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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix
Who negotiates your pay rises etc? It bothers me that folk moan about unions and don't join them but will greatfully accept anything they have managed to negotiate on their members' behalf. The non-members get the same benefits. Exclude them I say! :P

There has always been two sides to this argument and there always will be.

I'm a civil servant and at work today but don't consider myself to be a scab. Don't believe (and never have) that striking has ever resolved anything for civil servants and only goes to ensure that those who need our services (Jobcentre Plus) suffer.

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There has always been two sides to this argument and there always will be.

I'm a civil servant and at work today but don't consider myself to be a scab. Don't believe (and never have) that striking has ever resolved anything for civil servants and only goes to ensure that those who need our services (Jobcentre Plus) suffer.

I'll tell you something mate, at least you stick to your principles. When we struck (?) a couple of years back, there were so many people moaning about the strike and saying how they didn't agree with it, but were still happy to take the day off.

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Who negotiates your pay rises etc? It bothers me that folk moan about unions and don't join them but will greatfully accept anything they have managed to negotiate on their members' behalf. The non-members get the same benefits. Exclude them I say! :P
When I woked in a jobcentre I ended up resigning from the union as they shafted us big style.

Way back in the early 90's, selected offices went out on strike in a dispute over staffing levels, and we were on strike pay for four months from the union which was 50% of our normal pay. One day they just turned round and said we think you should go back to work. f**k all gained and half my wages for four months up the spout.

Funny how most of the civil service strikes happen to fall on pay day as well.

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When I woked in a jobcentre I ended up resigning from the union as they shafted us big style.

Way back in the early 90's, selected offices went out on strike in a dispute over staffing levels, and we were on strike pay for four months from the union which was 50% of our normal pay. One day they just turned round and said we think you should go back to work. f**k all gained and half my wages for four months up the spout.

Funny how most of the civil service strikes happen to fall on pay day as well.

The union reps at my old work were by and large self-serving tossers. Of course, the majority won't be like that though (I would hope!).

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The union reps at my old work were by and large self-serving tossers. Of course, the majority won't be like that though (I would hope!).
To be honest I thought the union reps at a local level were mainly decent folk who would do what they could to help you, but the further up the ladder they went the more detached from reality they became.
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Lazy fuckers getting a day off (admittedly unpaid) tomorrow when they didn't bother voting in the strike ballot and will be lying in bed doing sod all instead of attending pickets, rallies etc.

Yes, I could also have a day off if I thought I'd gain anything by joining our pathetic excusue for a union, but that's not the point. 'Mon tha scabs! :ph34r:

The John Martin of P&B.

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Ah that was a great long lie.

How was work today? :lol:

Magic. :rolleyes:

You missing us yet? :ph34r:

Who negotiates your pay rises etc? It bothers me that folk moan about unions and don't join them but will greatfully accept anything they have managed to negotiate on their members' behalf. The non-members get the same benefits. Exclude them I say! :P

Or in the case of the PCS, wave their arms about then accept whatever pitiful pish the government (Scottish Executive in my case) proposes regardless. They claim a "victory" on public service pensions but existing pension rights for civil servants are only guarenteed until 2012 and will doubtless be raided long before then.

There has always been two sides to this argument and there always will be.

I'm a civil servant and at work today but don't consider myself to be a scab. Don't believe (and never have) that striking has ever resolved anything for civil servants and only goes to ensure that those who need our services (Jobcentre Plus) suffer.

Correct, as I've been saying to my workmates ever since the ballot was announced.

Wrongly, civil servants are perceived as overpaid, underworked eejits when in many cases the opposite is true. Only "hands on" public workers such as doctors, nurses, firemen, polis, teachers and to a lesser estent, social workers, enjoy any support from the public at large.

The John Martin of P&B.

Right down to the chiselled good looks. :ph34r:

Edited by wearealldoomed
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Guest XaaronPrimus

Handins for Honours Project... I just cba anymore. Need to find out my exam grades before my motivation kicks in again, and the review board don't meet until the 9th!

