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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Oh and I forgot: My pttgoyn

Everything and everybody

(Bad day :ph34r: )

Jeezo, talk about a sense of humour bypass! <_<

What part of bad day on the petty things that get on your nerves thread didn't you get?

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The orange, scraggy doll in my office who can't speak at a normal level and has to shout and scream constantly and she's over 6 feet tall and clumps about the office in stupid shoes and complains that her feet are sore and when the sun bounces off of her orange puss or legs you have to shield your eyes or you could be blinded.


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People who think they can have their own way about everything. I mean *absolutely* everything. And then have a massive tant if anyone dares to speak up with even the merest *hint* of a challenge. :angry::angry::angry:

What was a very good night out has ended up with me so frustrated and annoyed with my babysitter I'm actually upset! Now I remember why I was so desperate to leave home at 18.

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