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State Pension age set to rise to 71

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Just now, Shadow Play said:

Can I ask where you got that information from.  Are there any articles from reliable sources I can read about this school of thought?

It was revealed to me in a dream. 

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It won't affect me. However, if it did I will apply my usual procedure of decreasing my effort in line with any increase in pension age or real reduction in pay. I can still do a lot less and could eventually reach negative net contributions.

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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Surely it's time to ransack the coffers of codgers like @Granny Danger so we can all be miserable together.

My old man just told me that he's worried about Labour getting in at the next election and stealing all his money, so why not.

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71 is utterly mad. My parents are late 60s and the idea of either of them having an to work full time still at that age just doesn't sit on right with me. One doesn't drive now and the other I often question if they are still mentally capable of driving when I get a lift. I'm not sure what exactly they are meant to offer to the workplace.

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Meanwhile, in Glasgow...

While the average male life expectancy at birth is 76.5 years, if he makes it to 65 without dying, then the average number of years left is 17.3. Life expectancy was lowest in Glasgow city where it was 72.9 (±0.3) years for males and 78.2 (±0.3) years for females.


Source... https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/files/statistics/life-expectancy-in-scotland/20-22/life-expectancy-20-22-report.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiEjt2895SEAxUQ-gIHHWqzCZkQFnoECA4QBg&usg=AOvVaw23bquLAxJ0P6U3XchSvGot

Edited by Salt n Vinegar
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Yet put out a media narrative ‘blaming bloody furriners’ and work people into poverty, making property ownership more difficult than prior generations, make the concept of retirement a falacy, steal our pensions and tell us its for our own good to reduce ‘debt’. Honestly government can go take a f**k to itself. 

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1 hour ago, Shadow Play said:

Can I ask where you got that information from.  Are there any articles from reliable sources I can read about this school of thought?

If you're a sovereign currency issuer like UK are, public debt is owed to yourself, therefore shouldn't be thought of the way we think of private debt. 

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6 minutes ago, Freedom Farter said:

If you're a sovereign currency issuer like UK are, public debt is owed to yourself, therefore shouldn't be thought of the way we think of private debt. 

Sorry, I’m not sure I understand.  

The UK government predominately sells bonds to the market, therefore the money is ultimately owed to the institutions that buy the gilts.  

It is important to keep government debt manageable.  Much like private debt the more the UK borrows the more it will have to pay each year in interest payments.  I think it’s currently roughly £100 billion ish in annul interest payments.  To put that in perspective I think a little more is spent on education and roughly half is spent on defence.

It also become a significant problem if a government is assessed as having borrowed too much as this will negatively affect the country’s credit rating making future borrowing more difficult and expensive.

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Over 50 male smoker or more probably ex smoker, bad diet, booze bag, brought up some scheme or ex pit Village, low educational record, manual work.

Forget it.

Chances are you won't see 71.

If you survive that first heart attack or stroke, sell up and get yourself over to Thailand.

Least you'll die with a smile on your face.

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2 hours ago, Shadow Play said:

Can I ask where you got that information from.  Are there any articles from reliable sources I can read about this school of thought?

Check out some statements by Rangers.  Tell you all you need to know about debts not being real.

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36 minutes ago, Shadow Play said:

Sorry, I’m not sure I understand.  

The UK government predominately sells bonds to the market, therefore the money is ultimately owed to the institutions that buy the gilts.  

It is important to keep government debt manageable.  Much like private debt the more the UK borrows the more it will have to pay each year in interest payments.  I think it’s currently roughly £100 billion ish in annul interest payments.  To put that in perspective I think a little more is spent on education and roughly half is spent on defence.

It also become a significant problem if a government is assessed as having borrowed too much as this will negatively affect the country’s credit rating making future borrowing more difficult and expensive.

General overview:



Specifically on bonds (interviewee is German so is using the context of the Eurozone but the principle is universal):


Screenshots taken from here: https://www.rosalux.de/en/news/id/50220/central-banks-never-run-out-of-their-own-money

This is maybe more what you're looking for, though. A direct debate on the two contrasting views - either that public debt should be a major concern or that it shouldn't be: https://www.yanisvaroufakis.eu/2021/01/23/is-it-sensible-to-fret-about-public-debts-rise-during-the-pandemic-a-debate-with-todd-g-buchholz-on-pairagraph/.

My current position is towards the idea of public debt being less of a concern. Partly because I've seen more right wing governments consistently wrack up far more public debt during their time in office (due to their tax cuts). That's despite the right wing being the ones who always claim public debt matters. Which suggests to me they don't actually believe in what they preach as they certainly don't practice it. Instead they're just looking to create public consent for their austerity policies.

Edited by Freedom Farter
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2 minutes ago, Freedom Farter said:

General overview:



Specifically on bonds (interviewee is German so is using the context of the Eurozone but the principle is universal):


Screenshots taken from here: https://www.rosalux.de/en/news/id/50220/central-banks-never-run-out-of-their-own-money

This is maybe more what you're looking for, though. A direct debate on the two contrasting views - either that public debt should be a major concern or that it shouldn't be: https://www.rosalux.de/en/news/id/50220/central-banks-never-run-out-of-their-own-money

My current position is towards the idea of public debt being less of a concern. Partly because I've seen more right wing governments consistently wrack up far more public debt during their time in office (due to their tax cuts). That's despite the right wing being the ones who always claim public debt matters. Which suggests to me they don't actually believe in what they preach as they certainly don't practice it. Instead they're just looking to create public consent for their austerity policies.

I understand what you were referring to now.  Thank you.

It’s been a very long time since I studied economics but I think the general current opinion with regards to the UK Government debt appears to be that as a % of GDP the interest payments are historically quite low. 

Regardless of all this I remember reading an article that looked at how the UK Governemnet could pay off all debts.  Effectively we can’t.  The increase in taxes required over an extended period of 30-50 years would result in a very significant recession.

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