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What is the point of labour ?


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I see he's refusing to call for an extension of the Brexit transition period. Absolutely terrified of taking any position that could piss off anyone at all. He's got all the decisiveness of a blancmange. 

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

I see he's refusing to call for an extension of the Brexit transition period. Absolutely terrified of taking any position that could piss off anyone at all. He's got all the decisiveness of a blancmange. 

The Tory backbenches are holding the front bench to account more than Sir Keir.

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To be fair to Labour, they do have one policy that they're absolutely 100% concrete on. 

They favour the tories ruling over Scotland for the next ?? years as part of a right wing totalitarian white nationalist state over the absolutely horrendous alternative of Scotland governing itself as an equal valued member of the European Union. 

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Can someone better with technology than me find out how many times Scottish Labour have voted with Carlaw’s mob in the current Scottish Parliament? I suspect the answer would be high but I cannot find the evidence to back this up

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He’s doing relatively well, to be honest. Nationalists on this website won’t vote for him, and Labour Party members will vote for him anyway. Whether he likes it or not, he needs the gammon vote. His approval ratings are as high as opposition leaders go and the government has haemorrhaged support recently.

Corbyn would’ve been sucked right into the culture war and calling for Churchill’s statue to go into the sea, or at least not taking a stance either way. Starmer is letting the government embarrass themselves on an almost daily basis. About all he can do really.

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I posted this twice in the covid-19 thread in reply to WhiteRoseKillie.

Sadly he didnae respond.

I'll try here.

  On 04/06/2020 at 11:03, WhiteRoseKillie said:

The two main parties' disdain, and perceived disdain, for Scotland just reflects the casually racist attitude a majority of potential voters down here hold towards all the Celtic Nations.

It's no just the casual racism of potential English voters. It's also the same thing from the English political parties.

The Tory and the Labour party (& the LibDems) have all refused to acknowledge that Scotland can decide herself (through a referendum) whether to stay or go.

Would you agree with me it is the Scottish electorate who will make the decisions and no BoJo or Starmer.


There's a lot of Labour members, MPs and yes, even a very recent leader, who want rid of all Nuclear weapons. It is an idea which has been pushed aside in the priority queue by Brexit, imho. Let's see where we go in future.

Rubbish! This is from 3 years ago


Labour supports the renewal of the Trident nuclear deterrent. As a nuclear-armed power, our country has a responsibility to fulfil our obligations under the Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty.

 and this is the Scottish Labour version. Weasel words from a weasel party


Defence is a reserved issue and UK Labour continues to support the renewal of the Trident nuclear deterrent.


What's the betting that will still be in the next Labour manifesto?


What exactly makes you think that Labour supports HS2 in the form promoted by the Tories? There was a party which had a manifesto pledge to continue the line into Scotland, which I assume you would be in favour of. Shame England wanted to Get Brexit Done...

I've no idea but I've yet to read anything from a UK/Scottish Labour party decrying the fact that Scotland has to pay a share of the HS2 costs as well as other expensive English projects. Also I'm no in favour of extending HS2 to Scotland. It would make far more sense to electrify the whole of main line Scottish Routes.


How much of a Royalist is Starmer? How important is his view on that issue to his psition as leader? Again, I would say there is a large minority of the Party (YT included) who would kick the Windsors and all their extended family of parasites onto the streets and use their property portfolio as housing for the deserving, but that is something we'd be swimming against the tide with at the moment.

He is enough of a royalist to bend the knee and acknowledge Charlie Windsor as his better/superior. If he is the heid man of a socialist party then why does he no reject his title?




I do enjoy reading your posts, Willie, but at times you do come over a wee bit McGlashan-ey.

I always enjoy reading your posts and usually concur with the sentiments but how can you say that the Labour Party is non-controversial.

And what or who is McGlashan?

Edited by Wee Willie
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Last weekend there was an article on the BBC News website regarding greetin'-faced John Bercow moaning that he's no getting a knighthood.

Halfway down the article was this sentence.

Mr Bercow has been proposed for a peerage by the former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn,

A so-called socialist proposing some sod for the House of Lords - help ma boab!

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Starmer won the Labour leadership election by keeping well out of it and letting the other lot clownshoe over each other.

He seems to be taking the same tack to being leader of the opposition

I can see him managing to cut the Tory majority to about 30 the useless c**t.

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6 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

The whole thread is worth a read on how UK Labour view Scotland but that tweet encapsulates it. Jackie Baillie is the key to their Scottish comeback.

They must long for the days when the jocks knew their place and just voted them in to ride that gravy train. If Jackie baillie is their answer then they're not getting back in any time soon. 

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