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1 hour ago, Fifespud said:

The other side of that coin being take only say, 1 point, and you’re looking down the barrel from the off. 

Really looking forward to the Derby for once, we will be way, way too strong for you lads and will win at a canter. Big Mo laying waste to your midfield and Cameron and McCowan running the show. 

For once? My favourite was when when you thought Lee Griffiths would be far too strong for us.

Anyway, glad you are pleased with your generational achievement of finishing 6th last year. Some people would be negative after blowing a shoe in for Europe with a pathetic run in but I admire people who are glass half full.

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If Dundee fails to win at Tannadice that'll be 19 years since they last crossed the street and emerged victorious the pressures all on them not to make 19, 20 etc we know it'll come eventually so can relax 

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10 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

Aye the Dundee hype machine was in full flow last season and seems to have continued.


They only won 3 games against teams outside the bottom 3 all season, and only picked up 4pts (0 wins) against top half sides after the fluke win over St Mirren in November.

Last years collection of teams was atrocious.

I don't intend any shade here, but that just shows how far a team can get in this league by winning the games they "should" win. 

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15 minutes ago, Sarto Mutiny said:

I don't intend any shade here, but that just shows how far a team can get in this league by winning the games they "should" win. 


St Mirren nailed the "plan" last season it felt like. Start quick while teams are figuring it out, then beat the shite after that, and you'll get Europe.

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17 minutes ago, dundeeunited83 said:

Anyone got any idea of time and where game is today?? 

I think it’s closed doors but presumably at St Andrews. 

Edit: 1pm if you happen to be out walking the dog nearby.

Unless it’s at Tannadice of course. 🤷‍♂️



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I can say after this week and last week I feel comfortable with Richard's as number 2 I like him he communicated with his defence alot and Will Ferry solid today 

Edited by GFARAB82
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