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What is the point of labour ?


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On 02/10/2018 at 21:32, BawWatchin said:

Are you one of these people who automatically writes things off without even bothering to look into it, just because one person you don't happen to like has done so themselves?

If you actually took the time to look into things instead of spouting crap about how whiter than white western government is, there's a good chance you'd actually learn something.

The irony of talking about "not looking into things" while believing in chemtrails!

What sources are telling you these things?

Why do you think it is that climate scientists or meteorologists aren't saying anything about chemtrails? Are all those many thousands of qualified people "paid off" by the conspiracy?

In fact not only are they not affirming it but they are actively denying that there are chemtrails and think the idea is absurd and say so openly.

What do you suppose the motive or reasoning for chemtrails is? 

If it's poisoning or chemically altering the population for purposes of control then it still makes absolutely no sense for it to be done through chemtrails from thousands of feet in the air rather than put in food or water supplies.

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4 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Sorry wit? How can right wing brexit voting England be further to the left than Scotland. I know that you’re only trolling but f**k me you’re not even trying anymore with shite like that.

Its just the auld HB bot on repeat. They have inserted it again, given it a different user name, but failed to add any updates:lol:

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22 minutes ago, git-intae-thum said:

Its just the auld HB bot on repeat. They have inserted it again, given it a different user name, but failed to add any updates:lol:

"Thou shallt not  spake unto scottish nationalism as one would spake unto earthly things.

Thine own Sturgeon comes upon Earth as mine own hand."

Scottish White Paper. 

Edited by Jambo99
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The branch office are having a reshuffle this afternoon. Rumour has it that Baillie and Sarwar are out on their respective arses, which is just gravy.


Still wont catch me dead voting for labour, mind.

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2 hours ago, Kyle said:

The branch office are having a reshuffle this afternoon. Rumour has it that Baillie and Sarwar are out on their respective arses, which is just gravy.


Still wont catch me dead voting for labour, mind.

It feels like their cabinet has been the exact same collection of people forever. I know there's not a huge number to choose from and the SNP also have a couple of uninspiring choices but they must collectively have the thickest (shadow) cabinet ever assembled.

We all laugh at Ruth Davidson and seethe a bit at the ridiculous press support that has overhyped her and consistent contradictions but there's a certain intelligence required to network in that way and create that image and get away with it. I think I'm more reasonable than most people and think politicians get unfairly portrayed at times but if I sat down with Leonard and talked to him for a while about politics, I genuinely think it would be quite apparent that he could even describe how the devolution arrangement works or even the process behind leaving the EU.

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