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What is the point of labour ?


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19 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

You do know that WMM simply cannot be accused of hyperbole here, don't you. This isn't some Twilight fan "pick a side" lark. This is real life. The Government, since 2010, has remorselessy targeted the most vulnerable in our society rather than care for them. This has resulted in a number of unnecessary deaths so fucking high that it has been internationally condemned on more than one occasion. They are literally killing off the poor and disabled.

If you are not angry/don't give a fúck about this, you are a part of the problem.

His best posts are the ones that get deleted before I've had a chance to ignore them

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19 minutes ago, GiGi said:

I don't think Labour support in Scotland eroded entirely because of the constitution. The rot had set in long before that, supporting austerity and bullshit wars - basically everything a Labour party shouldn't have been doing. 

Definitely paved the way for the SNP though. 


They took the votes for granted, cause who else are you going to vote for? The Tories?

I don’t think they’ve ever done some serious self reflection on why they collapsed in Scotland, still getting the impression they don’t believe they’ve done anything wrong. It’s the voters who are wrong 

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32 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

You do know that WMM simply cannot be accused of hyperbole here, don't you. This isn't some Twilight fan "pick a side" lark. This is real life. The Government, since 2010, has remorselessy targeted the most vulnerable in our society rather than care for them. This has resulted in a number of unnecessary deaths so fucking high that it has been internationally condemned on more than one occasion. They are literally killing off the poor and disabled.

If you are not angry/don't give a fúck about this, you are a part of the problem.

f**k's sake, min. Look who you're talking to.

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What exactly is a woke policy?

Nothing like stirring up fear as a policy winner eh 

As an example of the kind of radical policy he would like to see, Blair suggests tackling concerns about illegal immigration by introducing biometric ID as a precondition for accessing work and public services.

Edited by Clown Job
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11 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

What exactly is a woke policy?

Nothing like stirring up fear as a policy winner eh 

As an example of the kind of radical policy he would like to see, Blair suggests tackling concerns about illegal immigration by introducing biometric ID as a precondition for accessing work and public services.

Win back remainers by *checks notes* being a dickhead on immigration, citizens rights and universal access to services. Shut up Tony.

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What exactly is a woke policy?
Nothing like stirring up fear as a policy winner eh 
As an example of the kind of radical policy he would like to see, Blair suggests tackling concerns about illegal immigration by introducing biometric ID as a precondition for accessing work and public services.
Invite government surveillance into every aspect of your life in exchange for keeping out the bogeyman of..... People you are never likely to meet or even walk past or be aware of, because their travel documents* don't look the same as yours

*yeah, skin, I know.
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Why should anyone listen to that ghoul ? The most unpopular former PM still alive, still trying to push his ID card pish.

I'm only interested in what he has to say if he's saying it from a dock in The Haugue.


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58 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

"Please don't vote for us"




You'd have thought the circumstances in which the Tory MP had been removed from a seat which had been held by Labour from 1932-2019 would have made this an easy by-election win, but clearly they've learned nothing about centrally imposing candidates on CLPs after Hartlepool.

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1 hour ago, williemillersmoustache said:

"Please don't vote for us"




Would be interesting to know if the Labour Party have breached their own rules in doing this.  Maybe not, but if they have then a legal challenge would be fun.

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The bios of the two hand picked candidates are horror shows. One who was President of Labour Students and now works for Community Trade Union and the old MPs assistant who walked into an NHS communications job when Creagh got booted for being a Remainer in a 60% Leave seat. 

The PLP is going to be exclusively clean shirt wankers by 2035 at this rate. At least the gay mafia and the religious loons give the SNP a bit of personality. 

Edited by Detournement
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17 hours ago, Detective Jimmy McNulty said:

Aye maybe. Certainly from the outside looking in, Labour (with their newly elected OO member) being only the 2nd largest group asking the tories and a fringe anti devolution party for support could be perceived as prioritising 'national' issues over local ones. I don't think the optics are great for them tbh, but maybe that's exactly the message they're trying to send. I don't live there so don't really give a f**k tbh.

I did enjoy this bizarre comment under the article though. Going to start using 'very Karl Marx' to describe random things now.



I saw... somewhere, you see too many things in too many places nowadays to narrow it down, I saw someone say "Karl Marx was a capitalist, he wrote a book about it" the other day which I found amusing.

Or maybe it's an attempt to bring the Shiba Inu memes back. very karl marx, much capital

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3 hours ago, Clown Job said:

What exactly is a woke policy?

Nothing like stirring up fear as a policy winner eh 

As an example of the kind of radical policy he would like to see, Blair suggests tackling concerns about illegal immigration by introducing biometric ID as a precondition for accessing work and public services.

I clicked on this to see what it actually said because I thought I must be missing something based on the bit you quoted. Reading the rest made it worse.

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32 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Blair is absolutely choking to get us all microchipped. He must be on commission.

In the same way that John Reid (remember him ?) pushed ID Cards when he was Home Secretary.  I seem to remember he had some sort of connection to the De La Rue Group which had an interest in the scheme.

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Starmer will not be happy until there’s no socialists left in the Labour Party.  Unfortunately for him he’ll be gone before that happens.

I wonder what lucrative gig(s) he’ll end up with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From the Guardian:


Lawyers for an 82-year-old Jewish woman who was investigated three times in three years by Labour for antisemitism have written to the party demanding that it carry out an independent investigation into what it alleges was a campaign of discrimination against her. They suggest her anti-Zionism was a protected characteristic under the Equality Act.

Labour dropped the latest investigation into Diana Neslen, who regularly attends her local synagogue and keeps a kosher home, after she threatened to sue the party for unlawfully discriminating against her based on her belief in anti-Zionism.

The party was investigating her for tweets she posted about Israel and Zionism. Her lawyers, Bindmans, had said the investigation was unjustified and disproportionate, with the only admissible tweet being one from 2017, in which Neslen said “the existence of the state of Israel is a racist endeavour and I am an antiracist Jew”.

A new letter sent to Labour by Bindmans says the party’s governance and legal unit (GLU) has “failed/refused to properly investigate and/or address our client’s complaints under the party’s own policies on bullying and harassment”. It continues:

Anti-Zionist (or indeed Zionist) beliefs that are strong enough to justify protection under the EA (Equality Act) 2010 are most likely to be held by those of Jewish or Palestinian ethnicities, given it is those ethnicities that are likely to be primarily affected by such beliefs. Accordingly, harassment based on anti-Zionist beliefs equates to harassment based on ethnicity, and it is therefore submitted that the party has subjected our client to harassment on the basis of ethnicity.

In 2018, Labour, under pressure to act on allegations of antisemitism. adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA’s) definition of the term. The IHRA definition of antisemitism includes as an example: “Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, eg by claiming that the existence of a state of Israel is a racist endeavour.”

Jewish Voice for Labour, of which Neslen is a member, says it knows of 52 Jewish Labour members, two of whom have since died, who have faced or are facing disciplinary charges relating to allegations of antisemitism.


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