Major Project review. Basically, say what you've done so far. Hard to do when you've done bog all.

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Magic. :rolleyes:

You missing us yet? :ph34r:

Or in the case of the PCS, wave their arms about then accept whatever pitiful pish the government (Scottish Executive in my case) proposes regardless. They claim a "victory" on public service pensions but existing pension rights for civil servants are only guarenteed until 2012 and will doubtless be raided long before then.

Correct, as I've been saying to my workmates ever since the ballot was announced.

Wrongly, civil servants are perceived as overpaid, underworked eejits when in many cases the opposite is true. Only "hands on" public workers such as doctors, nurses, firemen, polis, teachers and to a lesser estent, social workers, enjoy any support from the public at large.

Right down to the chiselled good looks. :ph34r:

I, for one, was out yesterday in persuance of a decent pay settlement, pension protected rights and job security. I joined to serve the public, not become part of some faceless, beauraucratic agency.

When you consider how much legislation we've had thrust on us over the past 5 years, changing our conditions of service without any negotiation or consultation, it's hardly surprising that civil servants are thoroughly demoralised and demotivated.

We are perceived by the public as the ones mainly at fault, when it has been the Blair government's knee-jerk reaction to stumbling from ministerial inspired crisis to crisis that has really been to blame for the parlous state the civil service is in today.

So well done for going into work yesterday and I hope you enjoy whatever benefits the vast majority of your thoroughly pissed-off, hard-working colleagues who were out in protest, losing a day's pay, manage to win for you - you blood-sucking, back-stabbing, management-lackey scumbag scab that you are! :angry:

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So well done for going into work yesterday and I hope you enjoy whatever benefits the vast majority of your thoroughly pissed-off, hard-working colleagues who were out in protest, losing a day's pay, manage to win for you - you blood-sucking, back-stabbing, management-lackey scumbag scab that you are! :angry:

That was kind of my point too Kilt but I toned it down! PCS is the union my husband is in and it was he who was on strike yesterday. None of the things they are trying to enforce effect him as he has been with his department for 20 years or so but as you say - solidarity for colleagues.

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That was kind of my point too Kilt but I toned it down!

None of the things they are trying to enforce effect him as he has been with his department for 20 years or so but as you say - solidarity for colleagues.

In hindsight, I did rathe go off on one, didn't I?! :ph34r:

28 years service this September gone for me, but I am disgusted at the treatment my junior colleagues are getting. :angry:<_<

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The amount of folk (mostly girls and male student sorts) who now wear black & white scarfs as a fashion accessory.

I am now having to wear a printed Ayr scarf to the football to let folk know that I am actually going to watch my team and not a 'fashion victim'.

Cue the predictable 'I'd rather people thought I was a fashion victim than an Ayr fan' comments and hey, you could be right at the moment.

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Guest XaaronPrimus

Hmmm, didn't post it. Stupid computers.

Anyway, a timetabling cock up has put is in a room that won't fit all the people IF everyone turns up... which we know the won't.

They want to move the room, the time AND the day. And i don't want it tmoved to fridays, as I get most of them off at the moment.

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Guest XaaronPrimus
Simple solution.

Be one of those who doesn't turn up ;)

But this lecturer is a w**ker who often asks questions in exams on stuff thats not in the notes. and they only way to GET the notes in the first place is to turn up...

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But this lecturer is a w**ker who often asks questions in exams on stuff thats not in the notes. and they only way to GET the notes in the first place is to turn up...


I cant beleive you havent realised that the best thing to do in this case is become good friends with a trustworthy person, who you can copy notes from :blink:

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I wholeheartedly agree with you and I do try to be "the caring manager" - which is not always popular with my boss. :( - but nothing will convince me that striking will do anything to help.

I totally agree. Striking is, in my opinion, the WORST possible outcome that can happen.

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