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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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In the mood now...

1- People who don't think a queue applies to them. Was in tax office yesterday, got ticket and waited my turn. The number of people who interrupted the 1 staff dealing with queries- unbelievable.

2- Shop staff chatting when a long line of customers waiting at cash desk. I kid you not, was in department store last week, long line waiting to pay. Yet there were 4 or 5 groups of staff dotted around the store chatting. Some even 'hiding' behind displays playing on phones. Livid!

What joys will today bring?

Moany faced auld duffers thread for this pish?

Point number 2 is a right b*****d in my local co-op. Grannies working on the tills talking to people while you stand waiting in the cue.

Usually just go in and pick up a few things so standing behind awkwardly trying to hold everything while the till wifey blabs on forever to whoever she's serving.

Pain in the fucking arse.

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After starting to cook realising that you have run out of something fundamental. Stock cubes, herbs, spices, oil, stuff like that. The effort of buying all the ingredients for your meal and you don't have any fucking salt!

My missus never adds salt when cooking nowadays, neither do we add it at the table. Can't say that it diminishes the taste of any of the dishes.

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