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Clyde FC Season 24/25

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£19 is a ridiculous amount to be charging for League Two football. 

£18 was the highest last year at East Fife when they didn't reduce their price after their relegation and that was too high. 

Will be interesting to see how it stacks up against the other clubs in the SPFL, but I can imagine there will be a few League One teams not even charging that.

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Are you lot that f***ing miserable? Endless posts about how shit Clyde have been this season, the squad is poor. Lowland league amateurs with some of the terrible signings Duffy made last year.

AM has been a breath of fresh coming back to the club. A lot of positive changes already seen since his arrival with many more to come. He's asked for our support and to get behind them by putting your hands in your pockets and helping the club financially to bring in better players with the drive to succeed. (Not just players) If this means a couple of quid extra on a ticket then so be it. 

As I stated before many of the support if not most happily have a few pints before and after the game,  think nothing of it. Happy to line Willie Hills pockets every week and again think nothing of it. How much is a packet of fags nowadays? 

What's more important? We all have choices..

Most of ye's want success on the park and still get intae games for a tenner....

Everything else has went up in price, cost of living etc but when the ticket prices rise you lot are greeting like weans. 

Suck it up & support your club.... or don't 

We all have choices. 

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2 hours ago, Bearded Bully said:

Are you lot that f***ing miserable? Endless posts about how shit Clyde have been this season, the squad is poor. Lowland league amateurs with some of the terrible signings Duffy made last year.

AM has been a breath of fresh coming back to the club. A lot of positive changes already seen since his arrival with many more to come. He's asked for our support and to get behind them by putting your hands in your pockets and helping the club financially to bring in better players with the drive to succeed. (Not just players) If this means a couple of quid extra on a ticket then so be it. 

As I stated before many of the support if not most happily have a few pints before and after the game,  think nothing of it. Happy to line Willie Hills pockets every week and again think nothing of it. How much is a packet of fags nowadays? 

What's more important? We all have choices..

Most of ye's want success on the park and still get intae games for a tenner....

Everything else has went up in price, cost of living etc but when the ticket prices rise you lot are greeting like weans. 

Suck it up & support your club.... or don't 

We all have choices. 

Exactly this.

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I know it’d be very unlikely, and McCall’s said he’s hoping for three strikers (I’m hoping we will try and get Allan back again this year), but should we be asking the question to Gabby McGill if we could offer him a decent wedge? He’s be released from Airdrie, but he will undoubtedly have offers from higher up the leagues.

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Posted (edited)

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think most people's affront at the £19 is mostly to do with the idea that League Two Scottish football simply isn't worth that amount given the general standard of the players and football on offer.

I would mostly agree with this but the factor which seems to be getting ignored is that through the increased revenue we will not only have a much stronger team but will also be playing much more attractive football next season. This will be made possible not solely through the increased gate price of course but it could become a significant factor if people put their trust (and extra £2!) in Maitland and McCall. As has been said, no one is forcing anyone to pay it so if it's not financially viable, perhaps consider a monthly installment season ticket. Failing that, get a Zimmer and try an' pass yourself off as an OAP. 

My point is, whilst £19 is a joke for the L2 football we have been served up in the past, I think it will seem a lot better value for money when we see what the new squad and McCall are serving up - not only in terms of results but in performances and entertainment value. 

Edited by RutherGlen
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I agree £19 for L2 isn’t great value for money but most of the clubs are there or there abouts in terms of their pricing. East Fife are £18 and others are £17 etc etc.

I’d be more outraged if we were £5, £6 or £7 more expensive but £1 or £2 isn’t an issue for me.

All down to personal preference and circumstances if it’s an issue or not i suppose.

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3 hours ago, Kelheart said:

Just renewed season ticket and works out £12 a game at Kelty think walk up is  £15

That's great value.

I enjoyed the away trip to Kelty.

I certainly won't be paying that sort of money to return to NDP

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7 hours ago, Bearded Bully said:

Are you lot that f***ing miserable? Endless posts about how shit Clyde have been this season, the squad is poor. Lowland league amateurs with some of the terrible signings Duffy made last year.

If entry prices are performance related then the board should have had the prices down to about a fiver last season when it was obvious after a couple of games that we were dugmeat and Duffy had signed a bunch of ringers.

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5 hours ago, Clyde01 said:

If entry prices are performance related then the board should have had the prices down to about a fiver last season when it was obvious after a couple of games that we were dugmeat and Duffy had signed a bunch of ringers.

Oh it took most people a lot longer than a couple of games to suss it out.....especially the Chairman who was telling us late on into the calendar year the aim was promotion still.....and he's still on the Board.....they bloody well nearly the killed the club and not one of the Board has had the honesty to leave.

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On 06/06/2024 at 16:46, SLClyde said:

Very debatable statement this. £19 for league 2 football will not appeal to people. 

They are looking to increase ST's...they will have calculated a conversion rater from walk up's versus the average walk takings.....and by making the walk up price so unattractive - hope to drive people to the better value of ST's so the budget is easier to operate...that's where it's a good strategy....if you look at walk up of £19 in isolation, yes, it does not look great.

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On 06/06/2024 at 20:08, Ocelot1877 said:

How do you come to that conclusion? Looking at the managerial team and the comings and going in January I think it’s pretty clear there is a good amount of money being put in.

The price increase in walk up prices isn’t going to cover the squad and the managerial team.

Clearly not as much as was intimated when GT was clamouring to prevent an EGM to propose no faith in the board.

It may well be a good amount of money but not enough to give the same well that's been dipped into for years a break. 

Hopefully now with a professional administrator and football man at the help, the commercial activity will improve, there is already the return of a long term benefactor who walked last year, and perhaps even some old donators who were treated poorly by the board.

I just hope AM clears out the deadwood from the Board.

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14 hours ago, Replays said:

I know it’d be very unlikely, and McCall’s said he’s hoping for three strikers (I’m hoping we will try and get Allan back again this year), but should we be asking the question to Gabby McGill if we could offer him a decent wedge? He’s be released from Airdrie, but he will undoubtedly have offers from higher up the leagues.

I'm sure Allan and McGill will have offers higher up the leagues, but it's refreshing that the expectation is now at that level. It'll certainly be interesting to see who the third striker will be.

For what its worth, I'd be like a fourth striker, even if it was a pacey, younger loan player, just to keep up competition in the squad.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Right turn Clyde said:

So ready to abuse.....what a life your family must endure

You have quoted the same posts of mine 3 times in the last 24 hours without me replying 

Why you so thirsty? 

Edited by Ocelot1877
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