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What are you like at the football?

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The law of the internet is that all football fans must be fully committed, incredibly knowledgeable, and entirely unbothered about anything thrown at them by any other club or their supporters. But in real life there are obvious "types" at football matches. We've all seen them.

So, what type are you? I'll put my answers in, and feel free to add any more questions you feel are relevant.

1) Colours or no colours? I'm a no-colours man except cup finals when I will deign to wear a Hearts scarf. Mainly for twirling purposes.

2) Are you a shouter? I was as a younger man, but now that I've firmly entered middle-age I can rarely be arsed beyond the odd "Boot that c**t up in the air" etc.

3) Do you sing? Do you start the singing? I maybe join in with a song once per away game and then feel I've got carried away quite enough, thank you. I don't believe I've ever started the singing in my life.

4) Do you get angry/upset? Genuinely? I don't think I've left a football stadium actually in a state of anger or upset for about 20 years. Disappointed, of course. But I can genuinely say that by the time I'm walking down the stairs to leave a ground I'm ready to rejoin the real world and get on with my day regardless of the result. Some of my mates are like me, but some let the result really affect their day. What about you? Do you take it home with you? Does it ruin your evening at the pub? Also, within the game itself; are you raging and frothing at the mouth at the ref and/or your team or do you just let it wash off? I'm more of a quiet resignation "Oh, they've done that again..." kind of observer.

5) How do you travel? I was a supporters' bus member for years until I got to the age where I no longer wished to return straight home after the game and am now mostly a train-goer with very occasional driving. Perhaps some lucky ones among us walk to games?

6) Do you go for a drink or attend sober? If you attend sober I will keep you in my prayers.


Edited by VincentGuerin
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15 minutes ago, Alert Mongoose said:

Or just circle the pictorial representation of yourself in the masterpiece below.

I'm probably about this. Controlled exasperation combined with levelled indifference.



Not sure I've seen that picture before. f**king marvelous.

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1) Colours or no colours? Yes, top and scarf and sometimes track top. Usually under my jacket. Not one of these who where’s their shirt over a jumper.

2) Are you a shouter? Younger days I would get stuck into an opposition player. Now it’s the odd get a grip ref at a stupid decision.  

3) Do you sing? Do you start the singing? No.

4) Do you get angry/upset? Genuinely? Not really, maybe cub finals if we lose it’s gutting, guess it’s the long bus trip home you have time to think about it more than a usual home game where once you drive home you have other things to deal with in life.

5) How do you travel? Drive to home games. Really only do cup finals away now which is on official supporters bus. Did the other supporters bus previously but sitting in a pub from 12pm isn’t for me. Much prefer down and up the road in quick fashion.

6) Do you go for a drink or attend sober? I attend sober. Only time I drink is if going hospitality as we do twice a season as a treat or me and my mate arrange two random games a year where we pick a neutral game usually angus area or highland league jump on a train few beers, bar crawl, the match more bars and food and train home.

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Some of the answers to this depend quite a lot on the answer to question 6, which varies quite a bit. 

Sober or drunk though, I’m pretty animated at the football. It’s not particularly rational or endearing but I’m comfortable with it. I’m a fairly placid guy in life outside of this and find it hard to get worked up about pretty much anything. I’ve come to accept the fact that football does bring out a bit of emotion is no bad thing. 

Never take a result home with me though, it’s about the 90 minutes and then going back to being a dad and a husband. Life is too short, turns out Aberdeen lose games of football. Well at least they used to. 

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1. No. Unless black and white Adidas trainers count.....................

2. Yes, but not constantly, and I swear way too much.

3. Rarely

4. Mostly exasperated, but occasionally angry if we've been particularly shite. E.g. after the Dundee United game last week.

5. Drive. Walk if been to the pub pre-match for a couple.

6. Sober.

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4 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

So far I'm seeing a lot of people watching Scottish football sober.

This is concerning.

My level of sobriety deteriorates rapidly post-match.

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1 - rarely for Saints, unless the occasional blue jacket counts, but do so for Scotland games. 

2 - again rarely, and if I do it tends to be in anger at my own team rather than the opposition or refs. 

3 - sometimes join in with the singing but would I f**k ever think of starting it. 

4 - aye, unfortunately. Usually perk up after a few beers, but I don’t imagine I’m great company for the first couple of post-match pints. 


5 - supporters bus to Scotland games, but end up driving (or get a lift if somebody else fancies coming along) for most club games unless it’s one of the Dundee teams. 


6 - kinda relates to the answer above. Sober for most games, aside from Scotland or games in Dundee.  

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14 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

So far I'm seeing a lot of people watching Scottish football sober.

This is concerning.

Younger days was pub at 12pm with mates usually half cut before making way to the ground. Now I’ve got my son coming along really not an option for a drink. 
Guess Must be the ageing generation who’s replied to this so far  

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I don't wear colours

I usually drive. I don't particularly WANT to, or at least sometimes I don't want to, but I find myself often faced with either that or don't attend. 

Emotion gets the better of me in the heat of the moment, i'd say i'm pretty much how @Dons_1988 described himself because I don't take it home with me and can analyse the match after with a clear head for the most part.

