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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I sent out a PDF to a load of folk earlier, mentioning specific pages that they should pay attention to.


One of them got back to me saying that it would be helpful if there were page numbers on/in the document. On a PDF.

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Quite a lot of folk in my office print out emails then keep the print outs in a folder.


A fucking mental and hugely wasteful practice. Some of them claim that it’s so they know they’ve done something, but there are options in Outlook for that. It’s a stupid working practice and the folk responsible should either get further training on Outlook or told to cut it the f**k out. The amount of paper the office goes through on that alone is ludicrous, and the same with the ink.

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2 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

People that don't answer their mobile for a few extra seconds to let everyone on the train hear what they've got.

f**k off, don't care and for the record, mine is (its normally on silent though) the Football Italia tune.

Think I mentioned it on here before but picked up a new phone one day - must have been about 2005 or so. Some Sony Ericsson thing. Jumped on the packed train on the way home. Phone starts blaring Robbie Williams' voice saying "I'm a singer, I'm a songwriter, and I'm a born entertainer" followed by screaming fans. Turns out it was a Robbie Williams special edition and that was the default text alert. I hated that c**t so much and just wanted the world to swallow me up. 

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31 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

Think I mentioned it on here before but picked up a new phone one day - must have been about 2005 or so. Some Sony Ericsson thing. Jumped on the packed train on the way home. Phone starts blaring Robbie Williams' voice saying "I'm a singer, I'm a songwriter, and I'm a born entertainer" followed by screaming fans. Turns out it was a Robbie Williams special edition and that was the default text alert. I hated that c**t so much and just wanted the world to swallow me up. 

^^^^ President of the Robbie Williams fan club but (rightly) embarrassed when found out.


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Was getting changed after a gym session the other day and it coincided with kids’ swimming classes. It’s maybe a uniquely Edinburgh/middle class thing but the dads seem to have to provide a running commentary on everything their kid is doing. As a parent to a young kid I was of the old-school “put your costume on and shut up” variety. These parents though just won’t shut up. A monotonous stream of “Hector and Mungo, daddy wants you to stop pulling each other’s hair. Daddy wants you to put your costume on. Mungo have you got your armbands..”.

This incessant drivel goes on for 10 minutes without pause for breath. Loads of them at it. It’s like a competition to show what responsible parents they are when in reality they’re just turning out pampered wee scroats.

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4 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

Was getting changed after a gym session the other day and it coincided with kids’ swimming classes. It’s maybe a uniquely Edinburgh/middle class thing but the dads seem to have to provide a running commentary on everything their kid is doing. As a parent to a young kid I was of the old-school “put your costume on and shut up” variety. These parents though just won’t shut up. A monotonous stream of “Hector and Mungo, daddy wants you to stop pulling each other’s hair. Daddy wants you to put your costume on. Mungo have you got your armbands..”.

This incessant drivel goes on for 10 minutes without pause for breath. Loads of them at it. It’s like a competition to show what responsible parents they are when in reality they’re just turning out pampered wee scroats.

Are you a member of Nuffield Health at Fountain Park?

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23 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

No but would I be right in guessing the same behaviour goes on there?

There's loads of people take their kids there and often they are allowed to run wild through the changing rooms and cafe.

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3 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:



Must admit without fail my kids will act up after they have had their swim. Takes an age for them to get dried as they usually don't wanna stop swimming. So instead they usually like to fight each other or take their time getting changed.
This does result in me telling them every few minutes to get a move on.

My oldest sometimes acts up before he goes for a swim , especially if his brother is going swimming also and distracts his routine .

Family fun :-)


Oh I know how you can need to crack the whip with kids but there's this strange Edinburgh middle-class culture of not disciplining your kids, baby-talking them constantly and/or letting them run wild without having any recognition that their behaviour may be getting on the wick of others. 

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1 hour ago, Shandon Par said:

Oh I know how you can need to crack the whip with kids but there's this strange Edinburgh middle-class culture of not disciplining your kids, baby-talking them constantly and/or letting them run wild without having any recognition that their behaviour may be getting on the wick of others. 

It's not just Embra.

I constantly see parents letting their kids be wee shites and not doing a thing.

I do have sympathy though. I usually keep mine relatively controlled, but if they are determined to be bad i have been known to give up and let them go feral. I may even join in. 

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2 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

The wee escalators in the Overgate in Dundee near Clinton Cards.  They're the wrong way round.  The one on the right goes up where it should be the one on the left. 

Must be a switch somewhere to change direction. 

This got me thinking.  In the shopping mall I go to, the right escalators go up and the left down.  Then again, they also drive on the right here so that backs up your point.

Or doesn't.

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Missus texted me to say she'd been driving in Glasgow earlier, made a lane mistake, waved to apologise profusely to the person and had to face some bloke going ape, screaming at her etc. Where do guys get off on thinking it's acceptable to scream and bawl at women (or other guys) in this situation? You wouldn't behave like that if you were in the street and someone stepped in front of you.  Like the Carragher thread, some folk just seem to turn into total dicks behind the wheel (yes, yes, whilst others are dicks all the time!). 

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