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Being not particularly impressed by any of the Parties in this election I feel it is time for the rise of the Pie and Bovril Party. We should promise the things that you really want and stand on your manifesto. So this is your chance, you fine P&B lot you, to shape the future by suggesting what policies you would like to see enacted (serious and not so serious)

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My first policy suggestion: 

MPs should only be renumerated by their salary and should be banned from having second incomes such as directorships. There should be an understanding that their job is to represent the electorate first and only. 

This is nearly similar to the Civil Service rules where second jobs are closely scrutinised. 

Payment of MPs was originally brought in to allow the working man a chance to sit in Parliament rather than those with private incomes but it seems to have become warped over the last century to the point that a lot of people see their representatives as a bunch of money grabbing untrustworthy ratbags. 


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Second policy

As it's a bugger to spell Auchtermuchty to be renamed JimmyShandGrad.

In fact other Scottish towns to be renamed after great Scots in the style of the Communist bloc. Glasgow could be Connollystadt, Dundee Marrastadt, Arbroath AndyStewartGrad and so on. Why in an increasingly secular society have Kilmarnock aka the cell of Marnoc, an unknown Saint, when you can have McIlvanneygrad?

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Just now, scottsdad said:

The cabinet to consist exclusively of John Hughes (Prime Minister) and Guid Hoanest Laddies.

Yogi's standing for Reform in Edinburgh South under the name "Cameron Rose" 


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If a 98 year old Jimmy Carter can build houses then our MPs can get out at the weekend and fill in some potholes. 

How's that for National Service? 

In fact the Royal Engineers can be called in to fill the potholes. It's about time these layabout squaddies did some work. 

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26 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

The first act of the newly elected P&B government should be to review the 235,896 incorrect VAR decisions that went against St Mirren last season.

And officially uphold each and every one.  Cause a week-long P&B shutdown.

Call it the Div-idend

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Officially change the term ‘penalty’ to ‘pelanty’ for every usage of that word.  The death pelanty (see what I did there) or a season ticket to Dens for any transgressions.


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Trap mafia to be declared supreme leader.

As he owns everywhere/everything and will call out everyone/anyone who thinks otherwise!

Culloden/Inverness boys, you know the score. 

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Any politician who voluntarily leaves the party under whose banner he/she was elected must resign and cause a by-election in which they may stand if they wish.  If it is a Scottish Parliament proportional representation seat, the election is held across the entire region the politician represented.

As all political party "debates" or panel programmes are clearly used by the participants to attempt to influence voter opinion, all such programmes broadcast or available in Scotland must include representation from all political parties represented in the Scottish Parliament and representing Scottish constituencies the Westminster Parliament.

Any interview by a journalist with a spokesperson of a political party where the politician evades answering a direct question with a direct answer twice will be immediately terminated.

Nobody may represent a "think tank" on programmes like Question Time, Peston etc unless their finances and major funders are declared and listed in the programmes' websites.

Nigel Farage may only appear on Question Time for as long as he can hold his hand in the flame of a candle.

Not sure if the last one is legally enforceable, but it would be interesting.

Edited by Salt n Vinegar
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3 hours ago, tamthebam said:

My first policy suggestion: 

MPs should only be renumerated by their salary and should be banned from having second incomes such as directorships. There should be an understanding that their job is to represent the electorate first and only. 

This is nearly similar to the Civil Service rules where second jobs are closely scrutinised. 

Payment of MPs was originally brought in to allow the working man a chance to sit in Parliament rather than those with private incomes but it seems to have become warped over the last century to the point that a lot of people see their representatives as a bunch of money grabbing untrustworthy ratbags. 

Similarly, end the tradition of former MPs being handed cushy "jobs" by the people they did favours for. This will be accomplished by mandatory execution within thirty days of leaving parliament.

Might as well take advantage of our inevitable withdrawal from the ECHR, eh?

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Governance: Concordance democracy, with an adoption of a magic formula similar to Switzerland

Governance: All MPs, MSPs, public officials etc must wear bodycams at all times. 

Governance: Second chamber to be selected, not elected. Stakeholders in each industry vote for representatives - e.g. any healthcare workers can vote for a member to serve. Transport workers similarly. The unemployed, schoolkids, pensioners, people of mixed race, etc. Wonks can work out the appropriate division of this using Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes, Demographic codes, and so on.

Independence: Against independence on the basis that we don't want to start off with a failed state on our border. Independence is normal, but England is currently far from ready for this loss to their wealth and prestige. The effects on Northern Ireland and Wales are not of interest to this party.

Law: wholesale shift away from common law to civil law. Scotland already has something of a mix, but we will be standing in as many constituencies as feasible and so are concerned with how rUK fails to govern itself. To this end, we look to (finish this section later I'm already bored)

Law: long sentences for white-collar crimes but always community service, lasting multiple years and decades for egregious examples.

Royal Family: Keep a royal family, however not this particular royal family. Any family wishing to become the royal family can submit an application, Eurovision style voting (minus judges) with national holiday to select the new family. Abolish the honours system. Rescind all honours first. 

Tax: Land Value Tax, but with a high enough base rate so don't panic, no one is touching your Edinburgh New Town flat that your granny has lived in since she was a child and inherited it from an aristocrat who had no heirs and it would not be fair to kick her out her own home, so and it wouldn't.

Education: Abolish Private Schools, but anyone paying for private schools will continue to do so, and the money will be used to fund jollies for state school kids.

Edited by picklish
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