I'll join in with the signing in a sort of muted way. I'm sure no kids/pissed/in amongst it on a terrace i'd be a bit more animated but thats just not the way it usually is for me at this point. 

I do think there's still an absolute caveman instinct inside us that football has the power to bring out. I'll give a specific example. I was stood a few yards from Matty Aitken who I felt dived to win a penalty v us for Stenny a few weeks back. I felt an incredible urge to launch the capri sun I was holding for the wean directly at his head for this perceived slight. I didn't, because that's not something I would do. But my chimp mind wanted him capri-sunned. 

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13 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

So far I'm seeing a lot of people watching Scottish football sober.

This is concerning.

Pre COVID I’d very seldom be watching a game without a few pre match pints. Since then, with changes in circumstances and responsibilities, I now watch almost every game stone cold sober. 
One thing I’ve noticed since is how boring football is as a spectator sport without a drink.  Hoof, hoof, head tennis, foul, throw in, hoof. Absolute tedium for 90%+ of the game.
That, along with the VAR nonsense and almost every game finishing 2 hours+ after kick off, makes going along quite a chore these days. I never used to leave any game early, now if we are 2+ down with 20 minutes to go I’m outta there. 
Time to give up the season ticket I think. 

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2 minutes ago, Lex said:

Pre COVID I’d very seldom be watching a game without a few pre match pints. Since then, with changes in circumstances and responsibilities, I now watch almost every game stone cold sober. 
One thing I’ve noticed since is how boring football is as a spectator sport without a drink.  Hoof, hoof, head tennis, foul, throw in, hoof. Absolute tedium for 90%+ of the game.
That, along with the VAR nonsense and almost every game finishing 2 hours+ after kick off, makes going along quite a chore these days. I never used to leave any game early, now if we are 2+ down with 20 minutes to go I’m outta there. 
Time to give up the season ticket I think. 

Oh, I agree about the actual watching part. Often it's pure shite and me and my mates take very little encouragement to leave early.

I've never felt any compulsion to sit and suffer boredom when I could be in a nice, welcoming pub.

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1: Depends. Mostly not but if it's a warm summer's day I might wear a County top.

2. A little. Far from the worst but I do shout a bit.

3. Yes, I join in but I don't start them.

4. Occasionally. Two that spring to mind was when Raith did us 4-1 at home in the league cup and when St. Johnstone beat us 2-0 at McDiarmid to confirm our relegation. Was in a proper huff both times. 

5. I usually get the bus through to Dingwall from Inverness. I used to train to away games years ago but no way could I afford it now. Supporter's bus I did for about 2 seasons.

6. I drink, but I never turn up steaming. I'll have 2 or 3 before I get to the ground.

Edited by Comrie
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52 minutes ago, Alert Mongoose said:

Or just circle the pictorial representation of yourself in the masterpiece below.

I'm probably about this. Controlled exasperation combined with levelled indifference.



Legendary County pic there 😂. The face of the guy giving the fingers makes me laugh every time. 

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Bus to the pub, one or two pints then walk to Pittodrie. So far so good, at this point I revert to social media identity.

Sit quietly at game occasionally calling out words of encouragement or witty rejoinders. Enjoy the game win or lose, any sense of disappointment in the latter outweighed by the appreciation of the efforts of the artisan athletes, management of both teams and the officials to make the spectacle happen. 

Congratulate the teams at the final whistle then go for another pint then home to my wife to share with her a couple of hours analysis and match post mortem. She doesn’t go to the game, probably doesn’t need to. 

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1) Colours or no colours? I am one of those people who think if I don't wear at least one thing dark blue then something terrible will happen. Something far more terrible that is, than the football we've dished up when I was wearing dark blue. I've actually helped prevent us from being worse.

2) Are you a shouter? The closer I am to the pitch, the more likely I am to shout. f**king love a bit of cheek to an opposition player at a throw in or corner knowing fine well they can hear me. Also partial to getting caught up in some pantomime-like disbelief at refereeing decisions. Two baffled strangers with their hands on their heads looking at each other and mouthing "Eh canna f**kin' believe that man". Great stuff.

3) Do you sing? Do you start the singing? Almost always sing if I'm near enough others doing it. Nearly lost my voice after the last two away games at Hibs and the DABs. Starting a song at the football is one of life's greatest pleasures and a rite of passage. Reading the game, feeling the crowd, picking the right song and most of all hearing that feedback building and breaking into a full rendition. It makes me feel like a mix of Tiesto and this c**t before he got taken oot the gemme - 

Cyrus Can You Dig It GIFs | Tenor

4) Do you get angry/upset? Genuinely? Only ever "angry" at a game and even then I think there's a part of me that treats it like pantomime and it's all about exaggerating the lows and the highs and allowing yourself to get carried away. Although I definitely get in 'a mood' after a loss. Moreso if I'm sat watching in the house.

5) How do you travel? Over the Law on foot, scarf in hand. Bit of a swagger.

6) Do you go for a drink or attend sober? I'd say sober but I'm always stoned out my box. The times I have drank I always think to myself 'you're gonna get lifted', so I tend not to.

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