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Southport stabbings

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3 hours ago, throbber said:

Are we meant to go on ralleys in support of men not being c***s? I’d definitely support it but can’t see it happening.




It wouldn’t be a bad start to at least discuss men’s violence against woman being on the rise, but it’s not something that people really protest

Given the rise of figures such as Andrew Tate and Tommy Robinson who are spouting their own brands of misogyny and genuinely toxic masculinity, and the horrible behaviour that the enquiry into the met police has shone a light on is it that suprising that prior to the attack in Southport the last attack like this to gain such a profile in the uk was a man attacking and killing 3 woman in their own home? 

Obviously the attacker in this cases motive will come out in time and why they picked to attack a Taylor Swift dance party but again we are talking about a space that you wouldn’t expect to find a lot of or any men in really. Been reading a lot woman rights accounts on social media sharing this sentiment. Obviously it could be well off and we will see in time. 

Edited by Ocelot1877
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11 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

I think if folk have such views they have no interest in trivial things such as facts.


Probably not, but what other choice do we have? Derision is far less to likely to bring them in? 

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15 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

I think if folk have such views they have no interest in trivial things such as facts. Sadly, I've had the exact discussion with a colleague of mine giving it the "but they aw come here cuz we're a soft touch". While I appreciate what you're saying, when I pointed out the immigration/refugee statistics to this person much like @GordonSdid to @Wacky, rather than take a step back and think "Wow. I'm maybe not as informed as I thought/we really don't take in that many people", they doubled down and pretty much said my facts were nonsense. 

These folk are in the same mold as flat-earthers. Facts won't stop them and their ignorant agendas. 


They are watching the Flat-earther news channels everyday.

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15 minutes ago, Ocelot1877 said:

It wouldn’t be a bad start to at least doscuss and men’s violence against woman being on the rise.

Given the rise of figures such as Andrew Tate and Tommy Robinson who are spouting their own brands of misogyny and genuinely toxic masculinity, and the horrible behaviour that the enquiry into the met police has shone a light on is it that suprising that prior to the attack in Southport the last attack like this to gain such a profile in the uk was a man attacking and killing 3 woman in their own home? 

Obviously the attacker in this cases motive will come out in time and why they picked to attack a Taylor Swift dance party but again we are talking about a space that you wouldn’t expect to find a lot of or any men in really. Been reading a lot woman rights accounts on social media sharing this sentiment. Obviously it could be well off and we will see in time. 

Graeme Armstrong (who is the author of "The Young Team") gave a talk to our staff about his experience of education, gang violence, substance misuse and recovery from addiction.  

One of the points he made was about macho culture influenced heavily by the likes of Tate.

His opinion was that the likes of Tate were using these messages for their own grift without a second thought about the consequences of their actions and words.

Those on the right scream about freedom of speech yet don't acknowledge that with freedom of speech comes responsibility for the consequences of your words.

Perhaps it's about time that those like Tate were made to take responsibility for the consequences of their lies?

Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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10 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Graeme Armstrong (who is the author of "The Young Team") gave a talk to our staff about his experience of education, gang violence, substance misuse and recovery from addiction.  

One of the points he made was about macho culture influenced heavily by the likes of Tate.

Did he present to the kids as well?

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My son is on the autism spectrum  he is 16 and is uncomfortable  in public

However  a kinder more empathetic  person you could  not find he will  feel bad about silly wee things ie losing something, forgetting  things  I hope that if the suspect is on the spectrum  that others on the spectrum  that is such a wide one are vilified 

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6 hours ago, Freedom Farter said:

Civil war broke out in Rwanda in 1990. The Rwandan government was led by a Hutu chauvinist dictator called Juvenal Habyarimana. Since decolonisation, France has been determined to exert as much control as it can over francophone Africa. Therefore, France decided to act as patron to the francophone Habyarimana against the Tutsi insurgency which was based in anglophone Uganda. France helped Habyarimana triple the size of his infantry with all soldiers recruited from Habyarimana's home region in Rwanda which was a hotbed of Hutu chauvinism. France trained that army and provided around $100M of weapons to them - an enormous sum for an impoverished African country in the early '90s. Further arms contracts with Egypt and (Apartheid) South Africa were facilitated by France for Habyarimana. This set up the apparatus which would carry out the 1994 Rwandan Genocide (following Habyarimana's assassination).

