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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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4 minutes ago, Rugster said:

Yes. This too. I hate people in airports. There's also the reprobates who stand with their nose two inches from the gate as soon as the flight gets called if it's one with no allocated seating. Arseholes.

The same types who generally are in one of the first 5 rows, and hold up the entire plane from boarding while they play the hokey-cokey with their overhead locker.

And then do the same in reverse when it's time to get off again at the other end.

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2 minutes ago, Boghead ranter said:

The same types who generally are in one of the first 5 rows, and hold up the entire plane from boarding while they play the hokey-cokey with their overhead locker.

And then do the same in reverse when it's time to get off again at the other end.

Yes, this too. I'm getting angry just thinking about this. It's almost as though when the majority of people step into an airport they lose all common sense.

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What boils my piss at airports more than anything else are the fucking fannies at the luggage carousel who crowd around it and stand about an inch from the belt as soon as they get there, wait for their case and block the way for everyone else. It's dead fucking simple. Stand about 6 feet back and watch for your case, then step forward to collect it when you see it and get the f**k out of the way. This allows everyone to get their case unobstructed and clear the area. Genuinely seething every time I'm in an airport at this and I wish these people dead.

When I was away with my pals earlier this year I realised how bad some people were. 5 of us stood back and the other one from our group went and passed the bags up to us, there was a family that had spread themselves around the carousel and were randomly grabbing cases before throwing them back on when they figured out it wasn't theirs.
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You can add the punters who are that special kind of selfish that lets them decide that having a kid who's clearly too young to travel long distances isn't going to get in the way of what they want to do holiday-wise that year.

Flights to Florida are terrible for that, and it's not the kids' fault, more the arsehole parents who want to go there and think it's acceptable to inflict a freaked-out screaming baby or bored toddler on 350 people in a steel tube for 8 hours.

If the kid's much less than three, it's not like he or she's going to remember their first trip to Disney, so why not wait till then?

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People are utter morons at airports. However, I also hate the way we're herded through then like cattle and the barn-like roof work that the likes of Edinburgh have created for security. The whole thing boils my piss up until i can get a vastly overpriced all day breakfast.

Aberdeen is alright to be fair, the staff seem friendly and Edinburgh isn't far behind. Gatwick though...Gatwick is a vacuum of intelligence, manners and general thinking. It's probably the worst place in the UK full stop.

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Gatwick is a vacuum of intelligence, manners and general thinking. It's probably the worst place in the UK full stop.

I got chosen for the x-ray and pat down when I was flying back through Gatwick last month. The guy in front of me who was also beeped going through had his watch, mobile, wallet and something else in his hand, when questioned he said he didn't trust airport staff not to steal.

Held the queue up because he was arguing with the woman for ages.
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Yes, this too. I'm getting angry just thinking about this. It's almost as though when the majority of people step into an airport they lose all common sense.

Speedy boarding, for this reason as well as many others, is a ridiculous con aimed entirely at these fucksticks.
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Airport security does my head in. If I'm in a queue I take my jacket off and belt off in the queue so that when I get to the front I just need to empty my pockets then I'm good To go.

Other people? They get to the front then spend half an hour getting themselves set. Despite about 100 signs in the queue informing you of what to do.

"Oh I didn't realise liquids needed to be in a bag"

"Oh yes I do have a laptop sorry I didn't know I needed to take it out"

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I was flying back from fuerteventura in the summer and some bloke literally took nothing out his pockets, and had a Tupperware tub full of some kind of stew. He was surprised when he beeped and was told that he had to remove his belt and phone etc. and was not too happy when he couldn't take his dinner with him.

Nearly missed a flight back from Berlin because security took so long, I've never felt so much rage towards humans when seeing the people described above. Completely unaware how airport security works.

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Another transport related one. I used to laugh at the moron's who we're shuffling in their seat, in a desperate attempt to stay seated for as long as possible, but still dying to get to the exit of the train first; fighting and squeezing out to save 10 seconds. 

I'd wait the 10 seconds, get up and stroll off. Now, there's the opposite moron, a recent phenomonon. They sit pretending to read, but actually looking furtively around, wanting to be the last off and look super cool. I'm sure some end up going back to the original destination because their having a "who's coolest" competition

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I always get taken aside and frisked at these X-ray things. Depending on the security person it can be quite pleasant as it's like getting a wee massage before your flight. 

They're just trying to distract you while they get rid of your shitey shoes (provided you'd taken them off).
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I always get taken aside and frisked at these X-ray things. Depending on the security person it can be quite pleasant as it's like getting a wee massage before your flight. 

I got taken aside at Dusseldorf airport and frisked then my boots taken away and x-rayed after the security guy scanned me with one of those hand-held devices. Quite an unnerving experience when security are seriously eyeballing you after being scanned.

Tbf, it was a bit of a mad weekend and I'm guessing there might've been a wee trace of something for the weekend detected on my jacket
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1 minute ago, 8MileBU said:


I got taken aside at Dusseldorf airport and frisked then my boots taken away and x-rayed after the security guy scanned me with one of those hand-held devices. Quite an unnerving experience when security are seriously eyeballing you after being scanned.

Tbf, it was a bit of a mad weekend and I'm guessing there might've been a wee trace of something for the weekend detected on my jacket


Maybe someone emailed the Dusseldorf airport security staff and grassed you up.

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5 minutes ago, 8MileBU said:


I got taken aside at Dusseldorf airport and frisked then my boots taken away and x-rayed after the security guy scanned me with one of those hand-held devices. Quite an unnerving experience when security are seriously eyeballing you after being scanned.

Tbf, it was a bit of a mad weekend and I'm guessing there might've been a wee trace of something for the weekend detected on my jacket


I think I get pulled for looking like Tony Montana in a sea of sweaty heifers in bumbags going on their hols or business people doing their commuting thing. 

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4 hours ago, KnightswoodBear said:

The worst thing about going through airport security is the puddle drinkers that, once their stuff has been through the x ray machine, stand and put their shoes/belt back on and gather up their stuff at the conveyor belt.  They handily provide a wee table for you to do it not 3 feet away.  Pick your tray up, go over there and get out of the f*cking way.


16 hours ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

People at airport security who pick their stuff out of the trays and leave them sitting there to pile up until someone (me) gathers them up and puts them away so that my tray can actually get out of the machine.

Really Knightswood? 

Edited by Honest_Man#1
I guess actually it's not clear that I was complaining about that, fair enough.
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The noise of seat belts un clicking as soon as the plane lands boils my piss, like you're gonna get out quicker. Also the c***s that eye empty seats up and run for them as soon as the seatbelt sign is off after departure 

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