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What is the point of labour ?


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If you look at any Labour MP twitter account right now they are giving it big licks about being morally right.

Just shows how it is all a game for them.

I genuinely think they think all the voters to be clueless about this sort of stuff and I really hope it backfires on them up here.


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"Scotland will be at the heart of the next UK government if Labour are elected, Anas Sarwar has said."

But until then you can just sit down, shut up and leave it to us big boys. Mind you, I'm not sure if Scotland wants to be anywhere near the dead, cold heart of any Labour government.

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6 minutes ago, Brother Blades said:

Are there any Labour MPs making adverse comments about the absolute shambles today? I’ve certainly not seen any reports. What happened today just shows the UK & it’s politics to an absolute joke country. 

No, no Labour MPs are making adverse comments. It's a matter of time until the Labour central office "line to take on Twitter" memo is leaked given that the similarity in the construct of their tweets is remarkable. 

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Anyone who voted Labour back in the day when they were supposed to be the party of the working man and still continues to do so, can be disregarded as an utter moron.

They weren’t entirely innocent then either, but they don’t even resemble the same party and their sudden lurch to the right is incredible.

Anyone who chose to vote Labour before probably did so as they were seen as the left wing choice. They’ve completely abandoned that and anyone remaining in their camp is the kind of uber-partisan p***k that really does make UK politics the shitshow it finds itself in.

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3 hours ago, Left Back said:

Let me be clear that this is not my opinion and I’m not trying to justify anyone’s actions.

The brutal answer to your question in this instance is that Israel is far more important to the UK’s security and economy than the Palestinians.  While Hamas threatens Israel our sympathies will be with Israel.

That’s a cold hard fact and I would imagine that’s our foreign policy position.

I know that I'm risking invoking Godwin's Law here, but would @Left Back have suggested that Germany was "far more important to the UK’s security and economy" than the Poles in 1939?

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1 minute ago, lichtgilphead said:

You're entitled to your opinion, but you haven't answered the question. Should the UK stand on their principles (like in 1939) or on their hopes to sell weaponry (like now)

Simple question.

If you think that’s the genuine question you need help.  Your attempt to draw a comparison to 1939 is quite frankly pathetic.  I’m not even entertaining any  further engagement on this nonsense.

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19 minutes ago, Left Back said:

If you think that’s the genuine question you need help.  Your attempt to draw a comparison to 1939 is quite frankly pathetic.  I’m not even entertaining any  further engagement on this nonsense.

I'm sure that if my comparison with standing up for your principles is "quite frankly pathetic", then better posters than you will be queuing up to condemn me.  However, I cannot see past the UK's two main parties appearing to support genocide in 2024.

So far, people have suggested that the UK's reasons may relate to arms sales, or to remaining the USA's lap dog, or to pretending that any condemnation or boycott will have no effect on the situation.

All I'm asking you to do is to clarify which of these positions you support, or whether you have another (as yet undisclosed) reason for supporting the UK's inaction. Your unwillingness to answer speaks volumes.

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The motion wasn't binding so will actually change f**k all. The Tories will back Israel to the hilt. Sir Keith will mirror them as he has no vision of his own and is content to be a tiny bit less shit than the Tories.

What a fucking tragic state of affairs tbh.

It's time for a modern day Guy Fawkes to blow up Westminster. 

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Just ceaselessly grim - the cynicism, the accusations of cynicism against someone else for putting forward a motion consistent with their policy because they didn't make it specifically for it to fit your convoluted position, the invocation of Jo Cox because you think it should be illegal for people to be upset with you. Genuinely awful people top to bottom 

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12 hours ago, Left Back said:

For the reasons I already stated.  In the UK we also have the complication of our relationship with the US to consider.  Again like it or not we still have to do business with them in the future and don’t want to alienate them. 

Our existing relationship with the US and Israel is what makes it more important to take a moral stand over one of them committing genocide, not something to be shrugged off by the very sensible grown adults who understand nuance and realpolitik unlike the stupid babies who think tens of thousands of civilians being deliberately slaughtered is bad.

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There was an utterly pathetic Labour patsy on Newsnight last night. When pressed on why now he actually said it's because Israel are talking up a ground offensive in Rafa. At that point it was put to him that his stance and the reasoning made it look like the senseless slaughter of 30,000 Gazan residents was acceptable to them as he used the phrase "a step too far". Victoria Derbyshire was left visibly shaking her head in disbelief at him after he failed to backtrack from what was obviously a pre prepared party stance.

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9 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

There was an utterly pathetic Labour patsy on Newsnight last night. When pressed on why now he actually said it's because Israel are talking up a ground offensive in Rafa. At that point it was put to him that his stance and the reasoning made it look like the senseless slaughter of 30,000 Gazan residents was acceptable to them as he used the phrase "a step too far". Victoria Derbyshire was left visibly shaking her head in disbelief at him after he failed to backtrack from what was obviously a pre prepared party stance.

He looked slightly uncomfortable when delivering it


But only slightly 

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