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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Horrible thing to say :

Old folk in supermarkets. Get your purse out of your bag BEFORE the checkout operator asks for the money. Don't stand there hunting about for 5 minutes it once he/she asks.

Ditto. It's always when I'm in a hurry. :angry:

Along similar lines, people at thr Forth Road Bridge tolls who stop outside the booth and then decide to stripsearch their car for 80 f***ing pence when I know all along they've got a fiver in their pocket. :angry:

The French :angry:

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Horrible thing to say :

Old folk in supermarkets. Get your purse out of your bag BEFORE the checkout operator asks for the money. Don't stand there hunting about for 5 minutes it once he/she asks.

Another thing is stopping in masses of wrinkles and white hair in the middle of the Ailse and tutting at anyone who has the temerity to try and get by.

Also Agnes, try remembering your 5p off camp coffee coupon before you complete the transaction you dodering pain in the rear end.

I actually make a point of picking the check out queue with no old folk in it.

I know we'll all be old at one point, but I'm sure I'll at least be a bit more considerate for other people who have limited time to get the chore done.

Old folk : should be shot at birth.

Boy, do I have a story for you.

There's this Jamaican woman called Mrs McLeod that comes into Tesco every Thursday. She comes in before I start at 6pm and guaranteed she's still there when I leave at 10pm. This particular Thursday, she spent FORTY minutes at the checkout, and people actually queued behind her for that long - which is almost more stupid than her taking that long. Then she came over to where we were standing and asked us to photocopy a lot of stuff for her whilst she had a seat. She is a total pain in the arse.

Twice I've seen her taken away by ambulance because she's spent so long in the ladies toilets she's fallen asleep and when woken up - and surrounded by people - she seems to think there is something wrong with her. If she's not asking for an ambulance, she's asking for a chair - no matter where she is, be it centre aisle, produce or the checkouts!

She talks about absolute nonsense, like I'm not saying that just because I'm not interested in anything she has to say, she actually talks nonsense. You can't understand what or why she's saying it to you! It's gotten to the point where most members of staff totally avoid her!

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Oh god... that reminds me of this old woman who would come into Airdrie's Superdrug when I worked there (around late 90s) who would expect a chair when she came in, and either Iain or I (she never asked the girls) would have to run around the shop picking stuff up for her. She was a nightmare!

A petty thing that gets on my nerves... pretty simple one this, but people singing loudly at gigs and getting the fecking words wrong... if you're gonna do it, make sure you at least know the words!

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When you buy tickets for concerts or gigs for your mates and they either:

1.Dont give you the money for the tickets, or if they do it takes them about 3 months!!!


2. Tell you about 2 or 3 hours before the gig starts that they forgot all about it and that they are working!!

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The checkout thing is not limited to just old folk, women ALWAYS take longer! That's not a generalisation it's a fact! :ph34r: Tell you what, "love", how about getting your fucking money out of your purse until waiting until the very last moment, rifling through your bag to find it then spending ages to pick out the change out the corner of your overly small purse... :angry:

As for really petty annoyances - and it is really petty. How about waiters/waitress' offering you pepper for your meal before you taste it? How am I supposed to know if it needs it if I haven't tasted it yet? :blink:

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Here's one...

Sad, pathetic individuals who scurry home and go straight onto here after a Scotland game to have a go at the Scotland supporters instead of congratulating a superb six goal victory.

Thats what gets on my thruppennies.

Try supporting Falkirk... you'd soon get used to it.

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Car/Motorbike alarms going off for hours - there is a motorbike parked outside the flat and it's alarm went off sometime around 4am this morning (I heard through the double-glazing because my windaes were shut) and was still going at 11am.

Inconsiderate b'stards. I know I'm not the only person that heard it!

If the fucker had been going on for 7 hours, I would have been out there after the first ripping the electrics out of it. With cars it's less easy as to get under the bonnet you normally need to get into the car. Nothing a deftly chucked spark plug can't solve of course.


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