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What is the point of labour ?


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31 minutes ago, Cheese said:


So by extension,  given that Labour have already admitted that a successful take up campaign that would see the majority of those due qualifying benefits but not currently claiming them being able to access the WFA would actually see them paying out MORE than the blanket withdrawal is going to save, this can be taken as a blatant lie.

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2 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

So by extension,  given that Labour have already admitted that a successful take up campaign that would see the majority of those due qualifying benefits but not currently claiming them being able to access the WFA would actually see them paying out MORE than the blanket withdrawal is going to save, this can be taken as a blatant lie.

These people are mostly either straight up morons, or disingenuous, deeply unpleasant arseholes who will simply honk into any available microphone whatever is expedient for them on any particular day, regardless if it is pure fantasy or directly contradicts what they were saying last week.

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56 minutes ago, Cheese said:

Fair f**ks to disappear then come back and immediately launch into whataboutery.

That's the party line in Scotland right now.

No mention of what the branch office would've done any differently of course, probably because the answer is, "very little". Even if you hate the SNP, nobody genuinely thinks we've missed out by not having Scottish Labour managing Holyrood with the Conservatives running the show in Westminster.

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I doubt there'll be many even within Labour who believe Athwal didn't know about the state of the properties he earns money from. Most of us who've lived in private lets will be very familiar with the standard routine of:

  • Issue occurs with property
  • Inform letting agency
  • "the owner says he's not fixing that"
  • Try to deduct money for the repairs from your deposit when you leave
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Reading through the details of this posted by Gareth Dennis in the thread, it just gets worse and worse. Starmer prefers to back his authoritarian weirdo buddy than allow an expert to express an opinion on safety. Any potential whistleblowers in the public sector, or in part of the private sector dependent on government contracts, will know they need to stay quiet. And we all lose out as a result.

Scandals like Horizon will happen again and again and again because managerialist cliques always defend their own.


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Didn't want to start a separate topic on this, but as Labour are presently in Government, and this particular incident happened in the last week, following clamp downs on supposed 'far right' troublemakers and 'unacceptable' social media posts, several pro Palestinian activists have been arrested under anti-terrorism laws.

The particular incident is the arrest of ex-graphic designer turned journalist Sarah Wilkinson. I've seen nothing on the mainstream news about the arrest, but it is claimed by her and her supporters that she was arrested in her home by a large number of people claiming to be police officers after 16/17 police vehicles arrived outside her house at 0710hrs on 30th August, taken on a 2 hour dive without a seat belt on with the driver behaving erratically, delivered to a police station where she was unable to eat or drink without medication. The medication required is for Crohn's Disease, the lady is in her late 'sixties, when she was given access to a nurse it appeared the nurse didn't know what Chron's Disease was, and no medication was prescribed. 

Meanwhile, at her home, police* removed all methods of communication, plus cables, trashed the house, bored holes in the walls and smashed an urn containing her mother's ashes. It's also claimed they removed her passport. Ms Wilkinson travels to the Middle East at times to report on the affairs in Gaza.

She was eventually released on bail, on condition she uses no electronic devices for communication, and that she return to the police station at a later date with her passport (which has been removed by the search party at her house). The penalty to fail to follow the bail requirements can be five years in jail. Her family suspect her home has now been crudely bugged, due to the holes in walls.

The manner of her arrest, and the conditions put upon her, surely violate UK and International Law. 

Please feel free to correct any of the above, as it's hard to believe the Government think they can do this to a citizen.

If there is even a small part of this detention story true, I'm thinking it has been done to silence dissenting voices and strike fear into non mainstream journalism. It surely doesn't matter if you support Ms Wilkinson's beliefs or not, the circumstances and operations of the police* are of serious concern.


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"What is the point of labour"

Is it to be very extremely very left wing, as Jedi says?

Is it to be communists, as Biggie says?

No, it's to embody that "the freer the market the freer the people" question from the political compass test

On 02/09/2024 at 12:27, Gibby82 said:

Lisa Nandy is talking the talk today but I won't hold my breath. Her colleague Lucy Powell (she of the Winter Fuel Payments fame) on the other hand is cool with it. It's the market, innit. 

She [Powell] said she had paid double the price originally quoted for tickets.

She said she had paid £350 each for two tickets at Heaton Park in Manchester. She told BBC Radio 5 Live: “Eventually got through and bought a couple of tickets for more than I was expecting to pay.”

