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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Pooping in a cubicle while another person sits 3 feet away also pooping, close enough to hear their poop splatter. Gives me the boak even thinking about it.

As long as they are in a different cubicle who cares? Everyone shites and everyone knows what toilets are for.
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4 hours ago, RR #1 said:

People who shite in the toilets at there workplace are dirty middens imo. I don't want to have to go in there for a pish/ten minute skive and have to smell some manky b*****d's shite or see skidmarks up the toilet bowl. Surely there is no need for it and any normal person does his shiting in his own house? 


4 hours ago, KnightswoodBear said:

I prefer getting paid to have a jobby.

Correct. If you shite for 10 minutes every day you'll have been paid a full working week at the end of the year for shitting.

3 hours ago, Ramagamma said:

How long does it take you people to have a shite? I've no hard facts but I reckon I'm under a minute from troosers doon to washing hands. Mind you, one of my flat mates in Uni was usually in the toilet for a good 10-15 minutes each time so if that's the pace of your digestives its no wonder you poop on the beat

QI's facebook page actually posted this morning that it takes the average person 21 seconds to pish but only 12 seconds to shite.  I imagine they're talking about the actual act of forcing the pish/shite out rather than associated wiping etc. but I thought it was interesting nonetheless.

I don't understand the folk that can't shite in public, nor do I understand how they go through a day without wearing pampers. When I need to shit it needs to go there and then, holding it in for hours on end because someone might be in the cubicle next to you is strange behaviour.

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2 minutes ago, Ramagamma said:

Pooping in a cubicle while another person sits 3 feet away also pooping, close enough to hear their poop splatter. Gives me the boak even thinking about it.

I think you must be suffering PTSD after some overly strict potty training.

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2 minutes ago, The Moonster said:


Correct. If you shite for 10 minutes every day you'll have been paid a full working week at the end of the year for shitting.

Fucking hell, I'd never heard that in my life and now I've heard it twice in the space of a couple of days.

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Pooping in a cubicle while another person sits 3 feet away also pooping, close enough to hear their poop splatter. Gives me the boak even thinking about it.

I was shitting at work last week and there were two workers in the next cubicles who were talking to one another whilst shitting. Both were having a hell of a time with it as well.
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24 minutes ago, Ramagamma said:

Pooping in a cubicle while another person sits 3 feet away also pooping, close enough to hear their poop splatter. Gives me the boak even thinking about it.

The Romans were less prudish and made taking a shit a social affair.

Image result for roman toilet

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8 minutes ago, Ramagamma said:

I give up. You can't make a reasoned discussion itt without a bunch of contrarians coming out the woodwork. Have fun arguing amongst yourselves.

I think you're the contrarian in this instance, shitting at work seems far and away the most popular opinion.

Bit of a minter to go away in the huff over a shitting debate though.

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I think you're the contrarian in this instance, shitting at work seems far and away the most popular opinion.
Bit of a minter to go away in the huff over a shitting debate though.

I'd be in a bad mood I've I'd been holding in a shite for the past seven hours as well to be fair.
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Yeah, I remember the doomsday feeling when you seen yer 1st back to school poster in the shops.
Probably the same feeling parents get when they see Xmas stuff appearing in shops.

Now that the schools are back, it won't be long until Christmas cards appear.
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Only issue with shitting at work is when you go in on a Monday morning after spending a weekend drinking heavily and soaking it up with greasy food and you go for a hugely satisfying splattery shite which stinks so bad that it makes your own eyes water, you finish off clean up and open the door and there's someone you know waiting to go in the cubicle. Dodgy looks and paranoia for the rest of the day.

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6 minutes ago, Bert Raccoon said:

Only issue with shitting at work is when you go in on a Monday morning after spending a weekend drinking heavily and soaking it up with greasy food and you go for a hugely satisfying splattery shite which stinks so bad that it makes your own eyes water, you finish off clean up and open the door and there's someone you know waiting to go in the cubicle. Dodgy looks and paranoia for the rest of the day.

Man up and make a joke out of it.



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Two options the way I see it, either you say 'I'd like to see you beat that!' Smile proudly, walk away.

Or walk out, say 'I wouldn't go in that one mate, horrible.' And go sit in one of the other cubicles for five minutes.

I think Billy Connolly had a joke about something like that.

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