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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I had a discussion with my mum and dad about how buying a car, running it, and how I can afford it - bloody hell, it's scary when the reality of just how much it's going to cost kicks in.

Just wait `til you get a house and kids.

Fucking hell it`s a nightmare :lol:

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Just wait `til you get a house and kids.

Fucking hell it`s a nightmare :lol:

Aye, good few years before that yet though, well hopefully anyway, now certainly aint a good time for me to have a kid.

I'm considering just getting insured in my mums car until the summer, then working full-time for the 3/4 months I'm not at uni, and saving up some more for a car. What I earn in the summer will effectively subsidise me until the next summer.

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Aye, good few years before that yet though, well hopefully anyway, now certainly aint a good time for me to have a kid.

I'm considering just getting insured in my mums car until the summer, then working full-time for the 3/4 months I'm not at uni, and saving up some more for a car. What I earn in the summer will effectively subsidise me until the next summer.

I was fucking loaded when I was your age

Not any more.

I`m only worth money if I snuff it :lol:

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I've done fúck all today, what a waste of a day.

This happens every Sunday, can someone give me a suggestion of something to do next Sunday?

Clean your house/flat/bedroom? There is bugger all worth watching on TV on a Sunday.

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Clean your house/flat/bedroom? There is bugger all worth watching on TV on a Sunday.

My cleaner does all that on a Thursday. :ph34r::ph34r:

I want to actually do something, I live in London and can't think of anything to do, how sad is that?

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My cleaner does all that on a Thursday. :ph34r::ph34r:

I want to actually do something, I live in London and can't think of anything to do, how sad is that?

Go out running? Gym? Lunch out? Pub? Cinema? Bowling? Go Karting? Shopping?

Tons of stuff to do! :D

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Go out running? Haha Gym? Haha Lunch out? Potential Pub? Don't want to drink Cinema? Potential Bowling? Bizarrely there isn't a bowling alley anywhere near Go Karting? Needs organisation Shopping? Moderately skint until I get my bonus at the end of the month

Tons of stuff to do! :D

Cinema and lunch look appealing, also might go into Covent Garden & Leicester Square, or might go to travel agents and price up a caribbean holiday I'm planning for April.

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I hate Sundays. Total waste of a day.

Just have two Saturdays instead. :P

My poor wee boy sounds like Darth Vader. He has a high temperature and sounds really rattly, particularly when drinking his milk just now and obviously not able to breathe through his mouth - I want to suction it all out for him! :( I brought him downstairs to get him something for the temperature and he sat pointing at the medicine spoon saying "see", indicating that he wanted more, bless him! He's been exposed to chicken pox several times over the last six weeks and so far had escaped - I guess I'll find out in the next few days or so whether this is just a cold or whether he's finally succumbing to the dreaded lurgy. Thankfully my other two had it a couple of years back so hopefully they'll be ok.

My middle one had it at not quite two years old. She was just about ok in time for her brother's fourth birthday party!:-


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I tidied up the garden a bit yesterday. As I got one bit sorted my daughter was following on behind me trashing it all again.

I disinfected the greenhouse as well and will sow the seeds for the chillies and tomatoes and whatever else I am planting this year. And I have got a bid load of compost from the heap which I raked into the grass.

I don`t know why I bother as everything will be wrecked the next nice day the kids can get out into the garden. :lol:

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Did anyone see the 'Jesus Christians' on Wife Swap last night?

Totally infuriating 'Freegans' who eat out of supermarket bins, live in campervans and generally do nothing but preach on the streets about Jesus and ask for donations.

I still dont know what they did with the donations that they received and at the same time I wondered where they got money for petrol, clothes and stuff.

Surely they werent luring people into giving donations towards a Christian organisation and then using said donations for petrol and the like?

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