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2016 Scottish Cup Winners v 2016 Scottish Cup Runners-Up

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Hibs fans should be asking why Montgomery never took Obita off after the ref warned him for shoving the Rangers physio and Mccausland,  especially with him already being on a booking. 



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4 minutes ago, bennett said:

Hibs fans should be asking why Montgomery never took Obita off after the ref warned him for shoving the Rangers physio and Mccausland,  especially with him already being on a booking. 



& the answer would be he's probably been our best player this season and the replacement would be a 400 year old Lewis Stevenson.

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8 hours ago, Kyle Reese said:

Why? Do you think my comments on a message board might prove to be the deciding fa tor tomorrow night? 

Those comments often come back to bite you on the bum, is all.

Best not post until after the game. (Easier said than done!)

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2 minutes ago, Hard Graft said:

What a sportsman Goldson is. Virtually every game he runs to the referee to ensure an opposition player is carded. We need more like him in the game.


Players badgering the ref isn't unique to Rangers/Goldson, it happens in most games. It's not something that I like but it is commonplace in fitba. 


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28 minutes ago, conboyhibs said:

& the answer would be he's probably been our best player this season and the replacement would be a 400 year old Lewis Stevenson.

Well, that went well, eh?

Obita was rank rotten from the early stages and could've got a second yellow on more than one occasion before the final, and rather soft, offence.

The 2nd red was harsh but understandable these days. Dive in with two feet like that and the chances are you'll see a red, esp if you're playing against one of the Butt Cheeks.

Monty's subs are baffling. At Tynecastle, he put on a CB when Hibs were/ should have been looking to win the game against a Hearts side that had barely turned up. Wonder if there are other people with interests at other clubs pulling the strings? 🤔

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3 minutes ago, Crùbag said:

Monty's subs are baffling. At Tynecastle, he put on a CB when Hibs were/ should have been looking to win the game against a Hearts side that had barely turned up. Wonder if there are other people with interests at other clubs pulling the strings? 🤔

He didn’t play centre half though. He came on and played in midfield to get Levitt further forward, same position he played in last night. Your question at the end doesn’t make sense given the players being subbed on/off.

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9 minutes ago, Zing. said:

He didn’t play centre half though. He came on and played in midfield to get Levitt further forward, same position he played in last night. Your question at the end doesn’t make sense given the players being subbed on/off.

Yep. It's a bizarre take from the Jambo, esp when Triantis is on loan from Sunderland........

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24 minutes ago, Crùbag said:

Well, that went well, eh?

Obita was rank rotten from the early stages and could've got a second yellow on more than one occasion before the final, and rather soft, offence.

The 2nd red was harsh but understandable these days. Dive in with two feet like that and the chances are you'll see a red, esp if you're playing against one of the Butt Cheeks.

Monty's subs are baffling. At Tynecastle, he put on a CB when Hibs were/ should have been looking to win the game against a Hearts side that had barely turned up. Wonder if there are other people with interests at other clubs pulling the strings? 🤔

Well of course, in hindsight you would take him off. He wasn't rank rotten either. One of his poorer games, no doubt about it but he had a shaky 5/10 mins when he gave the pen away in the first half. However, as I mentioned previously he's been our best player this season and we lose so much down the left hand side when Stevenson replaces him.

I can't disagree with NM's subs being strange, at times but the one you've mentioned isn't one of those times. Emiliano was knackered when he came off against Hearts and with Levitt on in place of Moriah-Welsh meant Triantis was our option to bring balance back to the midfield 3.

Is your inference that someone on the board would want us to substitute on a Sunderland loanee for a Bournemouth one? I thought the Hearts fans suggestion about the new investment was that we would HAVE to play Bournemouth players? Not sure you've thought that one through.

Edited by conboyhibs
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1 hour ago, Crùbag said:

Well, that went well, eh?

Obita was rank rotten from the early stages and could've got a second yellow on more than one occasion before the final, and rather soft, offence.

The 2nd red was harsh but understandable these days. Dive in with two feet like that and the chances are you'll see a red, esp if you're playing against one of the Butt Cheeks.

Monty's subs are baffling. At Tynecastle, he put on a CB when Hibs were/ should have been looking to win the game against a Hearts side that had barely turned up. Wonder if there are other people with interests at other clubs pulling the strings? 🤔

Considering we only have one player on loan from Bournemouth and he’s been one of our best players we’ve had in the past few years this is quite a reach.

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1 hour ago, RuMoore said:

I knew it would be worth waiting til the morning to read this thread and savour it. 

Particular highlight. 

Aye how dare someone be offended over your fans singing “die ****** die” as a player receives treatment for a head knock.

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12 minutes ago, stressball said:

Aye how dare someone be offended over your fans singing “die ****** die” as a player receives treatment for a head knock.

Sideshow Bob was in the away end?

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2 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

Those comments often come back to bite you on the bum, is all.

Best not post until after the game. (Easier said than done!)

Nah, my comments will have zero effect on the result or performance. Hearts letting me down and my comments being flung back in my face is just a bit of banter, and I will take it as such if it happens.

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8 minutes ago, stressball said:

Ah you’re just red dotting posts calling out your support, gotcha. This is my favourite 


To be fair, it was a bit naughty to try and attribute what had been said to anything regarding songs while Boyle was getting treatment. I assume that’s why he red dotted your post suggesting it was.

Edited by AJF
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1 minute ago, AJF said:

To be fair, it was a bit naughty to try and attribute what had been said to any songs while Boyle was getting treatment. I assume that’s why he red dotted your post suggesting it was.


As a neutral it was clear as day the song being sung while Boyle was receiving lengthy treatment for a head injury. The broadcasters should have called out the scum element in your “support”.

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