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Another big one Annan v Falkirk

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Thought we absolutely dominated that yesterday despite the tricky conditions. Very professional performance and didn't give Annan a sniff. Only the woodwork and some desperate goal line clearances prevented the scoreline being a fairer reflection of the game. However this was made up for by Willie Gibson being totally raging throughout, things you love to see. 

Miller probably my MotM who was beating his man for fun all game. Solid displays from Donaldson and Lang, who both deserved their goal. Marshalled Goss who was an absolute giant very well who Annan were trying to do everything through. Two belting strikes as well, especially Lang's. Nesbitt was good again, reckon he's got the 10 position properly nailed down now barring another injury. Spencer and McCann had their usual 8/10 games and Bisland did fine at RB. The ref was as crap as the weather. 

Annan need to invest in their stadium a bit, those facilities are not acceptable to cater for 700 away fans. I'm sorry but 4 portaloos, 1 burger van staffed by two morons and a couple of steps of open terracing with a non existent view (due to being set quite far back from the barrier at the front) isn't really good enough at this level. The weather probably didnt help but felt £16 was particulalry poor value.  

Still, the main thing was getting the win and a nice bonus of Hamilton dropping points. 22 games unbeaten now which is a great achievement. Win our game in hand against the tramp and we should be sitting pretty. Merry Christmas, f**k the Pars 


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5 minutes ago, NavyBlueArmy1876 said:

Annan need to invest in their stadium a bit, those facilities are not acceptable to cater for 700 away fans. I'm sorry but 4 portaloos, 1 burger van staffed by two morons and a couple of steps of open terracing with a non existent view (due to being set quite far back from the barrier at the front) isn't really good enough at this level. The weather probably didnt help but felt £16 was particulalry poor value.  

I really hope we can go up this season so that we can get back to playing at real football stadia again.

I’m not at the games in the flesh so it might be different if you are actually there but the difference in atmosphere in watching the Accies game in front of a couple of crowded, substantial stands and watching the Annan game in front of one man and his dog on Falkirk TV was like chalk and cheese as a viewer experience. The other away game this season where I felt like I was watching a real football match was at Stirling, once again a stadium with a couple of decent stands. The atmosphere at the other grounds just seems to dissipate into the ether.

Some of the away games this season are like a slight step-up from watching Bonnybridge Juniors at Jenny’s Park.

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55 minutes ago, Bairn in Exile said:

I really hope we can go up this season so that we can get back to playing at real football stadia again.

I’m not at the games in the flesh so it might be different if you are actually there but the difference in atmosphere in watching the Accies game in front of a couple of crowded, substantial stands and watching the Annan game in front of one man and his dog on Falkirk TV was like chalk and cheese as a viewer experience. The other away game this season where I felt like I was watching a real football match was at Stirling, once again a stadium with a couple of decent stands. The atmosphere at the other grounds just seems to dissipate into the ether.

Some of the away games this season are like a slight step-up from watching Bonnybridge Juniors at Jenny’s Park.

Ah, those were the days! :wub:

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