She added that she does not “particularly like” surge pricing. However she said: “It is the market and how it operates.

“You’ve absolutely got to be transparent about that so that when people arrive after hours of waiting, they understand that the ticket is going to cost more.”


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1 hour ago, Dundee Hibernian said:

Didn't want to start a separate topic on this, but as Labour are presently in Government, and this particular incident happened in the last week, following clamp downs on supposed 'far right' troublemakers and 'unacceptable' social media posts, several pro Palestinian activists have been arrested under anti-terrorism laws.

The particular incident is the arrest of ex-graphic designer turned journalist Sarah Wilkinson. I've seen nothing on the mainstream news about the arrest, but it is claimed by her and her supporters that she was arrested in her home by a large number of people claiming to be police officers after 16/17 police vehicles arrived outside her house at 0710hrs on 30th August, taken on a 2 hour dive without a seat belt on with the driver behaving erratically, delivered to a police station where she was unable to eat or drink without medication. The medication required is for Crohn's Disease, the lady is in her late 'sixties, when she was given access to a nurse it appeared the nurse didn't know what Chron's Disease was, and no medication was prescribed. 

Meanwhile, at her home, police* removed all methods of communication, plus cables, trashed the house, bored holes in the walls and smashed an urn containing her mother's ashes. It's also claimed they removed her passport. Ms Wilkinson travels to the Middle East at times to report on the affairs in Gaza.

She was eventually released on bail, on condition she uses no electronic devices for communication, and that she return to the police station at a later date with her passport (which has been removed by the search party at her house). The penalty to fail to follow the bail requirements can be five years in jail. Her family suspect her home has now been crudely bugged, due to the holes in walls.

The manner of her arrest, and the conditions put upon her, surely violate UK and International Law. 

Please feel free to correct any of the above, as it's hard to believe the Government think they can do this to a citizen.

If there is even a small part of this detention story true, I'm thinking it has been done to silence dissenting voices and strike fear into non mainstream journalism. It surely doesn't matter if you support Ms Wilkinson's beliefs or not, the circumstances and operations of the police* are of serious concern.


Hard to know the truth going by SM and the fact Galloway has latched onto it really doesn't help. The source of the story seems to be her son but can't see any real mainstream pick up.

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1 hour ago, Dundee Hibernian said:

Didn't want to start a separate topic on this, but as Labour are presently in Government, and this particular incident happened in the last week, following clamp downs on supposed 'far right' troublemakers and 'unacceptable' social media posts, several pro Palestinian activists have been arrested under anti-terrorism laws.

The particular incident is the arrest of ex-graphic designer turned journalist Sarah Wilkinson. I've seen nothing on the mainstream news about the arrest, but it is claimed by her and her supporters that she was arrested in her home by a large number of people claiming to be police officers after 16/17 police vehicles arrived outside her house at 0710hrs on 30th August, taken on a 2 hour dive without a seat belt on with the driver behaving erratically, delivered to a police station where she was unable to eat or drink without medication. The medication required is for Crohn's Disease, the lady is in her late 'sixties, when she was given access to a nurse it appeared the nurse didn't know what Chron's Disease was, and no medication was prescribed. 

Meanwhile, at her home, police* removed all methods of communication, plus cables, trashed the house, bored holes in the walls and smashed an urn containing her mother's ashes. It's also claimed they removed her passport. Ms Wilkinson travels to the Middle East at times to report on the affairs in Gaza.

She was eventually released on bail, on condition she uses no electronic devices for communication, and that she return to the police station at a later date with her passport (which has been removed by the search party at her house). The penalty to fail to follow the bail requirements can be five years in jail. Her family suspect her home has now been crudely bugged, due to the holes in walls.

The manner of her arrest, and the conditions put upon her, surely violate UK and International Law. 

Please feel free to correct any of the above, as it's hard to believe the Government think they can do this to a citizen.

If there is even a small part of this detention story true, I'm thinking it has been done to silence dissenting voices and strike fear into non mainstream journalism. It surely doesn't matter if you support Ms Wilkinson's beliefs or not, the circumstances and operations of the police* are of serious concern.


Wilkinson wasn't the only one. Richard Medhurst was arrested at Heathrow.

2 hours ago, Dundee Hibernian said:

I've seen nothing on the mainstream news about the arrest,

There's also been very little on the record number of journalists and fellow colleagues killed over the past 10 months in Gaza.

I wonder what conclusions we can draw from that?

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