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5 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:


Probably right but by all accounts he's knocking his absolute pan in during pre season. Whether that's to be ready for a move away or to keep his spot who knows.

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1 hour ago, ArabianKnight said:

Probably right but by all accounts he's knocking his absolute pan in during pre season. Whether that's to be ready for a move away or to keep his spot who knows.

I think his style of play and general demeanour makes him come across as "lazy", and being an inconsistent winger means he's a massive lightening rod for fans to moan about.

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I used to have an issue with Scott Fraser's hair and I'm not going to back down from that argument even all of these years later 😅

In the year we were relegated, the boy had long hair that would flop over his eyes and you would see him literally slow down to move it out of the way so he could see better. In what world, when serious athletes will do the most extreme things to enhance their performance by a fraction of a percentage, is it wrong to highlight something as simple as 'Don't you think you should wear a headband'. It's not.

And wouldn't you know it, his best season for us was his last, where he ended up firstly wearing a headband and then cutting his hair shorter. 

This is the hill I am prepared to die on. And I have a full head of wonderful hair 😆

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1 minute ago, dundeeunited83 said:

Scott Fraser would be an excellent signing btw, technically a brilliant footballer, just because he doesn’t go smashing in tackles doesn’t make him a bad pler 

I thought by the time he left he was the best player we had on the books. He's gone on to have a decent career and will likely be a better player for it.

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13 minutes ago, SGMilne said:

I used to have an issue with Scott Fraser's hair and I'm not going to back down from that argument even all of these years later 😅

In the year we were relegated, the boy had long hair that would flop over his eyes and you would see him literally slow down to move it out of the way so he could see better. In what world, when serious athletes will do the most extreme things to enhance their performance by a fraction of a percentage, is it wrong to highlight something as simple as 'Don't you think you should wear a headband'. It's not.

And wouldn't you know it, his best season for us was his last, where he ended up firstly wearing a headband and then cutting his hair shorter. 

This is the hill I am prepared to die on. And I have a full head of wonderful hair 😆

I admire the colourful narrative, but I don't think he actually did slow down to fix his hair. He did fix his hair quite a lot but I'm not convinced it actually affected his play. That's a little mental. He would have done himself a favour getting the skinhead earlier, if for no other reason than to remove the stick with which some people were beating him.


Fwiw, I think Fraser would be a stand out for most Premiership teams but I'd be amazed if it was with us. Firstly, because of the stick that he got (and I'm sure his every misstep would be pounced upon) but also because I just don't think that he's Goodwin's type of player. I think Goodwin's recruited well but virtually every player has been fast, strong or hard working (or a combination of the three), to the notable exclusion of guys who are nice, technical players (Grieve and Tillson cf. Cudjoe, Glass, Mochrie and Meekison). I'm sure Goodwin's preference would be technically good AND fast, hard working etc., but I don't see him bringing in someone who doesn't tick at least one of those boxes. Looks like we're going with a 343 and everyone of the midfielders and wide players is going to have put in a proper shift. I don't see where Fraser fits in there.

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Walton back is smart business by United and the folk that are saying he had little to do that's wide of the mark there was even times he bailed United out eg Airdrie away 

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Just now, GFARAB82 said:

Walton back is smart business folk say he has little to do that's wide of the mark there was even times he bailed United out eg Airdrie away 

I think we've seen enough shit keepers to know what a difference they can make. Walton didn't need to make a lot of saves but he's a calm, sensible influence on the defence. That'll do for me.

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1 minute ago, Pull My Strings said:

I think we've seen enough shit keepers to know what a difference they can make. Walton didn't need to make a lot of saves but he's a calm, sensible influence on the defence. That'll do for me.

He made a couple of saves on his debut immediately felt like night and day compared with Crapadile Dundee 

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23 minutes ago, Fife Arab said:

……….won the league ole ole


could be Airdrie bound soon. Surprised at this thought maybe Dunfermline would have took him 

He will fit well in at Airdrie. He is their sort of player 

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2 hours ago, Pull My Strings said:

I admire the colourful narrative, but I don't think he actually did slow down to fix his hair. He did fix his hair quite a lot but I'm not convinced it actually affected his play. That's a little mental. He would have done himself a favour getting the skinhead earlier, if for no other reason than to remove the stick with which some people were beating him.

Flicking hair out of your face during a game as regularly as he did for people to notice it, even at a very micro level, has to affect your concentration and then your play. He'd have been better with a hair band/shorter hair and he was when that happened.

As for whether it slowed him down, I genuinely do remember this on an occasion where he was running with the ball down the GF side. He had to flick his hair out of his face mid stride and lost a step of pace which allowed a defender to get back and nick the ball from him.

Now that goes to the argument of whether this memory is what happened or am I remembering my memory of the last time I remembered it which has meant I don't actually have a proper memory of it anymore and it's altered to suit my narrative? 😅 Who knows, but as far as I'm concerned it happened and I saw it, and in a season where we were losing games due to a combination of bad goalkeeping and younger players having such a weak spirit that they couldn't come when conceding a goal, it was something that felt like an easy fix.

I rest my case 😇

The other thing about memory here is that I thought Fraser ended up being well thought of before he left. The main issues fans had with him was whilst we were in the Premiership. I'm less clear on that than I am of him slowing down when he flicked hair out of his face though 😆

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Fraser was a decent player with a good touch and technical ability. Very much shat it out of the physical side of things though.

Not sure he would be an asset if he did return. Not seen much of him recently though.

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Regarding Scott Fraser,  Hearts fans think he's hopeless. Read a thread on him somewhere and not 1 positive comment on him. 

Although, maybe worth a wee short term deal if he's a free agent.

Over the moon with our window so far. It's been the best for yonks. Another 3 in and we'll be ready to go. 

I'd still take Simon the blue nose, would be a decent addition. 


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