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What is the point of labour ?


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Just now, John Lambies Doos said:

Cant believe there are people on here trying to defend Labours actions during the independence campaign

Labours conduct during indyref was genuinely the most disgusting thing I've ever witnessed and I will never forgive or forget.  No matter what happens they will never get another vote from me in any election for any reason ever again for the rest of my life.

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This is nonsense. Dugdale acknowledged that Labour weren't going to win in rural areas. That was just a simple fact. The idea that a sunday morning interview on Sky news that no one watched was the defining factor in voting intention is absurd.
Far more people saw Sturgeon state with certainty that the Tories were definitely going to win a majority at the end of the final (I think?) debate. The SNP failed to either fully commit to a second referendum or offer any way to end austerity.
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On 19/07/2018 at 18:41, Peppino Impastato said:

Labours conduct during indyref was genuinely the most disgusting thing I've ever witnessed and I will never forgive or forget.  No matter what happens they will never get another vote from me in any election for any reason ever again for the rest of my life.

I for one am shocked by this.  

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Labour are a party of conservative rejects. Career politicians who couldn't find worthwhile vacancies within the tory party. They have to pretend that they have a social conscience and stand for core Labour principles, while hoping that their loyal followers are too stupid to perform any background checks or monitor their voting/policy behaviours. (Which they are)

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Can't believe the attack on Corbyn from Ann Hodge accusing him of being ante semitic given what she could have been attacking him over.

Has she not noticed that the tories are hell bent on destroying Britain for all but the very rich?

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15 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Can't believe the attack on Corbyn from Ann Hodge accusing him of being ante semitic given what she could have been attacking him over.

Has she not noticed that the tories are hell bent on destroying Britain for all but the very rich?

Just when Israel introduces a law that is verging on apartheid Labour is scared to protest because of the  antisemitism  row.  You would almost think it was coordinated.

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The protests by right wing Zionists in the Labour Party is a deliberate ploy.  The possibility of a Prime Minister who will be publicly critical of Israel is anathema to them.

Their allegiance to Israel supersedes their allegiance to their own constituents, and they would rather see the austerity driven Tories continue in power than see a Corbyn led government,  That statement, whilst true, is supposedly anti-Semitic.


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What lessons might the US learn from the fight in the UK against Theresa May, led by the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn?


Corbyn ran a very smart campaign. It was not unlike what we are trying to do in this country. He took on the entire establishment of the Labour Party, who had moved very far to the right and became very establishment, and said, “In the UK, our job is to represent working people and have the courage to stand up to the wealthy and the powerful.” He came forward with a very progressive agenda that caught the imagination of workers and young people alike. They ended up not winning, but doing a heck of a lot better than people had expected that they would.

Corbyn had to take on not only the conservatives, but he had to take on the establishment of the Labour Party. That’s not unlike the situation that we as progressives are in here in the United States.

We have to speak out on an agenda that makes sense to working people. Understanding that we are living at a time of massive income and wealth inequality, that we have a political system that, as a result of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, is a corporate system allowing billionaires to buy elections — in the midst of that, candidates have to be bold. They have to have the courage to take on the big money interests who have so much power in our society today and to stand with working people. When you do that, people will do not only well in politics and win elections, but it will improve life in the United States of America.


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13 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Chris Huhne rewind. Whatever happened to him?


A belter of a scandal. Hunhe grassed up for giving his wife points because he gave her an STI he caught cheating on her with guys. The vindictive wife getting jailed and bringing her judge pal down with her. Simon Danzcuk leading the charge against them despite being a sex pest himself.

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14 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Reading the new rules they demand to be adopted, they don’t all exactly sound like anti-semitism?

It's not even about anti semitism or Israel it's just the only effective way his critics have found of attacking Corbyn.

No one who defends Corbyn in the media can actually come out and say the people who are driving this are right wing Tory and Likud supporters so it'll just trundle along with 24 hour a day coverage on the BBC.

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