 

Edited by Hoose Rice
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1 hour ago, LIVIFOREVER said:

Also the reason we got the pitch was down to cost v having a grass one, adding USH would change the pros and cons of that a bit. It's meant to take -4 i think, been lower than that the last few days, we all it would be off.


Yes because no matter where you're located, everywhere in the Country has the exact same conditions, and the other games called off today, some with grass pitches, should be on because Motherwell's is on, ok.

The thing is Livi are in the top flight. I have nothing against Livi per se. But there ought to be minimum conditions to being in the top flight relating to efforts to get games on. Of course the weather differs from one part of the country to the other.

But Livingston is 23 miles away from Motherwell not 230 miles away. 

What covers did Livi have on the pitch knowing the forecast and below freezing temperatures? 

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18 minutes ago, welldaft said:

The thing is Livi are in the top flight. I have nothing against Livi per se. But there ought to be minimum conditions to being in the top flight relating to efforts to get games on. Of course the weather differs from one part of the country to the other.

But Livingston is 23 miles away from Motherwell not 230 miles away. 

What covers did Livi have on the pitch knowing the forecast and below freezing temperatures? 

We obv met the requirements, but this happens every winter, not just to us, County and some others, think it was Dundee and Aberdeen, have had postponements, shit happens. There are differences from one half of Livingston to the other let alone 23 miles apart, there's a dip in the Almondvale area, and part of the ground is obstructed by the stand, allowing no sunshine onto it. I worked in Motherwell years back doing a job that got rained off, and i filled my van up at the petrol station a  mile up the road and there was no rain. Also was snowed off in Fauldhouse and went to a job in Seafield a few miles away and was able to work no problem. You just can't compare one area to another thinking it's the same.


Covers don't help when it snows, makes it impossible to clear with machinery without damaging them, we usually clear snow away no problem, and snow was forecast. We've got games on before when it was frosty and snowed, but sometimes everything comes together that makes it impossible.

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1 hour ago, welldaft said:

I think fans of other teams are quite right to point out the inadequacies of Livi plastic pitch. I am quite sure when it was installed one of the reasons would be that it would stand up better to inclement weather than grass pitches. Well that is patently shite. 

What are you talking about? The pitch has stood up much better than when we had grass. If we had grass we'd have barely played in December since we came up, and the games from January onwards would have been in a swamp. 

1 hour ago, welldaft said:

all weather pitch

Ah, you're an idiot, never mind then

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7 minutes ago, LiviLion said:

What are you talking about? The pitch has stood up much better than when we had grass. If we had grass we'd have barely played in December since we came up, and the games from January onwards would have been in a swamp. 

Ah, you're an idiot, never mind then

Perhaps if you invested in undersoil heating (when u had grass) as most top flight clubs do or should do then it would not have been a problem..

If it makes you feel better to call me an idiot go for it. A lot of the times you would be right. 

Does not divert from the fact that Livi invest the minimal amount they can in their pitch v other teams. As Pete rightly alludes to it is quite convenient given your shit run of form for this to be called off against a recently resurgent Ross County. 

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Actually quite glad its off today; under the weather today and didn't fancy sitting in an all seater stadium for a couple of hours shivering my ####### off.

We do have heavy duty covers but being situated in a valley doesn't really help.

I seem to recall a few years back St Mirren (I think) tried out some sort of heated tent idea. Presumably it wasn't a success as, I believe they have reverted to undersoil heating?

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there's something terribly indulgent and mildly unsettling about trying to unfreeze hundreds of tons of soil that has naturally frozen due to seasonal changes, burning huge amounts of energy and potentially contributing to climate damage, in an effort to facilitate already over-privileged and entitled humans in their tribalistic, ritualistic endeavours. 

It snowed. The game is off. End of story. We don't have the money for it, someone in the class has to be the poor one, don't be that bully.

Unlike some lucky (Motherwell) fans I'll now have to find something else to fill my over-privileged and entitled weekend with. I'm sure I'll cope. 

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16 minutes ago, welldaft said:

Perhaps if you invested in undersoil heating (when u had grass) as most top flight clubs do or should do then it would not have been a problem..

If it makes you feel better to call me an idiot go for it. A lot of the times you would be right. 

Does not divert from the fact that Livi invest the minimal amount they can in their pitch v other teams. As Pete rightly alludes to it is quite convenient given your shit run of form for this to be called off against a recently resurgent Ross County. 

We have had our undersoil heating on the past few days and it hasn’t stopped our pitch getting 5 inches of snow on it!

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Undersold heating in whichever guise is simply a luxury we haven't for years simply been unable to afford.It costs a significant sum to have it on for 3 to 4 days prior to a match.I get people getting on their proverbial high horses spouting the usual drivel over and over again.Livi fans are as dissapointed as others its off,but the financial facts speak for themselves.

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2 hours ago, welldaft said:

I think fans of other teams are quite right to point out the inadequacies of Livi plastic pitch. I am quite sure when it was installed one of the reasons would be that it would stand up better to inclement weather than grass pitches. Well that is patently shite. 

Motherwell spent over a £million on our pitch and guess what it is playable today in the same weather that the all weather pitch is not. Would rather have had some of that million to spend on players and we might not be on a 10 game winless streak. Plus County now have a few days rest ahead of our game on Tuesday whilst we no doubt pick up injuries and suspensions. 

So aye. f**k Livi and their shite plastic pitch. 

It is funny that if you look at the companies who provide artificial surfaces their websites stress heavily they aren't actually all-weather surfaces.

I have no idea if Livi salted the pitch with special pure salt before the freeze came in, whether insulating covers work with 4G surfaces or whatever else. Maybe there's a good reason they didn't do these things, maybe they were just tight. I just thought it was funny that Sherrif John Bunnell's prediction came true within minutes of the game being called off, & by someone whose side has no interested in this battle between relegation fodder at that.

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2 minutes ago, Clangers said:

We have had our undersoil heating on the past few days and it hasn’t stopped our pitch getting 5 inches of snow on it!

To be fair it wouldn’t 🤷‍♂️

If Livi have heavy duty covers and had them on the pitch. And it is still unplayable - fair enough. 

I have a game to go to and hopefully put a wee bit more distance between us and Livi. Probably won’t work out that way but I will think of you guys in your warm living room as we drive past Livingston on the M8 heading west. 

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Living in the centre of Edinburgh there is basically no snow to talk of and my car didn't need to be scraped of ice. Drive outside the city and is quite different. 

The distance between Edinburgh and Livingston can turn in to a winter wonderland in the space of 10 miles. Presumably something linked to land, geography and weather etc in that area. 

A Dees game I went to a bunch of years back with a mate of mine against Livi in January is easily the most brutally freezing match we have ever attended. 

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I’m glad this games off, ramps up the pressure on the relegation fodder when it’s nearer the end of the season, mid week, and the trap door is getting closer *

*I won’t be thinking that if we lose at Motherwell today even though I’m cautiously optimistic we’re going to be clear of all that for once this season 

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