During the genocide itself, France sent in troops which may have had some effect on limiting the number of civilians but which also saw France allow the Hutu genocidaire government to escape safely into Congo. Many civilian loyalists to the Hutu government followed and you got a big spill into Congo. That triggered war in Congo which continues to this day.

New York Times reporting on the Rwandan government declaring in 2021 that France "enabled" the Rwandan genocide: https://archive.ph/XGfMK

Macron asking Rwanda for forgiveness in response: https://archive.ph/XGfMK


So I typed all that shite out above because the murderer of these girls was born in UK to Rwandan refugee parents and folk like @Wackyare wanting to make this about immigration. I don't think it is about immigration but I'm indulging Wacky here for a moment. I hope I've shown above that French foreign policy was to blame for migrant outflows from Rwanda - whether on the Hutu or Tutsi side. Well France is a major UK ally, literally the neighbouring nation. Allied governments can pressure each other over their foreign policy. 

Foreign policy matters and you'd think these anti-immigration folk would realise that. What I see them doing instead is constantly attacking those of us who do know about foreign policy. The protesters against UK's support for Israeli actions in Gaza haven't rioted, battered police or bricked each other in the balls. Yet our right wing media has declared them "terrorist sympathisers". f**king idiots on Twitter, probably some of the accounts Wacky follows, all have their Israel flags in their account names. What Wacky should realise is that the folk he hates, the Gaza protesters, are the ones who actually understand foreign policy. If Wacky would start listening to them he might come to learn that bad foreign policy is the main driver of these migration flows he so hates.

I think Belgium is more culpable for what happened in Rwanda than France is. 

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32 minutes ago, Freedom Farter said:

I think we need to have more faith than that in the wider public. For comparison, "mental illness" has long now been accepted as a speculative cause of violence but I don't think it has increased stigmatisation. Although there's suggestion that too often linking schizophrenia with Black male violence has been a problem.

One thing that needs to emphasised more is that people with mental illnesses are much, much more likely to be the victims of violence than the perpetrators of it. 

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44 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

No - it was an INSET day - but he's coming back to work with our pupils and cluster primaries.

I hope he's good.  

Boys need blitzed with information and insight that runs counter to the seductive Tate nonsense.

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Sadly, I think this may come down to another "don't like Monday's " scenario.  We are all desperately looking for a reason why something like this could happen. There are so many influences at play that an unequivocal answer will be impossible to determine. 


What I can say is that the  brutal cuts to social welfare and mental heath (child mental health in particular) has made these scenarios more likely. The mental health sector is beyond breaking point.

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42 minutes ago, A Diamond For Me said:

One thing that needs to emphasised more is that people with mental illnesses are much, much more likely to be the victims of violence than the perpetrators of it. 

Deleted my comment you replied to. It wasn't helpful. What you put here and what Willie adie put are the appropriate points.

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10 hours ago, MuckleMoo said:

The mental health sector is beyond breaking point.

I've often wondered how many qualified professionals the sector actually needs to properly support, deal, cope and assist with what seems to be a growing percentage of society.

Those dealing with a wide range of issues that fall under mental health.

Perhaps those working at the coalface could offer a more qualified guess.

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11 minutes ago, BukyOHare said:

I've often wondered how many qualified professionals the sector actually needs to properly support, deal, cope and assist with what seems to be a growing percentage of society.

Those dealing with a wide range of issues that fall under mental health.

Perhaps those working at the coalface could offer a more qualified guess.

Not sure what the causes of mental health issues are but if people didn’t have to deal with some of the other societal pressures (poor housing/homelessness, poverty, poor access to basic healthcare) then maybe that would help.

In other words we need to start tackling some of the basic problems that have been exacerbated in the last fourteen years.


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50 minutes ago, SaintSamuel said:

There’s a few pictures of the bloke at a vigil for murdered children and the poor guy does look bereft in fairness. 


This is why I feel for kids at school today using computers instead of workbooks; in my day your man would have been immortalized thusly within 10 seconds of the books hitting the desk



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2 minutes ago, throbber said:

Well you can’t just post one pic and say that none of the mob were bothered by the murder of kids it doesn’t paint a reasonable picture.

Wrong AND unable to grasp sarcasm.  An incredible combination.

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11 minutes ago, Wacky said:

One of the many reasons I’m pissed off. 

Because the Tories spunked a bucketload of money on an unworkable and illegal white elephant rather than using that cash to process people in a more humane and efficient manner? Fair enough. 

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