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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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To the driver of the 03 reg Honda CR-V

If you can't drive at more than 45 mph, stay off the effing M8!!!! :angry:

Especially after my team's been humped 3-1! :ph34r:

Are some parts of the M8 not actually 50mph? The number of speed changes on the road through Glasgow to Paisley/Greenock is incredible!

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Are some parts of the M8 not actually 50mph? The number of speed changes on the road through Glasgow to Paisley/Greenock is incredible!

IIRC, you've driven that road when there's been roadworks ongoing (edit - although that could be anytime!) - not sure how many speed changes there are normally, can't say I've ever noticed them as a passenger with my uncle :unsure:

Maybe he just ignores them :ph34r:

Edited by codfish
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IIRC, you've driven that road when there's been roadworks ongoing - not sure how many speed changes there are normally, can't say I've ever noticed them as a passenger with my uncle :unsure:

Maybe he just ignores them :ph34r:

It's 50 for a while, then 60, then 70, then 60 again, and 70 again, and 60 again - and those are just the actual speed limits Coddy, nothing to do with roadworks! Watch out for them next time you come to Perth from Paisley - if you ever do that!

It's ridiculous! I have absolutely no idea how I managed to get up to Paisley twice and Greenock once without getting clocked speeding. :blink:

Edited by SaintSam
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It's 50 for a while, then 60, then 70, then 60 again, and 70 again, and 60 again.

It's ridiculous! I have absolutely no idea how I managed to get up to Paisley twice and Greenock once without getting clocked speeding. :blink:

Before anyone else says it.........

Someone must've stolen the speed cameras :ph34r:

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The A9 to Inverness with roadworks.

Over 6 hours spent on that fecking road today. There and back that is.

The ones that are quite far up where the speed limit is 30mph? I drove that road twice there and back last month and didn't find them too bad. They're resurfacing the road but I'm not sure why. Maybe they should spend their money on finding ways to make more of it dual carriageway! :huh:

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The ones that are quite far up where the speed limit is 30mph? I drove that road twice there and back last month and didn't find them too bad. They're resurfacing the road but I'm not sure why. Maybe they should spend their money on finding ways to make more of it dual carriageway! :huh:

Aye those ones plus the ones just outside Inverness. Also why the changing of the speed limit at certain points along the road. You would think that they're trying to catch you speeding. <_<

Get the whole road dual carriageway ASAP.

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Well if you're not allowed to drink and *then* drive, what are you supposed to do?

My mate is a copper and we were quizzing him once about drink driving. You can drink a can of lager and still be under the limit so we reasoned that it would be completely legal to drink a can whilst driving - you can drink coke or juice legally, why not lager if you are under the limit?

His refreshing honest reply was 'We'd probably just nick you for being a cheeky c**t' :lol:

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People at traffic lights that don't realise that when the lights have just turned to red they don't actually need to keep their foot on the fcuking foot brake, especially at night in the pissing rain.

**Use the hand-brake you fcuking tool.**

Also people going all the way round large roundabouts and turning off without ever attempting to use the indicator.

**Wait until I get a lorry - you'll be fcuking sorry you never indicated then you b*****d**

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